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History Category

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5 Minutos en la Historia de la Iglesia con Stephen Nichols

Viaja en el tiempo con Stephen Nichols para observar los eventos, las personas, e incluso los lugares que han dado forma a la historia del cristianismo. Este podcast semanal ofrece una visión accesible de cómo Dios ha trabajado en la iglesia y cómo esto puede animarnos hoy.

Tripping on Legends

Let's take a trip. Small town, USA. This is where the pulse of the paranormal resides. There are thousands of stories and experiences out there. Some have been told, and retold hundreds of times, and some are kept hidden, known only by the people that live there; this is where we come in. We're exploring the untold, and breaking down the overly familiar. Journeying through the one stoplight towns and discovering local urban legends, myths, lore, and paranormal episodes. Researching the backgrounds and developing the voices unheard. Our goal is not to capture evidence, but rather to capture the moment and bring our listeners along for the ride. Keep visiting the site for the trip log of our travels and other urban legends at: www.trippingonlegends.com Follow us at: www.facebook.com/trippingonlegends Twitter: @SpookyBalzano Instagram: @SpookyTripping

Mayhem with Michele McPhee Podcast

This is Mayhem, a true crime podcast from Storic Media. Join investigative journalist and author Michele McPhee as she uncovers some of the biggest stories.

The Green Tunnel

The Green Tunnel explores the history and culture of the United States’ most iconic long-distance hiking trail, the Appalachian Trail. Hosted by Mills Kelly, the show delves into topics including the quirky history of trail food, the shelters and structures built along the trail, and dangers you might encounter during a hike.

Marginalized Murder

This season of Marginalized Murder we dive into "The Case of the 51 largest active serial murder mystery in the county. Over the course of twenty years at least 51 women were strangled to death in the South and West side of Chicago . I speak with Thomas Hargrove, the founder of the Murder Accountability Project and the creator of the algorithm that cracked this cold case wide open. We also meet some of the victim's family members like Sharon Pritchett, whose beloved sister Gwendolyn Williams was stolen from her by a killer who the Chicago DA refused to prosecute. Then there are community activists and local politicians like Reverend Hood and Senator Patricia Van Pelt, who fight to keep this case alive and bring answers to the heartbroken family members and friends left behind. Join me as I attempt to uncover who killed the majority of these women, who were murdered by not one, but potentially two to three serial killers. A story with little answers; until the summer of 2021 when a major break in the case is unearthed: the reemergence of a confession tape from a convicted serial killer who admits to murdering victims to death across five states, including Illinois. Help me try to find peace to the victims, justice to the perpetrators, and cast an eye of scrutiny to a justice system that overlooks marginalized victims living on the fringes. It all starts in Chicago..

Finding Faces Podcast

Journalist Ryan Kern teams up with Vietnam veterans to find the missing photos of servicemen who died in the war, and to investigate and resolve any remaining questions or issues their loved ones are still holding on to five decades later.

Digging for Truth Podcast

A journey of truth discovery, featuring archaeology and biblical research. Hosted by Henry B. Smith Jr. Henry Smith is the Administrative Director of the archaeological dig at Shiloh, Israel. Previously Smith has served at the Khirbet el-Maqatir Excavations, and has volunteered at the Hazor Excavations. Smith has an MAR, emphasizing apologetics and Biblical languages, and is a PhD student in Old Testament Biblical studies.

Planeta Guerra

Um Podcast com Tiago Loureiro e Pedro Nascimento, sobre a historia e as historias da Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Consolation Prize

Consolation Prize is a podcast about the United States in the world through the eyes of its consuls. The responsibility for the United States’ reputation in other parts of the world often fell squarely on the shoulders of consuls and they were the first ones called in when Americans got themselves in trouble or were mistreated while they were abroad. How they interpreted their duties sometimes got them involved in all kinds of complicated circumstances. And often, their actions on a personal level had ramifications far up the chain, even making a difference in national politics or international relations. Please join us as we travel the globe with nineteenth-century consuls!

Ninety-Pound Rucksack

Ninety-Pound Rucksack is a podcast about the US Army's legendary 10th Mountain Division, the gritty unit of World War II climbers and skiers who trained for more than two years in the Colorado Rockies (often wearing ninety-pound “rucksacks,” or backpacks) to fight the Axis powers in extreme cold and mountainous terrain. Not only did the Division's insertion into the war help end Germany’s occupation of Italy; post-war, its veterans founded and developed ski areas across America, started companies like NOLS and Nike and launched the fields of avalanche science and wilderness rescue. Ninety-Pound Rucksack examines the stories that made the unit famous as well as those history has forgotten. Equal parts real-time research, intimate conversation and revelatory journalism, Ninety-Pound Rucksack explores not only the conventional wisdom about the 10th, but the transformative power of the mountains to forge a collective identity among the mountain troops—and to ignite a passion for the outdoors that reshaped American society in the process.

The DNA of Cities

We know that there are over 10,000 cities in the world. We also know that there is something unique about every city. But what is it that makes each city feel, move, look and act so differently? In this podcast, Professor Greg Clark CBE and Caitlin Morrissey bring together over 70 inspirational leaders from the worlds of urban history, politics, art, architecture and more to decode The DNA of Cities.

What Lurks Locally

What do you have lurking locally? Forget the haunted hayrides and jump on board with us as we romp through the garden state exploring the stories that local legends are made of. We cover the whole state from North Jersey down to the Pine Barrens.