Water Cooler Real Estate
Thinking about Buying a Home?
info_outline Questions to Ask When Hiring a ContractorWater Cooler Real Estate
Whereas in the 1990's, it seemed like Fixers were All the Rage, many of today's Home Buyers are really looking for Turn-Key homes.
info_outline What's In A Payment?Water Cooler Real Estate
As a First time or first time in a long time Buyer, typically the most important criteria as to how much home you can afford comes down to your Total Monthly Payment.
info_outline Tips For Selecting ContractorsWater Cooler Real Estate
Whether you are a Buyer or Seller, you may be considering doing some remodeling or new construction projects.
info_outline Location, Location, Location!Water Cooler Real Estate
The Number One most vital criteria in evaluating and valuing Real Estate is the Location.
info_outline Apps That Help You Move!Water Cooler Real Estate
Buying and Selling you home can be a stressful, emotional, and rewarding time, especially when you are expected to carry on your "Normal" life at the same time.
info_outline 12 Secrets to Selling Your Home!Water Cooler Real Estate
Selling your home is one of the largest financial and emotional endeavors most people tackle in their lifetime.
info_outline The Personal Side of Home OwnershipWater Cooler Real Estate
There are many financial reasons to owning a home versus renting.
info_outline What Is A Seller's Market?Water Cooler Real Estate
The simple economics explanation of a Seller's Market is when the Demand for Homes outnumbers the existing Supply of homes available for sale in a given Real Estate market.
info_outline Things You Shouldn't Say to Your Realtor!Water Cooler Real Estate
"That's Not What Zillow Says!"
info_outlineAs a First time or first time in a long time Buyer, typically the most important criteria as to how much home you can afford comes down to your Total Monthly Payment.
In this episode, The Insiders break down and explain the 6 factors that make up the complete monthly outlay, when it comes to purchasing a home.