#53 The Lost Art of (Wildful) Listening & How to Get it Back
Wildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Release Date: 06/05/2019
Wildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we discover Maryland's only Wild and Scenic River, learn all the fun and recreation it offers, and discover the delicate ecological balance needed to keep it both rare and wonderful.
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we hear the story of "Buzz One Four" and its crew, and how the B-52 bomber carrying a large nuclear payload crashed in the 56,000 acre Savage River State Forest in 1964 during a blizzard. Hear just how close we came to a nuclear detonation during that Cold War incident. Check out this harrowing episode on Itunes & wherever you get podcasts, and the extensive shownotes and photos at www.wildful.wordpress.com. And remrmber, Stay Wild, My Friends!
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we hear the story of German immigrant Melchior J. Miller (Melky) and his distillery in Accident, MD. How whiskey triumphed over rum and applejack in Colonial Days, leading eventually to a domestic tax on it that caused a "Whiskey Rebellion." Melky's wonderful whiskey is being commemorated now with a libation named after him, out of the New Liberty Distillery in Philadelphia. Check out both the original ballad and the brew!
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we tune into the increasingly hard to find places on our planet that leave behind the noises of men. All those wildful places in Western Maryland where the sounds of the natural world still reign are truly treasures. Guest Gordon Hempton comes to this episode through clips from the wonderful podcast Birdnote and from an NPR episode on the subject. Find out more at your one-stop vacation station for Western Maryland, www.wildful.wordpress.com & wherever you hear podcast.
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we celebrate and explore the revival of the Chautauqua movement in Garrett County, and the state of Maryland at the Festival July 3-5 at Mountain Lake Park. Hear the eclectic mixture of recreation, music, culture, education, and spiritual revival that characterized these summer gatherings back in the late 1800s up through the 1920s. Find out why Teddy Roosevelt claimed that Chautauqua was "The Most American Thing in America," all at www.wildful.wordpress.com & all podcast channels.
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we celebrate all the wonderful things that NATIVE PLANTS can do for us and our environment, with a fun Mountain Maryland Native Plant Festival on Saturday, May 11. Demos of plants, speakers, many different growers to choose from to purchase plants, events for the kids, and much more. Hear from guest Charity Miller of Mosser Meadows Nursery about how this local Garrett County plant nursery is also going native, and what they can offer you and your yard. www.wildful.wordpress.com
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we dive deep into how beavers made American great back in the day, when they created pools and wetlands alongside the clear flowing streams, how they nearly became extinct, and how we can work with beavers today to reclaim our headwaters and wetlands, to the benefit of all, especially here in Western Maryland. All at www.wildful.wordpress.com, on all your favorite podcast providers, and also on Alexa.
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we explore all the fun, adventure, and history, not to mention fitness, that can be found on this beautiful and unique rail trail. Hear from Bryan Perry, Executive Director of the Allegheny Trail Alliance, with insider tips and information on how to have the best experience, view the WQED DVD/video, and hear why the GAP is the nation's "friendliest, long distance bike trail."
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we explore the wonders of the Dawn Chorus of birds (Nature’s Symphony), & learn to identify those birds from their songs. We hear from local birding experts, & see how apps can help us enrich our appreciation of our fine feathered friends. Which bird says, “Who-Cooks-For You? ” Or “Sam Peabody-Peabody-Peabody?” Curious minds want to know, so come take walk on the wildside, with Wilfdfulness, at www.wildful.wordpress.com. On all the primary podcast & social channels, too, including Alexa
info_outlineWildfulness: On Nature, Wellness, and Life in the Allegany Highlands Deep Creek
Wherein we explore where maple syrup comes from historically and geographically; how & who makes it in Garrett County and just over the line in Somerset County, PA; what are its unique health benefits (bet you didn't know its chock full of antioxidants); some tasty types of maple sugar products you might not be familiar with; and where to buy the best locally. Check out recipes at the shownotes, and information about local maple sugar demos both in Garrett County and Somerset County during March & April.
info_outlineWherein we tune into the increasingly hard to find places on our planet that leave behind the noises of men. All those wildful places in Western Maryland where the sounds of the natural world still reign are truly treasures. Have we forgotten how to really to listen to them? How can we protect them from the forces that are encroaching? Do they bring us real, tangible health benefits? Hint: They do! Guest Gordon Hempton comes to this episode through clips from the wonderful podcast Birdnote and from an NPR episode on the subject. He delves into all this and more. Find out the scoop at your one-stop vacation station for Western Maryland, www.wildful.wordpress.com and wherever you listen to podcasts.