TV & Film Category
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Herzlich willkommen im WanderCafé! Ich bin Jeannine - Sängerin, Schauspielerin und Musicaldarstellerin. Hier führe ich weitreichende und in die Tiefe gehende Gespräche mit den Menschen, die mir auf meinem Weg begegnen. Das können Schauspielerinnen, Musicaldarsteller, Singer-Songwriters, Regisseurinnen und Autoren sein, aber auch Unternehmerinnen, Caster, Produzenten - ich möchte mich da zumindest vorerst überhaupt nicht auf ein Berufsfeld beschränken, sondern folge meinem Interesse, und den Begegnungen, die ich habe. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!
An enthusiastic exploration of people's passion. Hosted by New York City-based actor and writer Vanessa Bellew, this podcast is a monthly burst of heartfelt excitement in the form of personal essays, nerd rants, and interviews about the things that light us up. Topics will range from pop culture to popsicles and everything in between.
Are you feeling lost in the vast expanse of science fiction film and TV? Let Journey Through Sci-Fi be your audible guide to safety. Embark on a fortnightly odyssey into the heart of cinema and television with your dedicated hosts, James and Matt. We're here to explore the rich history of science fiction, one sub-genre at a time. From mind-bending AI, interstellar adventures, spine-chilling dystopias, and epic Space Operas, we've got it all covered! In each episode, we dive into the intricacies of two sci-fi movies or TV shows. We delve deep into their themes, uncover behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and examine their lasting influence on cinema and television. Come join us as we venture through the fascinating world of science fiction! To access bonus episodes and support the show, visit
Join comedians Kyle Clark and Jen Saunderson and writer and horror fanatic Amy Drolet as they celebrate all things scary. From movies to books to haunts to the existential nature of being a sentient creature in the sea of chaos we call life, Kyle and Jen will be your guides. Plus, they make a lot of snacks. Cause you gotta have snacks.