The DIY Investing Podcast
Want Investing Research Directly to your Inbox? Sign-up for my Free Substack: Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Delayed Gratification Time Horizon Personal Responsbility Compounding
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Want Investing Research Directly to your Inbox? Sign-up for my Free Substack: Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Second-Order Effects Mean Reversion Factor Investing Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Show Outline Selling Series A lot of time is spent on buying stocks. Yet, almost just as important, if not more is knowing when to...
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Want Investing Research Directly to your Inbox? Sign-up for my Free Substack: Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Second-Order Effects Mean Reversion Factor Investing Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Show Outline Today’s podcast will focus on a single precept: You can’t predict the future First and Second Order Effects ...
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Want Investing Research Directly to your Inbox? Sign-up for my Free Substack: Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Look-Through Earnings Dollar Cost Averaging Earnings Yield Opportunity Cost Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel:
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Dead Money Opportunity Cost Time is Money Intrinsic Value Compounding Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Show Outline The Dead Money Problem and Solution “If you remember only one thing today: Time is Money” What is Dead Money? Any asset you own that is not growing intrinsic value...
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Incentives Skin-in-the-Game Accredited vs non-Accredited Investors Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Show Outline Key Concepts for thinking about compensating a Portfolio Manager Management Fees Management Fees are priced a percentage of the assets under management. A 1% management...
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Opportunity Cost Alpha Superpower of Incentives Competitive Advantages Process vs Results Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Show Outline Key Concepts for selecting a Portfolio Manager Choosing an investment manager is a lot like choosing a stock Don’t invest in anything you don’t understand...
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Stress Testing Time Horizon Stoicism Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Show Outline The full show notes for this episode are available at Key Concepts for Investing during a Crisis Stress Testing - Bankruptcy Risk? Goal: Survive Stress test businesses not stocks Focus on Fundamentals ...
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Catalyst Activation Energy Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Support the Podcast on Patreon This is a podcast supported by listeners like you. If you’d like to support this podcast and help me to continue creating great investing content, please consider becoming a Patron at . Show Outline...
info_outlineThe DIY Investing Podcast
Mental Models discussed in this podcast: Investing Ratios Break Points Please review and rate the podcast If you enjoyed this podcast and found it helpful, please consider leaving me a rating and review. Your feedback helps me to improve the podcast and grow the show's audience. Follow me on Twitter and YouTube Twitter Handle: YouTube Channel: Support the Podcast on Patreon This is a podcast supported by listeners like you. If you’d like to support this podcast and help me to continue creating great investing content, please consider becoming a Patron at . Show...
info_outlineMental Models discussed in this podcast:
- Liquidity
- Risk
- Insurance
- First Principles
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You can find out more information by listening to episode 11 of this podcast.
Liquidity: Risks and Opportunities - Show Outline
The full show notes for this episode are available at
What is Risk?
- Merriam Webster has a few definitions for us:
- Possibility of Loss or Injury
- Someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard
- The chance of loss or the probability of loss
- The chance that an investment (such as a stock or commodity) will lose value
- What this should suggest to you is that there are many different types of risk.
- This is especially true for investing risk. Each type deserves its own discussion and it would be a mistake to believe that
- Two Key Elements to risk:
- Uncertainty,
- Negative Event
Liquidity Risks
- Personal
- Value of an Emergency Fund
- Value of Life Insurance
- Investment
- Liquidity Risk - Time to receive your money back in cash
- More liquid stocks reduce liquidity risk
Opportunities offered by Liquidity
- Personal
- Large sums of cash provide flexibility
- Move across the country
- Make investments
- Get a good deal on a car
- Large sums of cash provide flexibility
- Investment
- Liquidity Opportunity - Less liquid stocks tend to have higher returns than high liquidity stocks
When is Liquidity Important?
- Time-Bound: On the personal side, liquidity is important when you need to spend a large sum of money. Can either be planned for or it is an emergency.
- When you want to sell: On the investment side, liquidity is important only when you sell a stock. You don't really care about liquidity when you are purchasing a stock. The key point is that you want to be able to sell a stock at a price close to its fair value at the time you determine you need to sell.
- If done optimally, you can buy illiquid stocks during your buying period and when yous ell them, they will have transitioned into liquid stocks.
Liquidity First Principle:
More liquid stocks are better than less liquid stocks because they reduce liquidity risk.
- "All else Equal" Considerations:
- Unfortunately, this statement is only true when we can rely on everything else being equal.
- In practice, less liquid stocks tend to have higher returns.
- Therefore, you really have to make a tradeoff. Would you rather have low liquidity and high returns or high liquidity and low returns?
- The reason this first principles still holds true is that there may be circumstances where high liquidity can offer high potential returns. When that occurs, it would be preferable to low liquidity options.
Liquidity is a topic that offers both risks and opportunities. Lack of liquidity is fraught with risk, especially in your personal life. However, a lack of liquidity can offer many opportunities when it comes to investment potential. You should manage your liquidity risk across all spectrums of your life such that you can receive optimal returns with minimal risk of a total loss of principal.