Religion & Spirituality Category
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Have You ever wished people were more transparent about what it took for them to overcome adversity in life, build successful businesses and Ministries? Have you ever wondered how people accomplishing their goals when their lives are hectic? Have you wanted to know someone's story of redemption and come back and What it took for them to achieve success again? Then you want to tune in each week as week looks through glass into the lives of some fantastic people That are leading in ministry, building great businesses, making a difference in their community, and have overcome some incredible challenges in life. Charles Allen will invite exceptional people to the Glass Table to not only hear their story but also to gain astonishing insight for you to achieve success in your own life. Howard Shultz said, "I think the currency of leadership is transparency. You've got to be truthful. I don't think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you've got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are and not be afraid of it."
We create a safe space where women can be transparent about life's hard truths. Some of the conversations are difficult ones, but they are all real and relevant and so we sit down to have these transparent, heart-to-heart discussions which provide women with practical nuggets on how to navigate the real life issues they encounter on their journey of faith. Whilst there are several channels through which women can engage in dialogue, many still long for the opportunity to go beyond the surface conversations and Christian jargon. There are still women who desire the opportunity to treat real life issues with transparency and truth. Who are looking for practical, scripture-supported guidance for daily living. It is these women that we are called to serve and for whom Couch Conversations has been created.
É uma iniciativa de debate e divulgação da teoria geral do espiritismo e de suas aplicações práticas. Pensado para atingir um público interessado em conhecer melhor o espiritismo, o podcast apresenta, numa linguagem clara, as principais ideias que formam a sua base filosófica, em constante aperfeiçoamento. Temas atuais, problemas do nosso tempo, desafios contemporâneos do cotidiano de todas as pessoas serão debatidos e apresentados por instrutores, palestrantes, escritores e outros colaboradores que iremos reunir para levar até você conhecimento de qualidade para ajudá-lo a entender melhor a realidade que nos cerca. Seja bem-vindo a O cast dos espíritos!!
Un podcast chrétien différent, indépendant ou 2 chums parlent du sujet qui les passionnent le plus : la Bible; la parole de Dieu. Tu te demande si Dieu existe vraiment? Tu sais qu'il existe mais tu as peur de la religion? Peut-être que tu as déjà eu une mauvaise expérience avec des gens religieux! Souviens-toi que Jésus aussi a eu une mauvaise expérience avec les gesn religieux... ils l'ont crucifiés! On te défie d'écouter ce podcast! Ça n'engage à rien de prendre 30 minutes pour écouter! Tu peux aussi nous écrire au [email protected] pour poser tes questions. À bientôt!
Life experiences often lead us to seek answers to key questions: how we bear our burdens well, how we help others bear their burdens, and how we bear fruit or find purpose and passion in spite of difficult challenges. Join Dr. Julie Shannon each week as she explores practical compassion through conversations and stories about life realities (singleness, infertility, childlessness, grief, depression, divorce, job loss, mental health, etc.) Special interview episodes will feature guests who share personal stories about their own life realities—how they walked through them, who helped them, and what life looks like on the other side. | Theme song written & performed by Joe Passarelli, Dan Wecht, and Alex Shipley | Cover drawing by Ben Humeniuk | Learn more at or find her on IG @julieshannonofficial
Coach JC | Life Coach | Motivation | Personal Development| Business| Win All Day | Entrepreneur | Author | Speaker COACH JC IS THE FOUNDER OF THE WIN ALL DAY MOVEMENT. A performance company that has become recognized for Building WINNERS & WINNING Teams through Personal Development to achieve Peak Performance! We Do This Through... Coaching, Consulting, Training & Curriculum We Specialize In... Human Performance, Personal Development, Leadership Mental Performance & Personal Branding. We Serve... Corporations and Organizations Athletes and Athletic Teams First Responding Agencies Entrepreneurs Coach JC is recognized as a passionate coach and advisor to high performers (CEO’s, Business Owners, Pastors, Pro Athletes, and First Responders) when it comes to living a life of purpose, leading with passion and having it all, health, wealth and relationships. He has empowered thousands of people to WIN in life through his 6 books, professional speaking, podcasts, coaching, social media, and the WIN ALL DAY movement. As an entrepreneur Coach JC has launched 5 companies and a non-profit within the personal development and business arena all based around his PERSONAL BRAND and serving others. He has been recognized as a 30 under 30, 40 under 40, The Best of The Best, and The Young Entrepreneur of the year. Coach JC believes every person deserves the opportunity to WIN in life and through his WIN ALL DAY Playbook and Academy Coach JC and his team help high performers build purpose driven, passion filled lives and highly profitable personal brands. In the WIN ALL DAY Podcast Coach JC drops a daily WINNING Word of The Day (Mon-Fri) and once a month interviews a guest that is representing what WINNING looks like! The podcast will inspire you, motivate you, encourage you, empower you and most importantly coach you to WIN ALL DAY - to live a life of passion, fueled by purpose!
Re-entry and life after prison conversations hosted by Cleveland Bell, CEO of Riverside House, a re-entry facility in Miami, Florida. We support re-entry and encourage others to bloom where they are planted, to share stories of challenges being overcome, and to remind each listener that life is a continual transformation process. You are your future self in the making! Forget your past, forgive yourself, and begin again right now.