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AS HEARD ON: WGAN Mornings with Ken and Matt: Future of Communications and Lying to your Bank and more

Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

Release Date: 10/16/2019

Google FLoC, AI Gemini, and Election Integrity: Protecting Digital Democracy show art Google FLoC, AI Gemini, and Election Integrity: Protecting Digital Democracy

Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Good morning everybody!

I was on with Ken and Matt per usual their base is expanding which is really kind of cool. They are adding stations and things which is quite exciting. Anyhow, I had a good conversation with them about our privacy security or what to do about it and what's in the news right now that the statistics are really getting scary frankly. Especially when I when it comes to small businesses, and of course, we discussed a little bit about what they are doing, what their bosses are doing over there at the Portland radio group, and what maybe you shouldn't be doing if you're that de facto IT person in your organization. I think what the Portland radio group is doing is a great step and it's going to make a huge difference for them.

These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - CraigPeterson.com


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Automated Machine Generated Transcript:


Good morning everybody! Craig Peterson here.

I was on with Ken and Matt per usual their base is expanding which is really kind of cool. They are adding stations and things, which is quite exciting. Anyhow, I had a good conversation with them about our privacy security or what to do about it and what's in the news right now that the statistics are really getting scary frankly. Especially when I when it comes to small businesses, and of course, we discussed a little bit about what they are doing, what their bosses are doing over there at the Portland radio group, and what maybe you shouldn't be doing if you're that de facto IT person in your organization. I think what the Portland radio group is doing is a great step and it's going to make a huge difference for them.

Matt Gagnon 
Gentlemen, it's his time once again, Craig Peterson tech guru extraordinaire, and host of the Craig Peterson show on this Very Radio Network joins us now as he always does at this time on Wednesdays what's happening, Craig?

Hey, good morning. I don't get it here. The Red Sox are not in the playoffs now. But you guys are saying.

Ken Altschuler
That is correct, sir. That is correct. I did, however, win the World Series last year. So

it's okay. Isn't it kind of a weird thing, though, because you'd think if they were such a powerhouse last year, how come they didn't even make it into the playoffs? You know, I'm not a sports guy. You can tell.

I could give you lots of answers. But we're not here to hear me talk about baseball our way.

Would you rather talk about Jethro Tull?

As long as that conversation could go? 

Do you agree with me that the Jethro Tull should absolutely be in the rock Hall of Fame and it's a travesty that they're not?

I absolutely agree. I don't get it. Why are they putting country music people in and other

Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston,

Whitney Houston. I can see like some of the blues and Some of the old some of that eventually turned into rock and roll that makes sense. I can see that one. Well, you know, pop music gab Jessel told definitely, but anyway.

Yeah. So I was gonna ask you a question about lying on your password recovery questions but before we but but I want you to explain to me how AI systems are going to cause phones to disappear.

Yeah, this isn't going to be an eventual type of thing. What what's happening is we're putting microphones everywhere. They're in our cars. Our cars now of course have built into the many of them, you know, Wi Fi, it's time into the cellular data network, where we've started to see the rollout of 5g, which is really designed to allow pretty much everything ever manufactured to be on the Internet at very, very high speeds at very low cost. So what we're going to see over the course of the next five years, certainly the next 10 Yours is there will be internet available everywhere via every device you can think of. You know, we've got Levi's with their trucker jacket that has built in internet. Basically, it has remote controls and things, but right into it. So this is what the eventuality is now, tie that into artificial intelligence, and tie all of that into the ability for these systems to understand what we're saying. Now, in reality, it's going to take a while before they really understand it, but they are pretty darn good right now just talking to Alexa. We know that. So put all of this into a big pot and stir it up. Since it's Halloween. We'll call it a big cauldron. And stir it all up. You're going to end up with these artificial intelligence systems that are also just continually getting better and better. With the internet connectivity everywhere microphones everywhere, so to the point where you won't carry Any sort of a device that you would identify as a phone, you might have a little pin on your lapel that talks to you when you talk to it, etc. That might be a little projectors, here, there and everywhere so you can see things as kind of a screen. By the eventually this is all going to be tied right into our brains, it's going to be going into our optic nerves. We are going to become a little bored is when it kind of boils down to But before that, we're just going to be talking to devices and having them read our messages and send our messages and use it as as our communicator with no more phones.

We are talking to Craig Peterson, our tech guru who joins us now as he always does on Wednesdays at this time. Craig they force us here at the WGA and morning news to watch these security videos trying desperately to drag the employees not just this radio station but all Portland radio group radio stations. into being more secure with their email and stuff. Clicking on those things that say that their downloads and downloading them onto your computer and having a virus and so on and so forth. I believe that we have to watch those videos because more people are falling for it and more attacks are happening from outside. And this is a problem that's getting worse. Am I wrong about that? Am I right about that? Are we seeing a rise in email attacks?

No, you're absolutely right. In fact, we'll be talking a little bit more about that next week, because there's some new statistics are just coming out right now on that. But we're seeing right now that 76% of us businesses have been attacked, they've experienced a cyber attack in the last year. 76% is absolutely crazy how many organizations have been attacked and 63% of businesses reported the loss of some type of corporate or customer information in the last 12 months. It's absolutely huge and, and frankly, too many businesses are ostrich, ostrich. You're such a work. They're sticking their heads into sand, right? They're saying they're gonna it's not going to happen to me. Now bigger businesses, when you get out of the SMB space, the bigger ones over 500 employees are taking this seriously. They are doing the right things. They're doing what the Portland radio group is doing. They're making sure their employees are trained in what to watch for because most of these bad really bad cyber attacks that have happened besides ransomware have happened because of things employees do and have done and that includes opening emails. So the bad guys are good. They've come a long way from the days when it was you know And my heart goes out to that poor Nigerian prince who lost all his money. And all he needs is Us Bank Account to transfer the money through. And all you have to do is you know, keep a little commission but a lot of use your bank account. Today what they're doing is they are breaking into websites for businesses. And they're stealing all of the data they can get their Well, some of the data that they're stealing and they're going after are your password recovery questions. And they can from that find out all kinds of information. Now this goes back to of course, our friend Sarah Palin. Remember this back in 2008, a 20 year old college student broke into her Yahoo account and stole a bunch of emails from there. How does he do it? While he googled her password recovery question answers. He found out what her zip code was her birthday people will you The name of their dog, their child's birthday wedding date, social security number, but use all of these things to break into account. So the bottom line here is Portland Raider groups doing the right thing by making you watch videos. They should make you watch my videos because they're much more interesting. But, but it is the right thing. Because that is the primary way your email that the bad guys are using to manipulate you by using things like your password recovery questions, to be able to get into your accounts and it's a very, very bad thing. And that's what I'm saying right now. Everybody, you should lie on your bank password recovery questions absolutely should lie on them. When it says what high school did you graduate from? Makeup something don't just use Scooby Doo his high school graduation. But you know poolesville that's not a great one. Completely make something up what high school? Did you graduate from college ended software? And you have to remember all of these answers because you shouldn't be using different answers on every website. So put them all into a password management management program. That's what I do. Use different password recovery questions every time. You can get my password recovery. I have a 10 page thing on passwords. Okay. 10 page special report. So it uncovers password recovery stuff, but what software should you buy? Which ones are free? What should you do? But this is all part of the same thing. And you can get that by the way, just like Craig peterson.com slash password password and get that password recovery thing. But this is complicated. You need to do training with your employees and email. According to the FBI. His latest report is the number one way the bad guys are stealing from our businesses.

Wouldn't it be easier to just not have computers anymore? 

Seriously, it would be what would it be like if there was no internet? I was a very good typewriter. I mean, I could type again, if I had to. Yeah. People have to use a phone. Although they were scams that way too. Is it done? Okay. Craig Peterson joins us every Wednesday at 738. And you can hear him on Saturday from one to three on WGAN.

So 76% of us businesses have experienced a cyber attack in the past year.

Yeah, definitely. You know, it ties all in and it's it's very, very, very big. The SMB space is the space of going after that small medium businesses. Some people call the mass and the, you know, small medium enterprises. And the reason they're going after these smaller businesses, which are basically the under 500 employees, isn't because necessarily that's where the money is, but it's Because that's where they are least prepared for the attack, they're least ready for it. And they leave their money laying around. I picked up some new clients that have had their entire operating account stolen can imagine that you rely on your operating account to pay your bills to pay the vendors, maybe you are using it for payroll as well. And all of a sudden, it's empty. That is a killer for businesses that especially small medium businesses, and so now you're stuck you're in big trouble and they're going after them because they are not ready. Now the some of the stats here also are amazing that it okay 76% of cyber businesses or businesses that cyber attack and 63% of them lost their intellectual property as we mentioned, or customer information the last 12 months but those businesses 63% 50% of them will be out of business in six months. So it's 63% over 76%. And they take 50% of that they will be out of business within six months. And the really scary part is of those somewhere around 30% file for bankruptcy. The week it happens, because they realize that they just can't pay their bills. They're incomplete trouble. So everybody, do what Ken and Matt have been doing. Make sure your employees get training on email, email handling. If you are a home user, a small office, Home Office retiree, make sure you are very careful, basically, nowadays never clicked on anything in the emails is that one of the popular things right now is they're trying to get you to do something. So they'll save things like hey, we've got video of you visiting a porn site. And here's your password. Here's your username and be Cuz you're reusing passwords, it is one of your password. So anyways, I know we're out of time here. But this I can't stress this enough because I've seen so many people, it just breaks my heart that that aren't ready for this. If you're a small business, you have to address this. And you got to take some time and maybe one of the ways to start, if you're interested. Grab it right now, which is Craig peterson.com slash password. That's a great place to start playing some training, do it with your employees and, and protect your business. It's your investment. And if you're the defacto IT person in your organization, you're going to get blamed when this happens to you.

Well, on that cheery note, ladies, gentlemen, Craig Peterson, our tech guru who has been joining us as he always does on Wednesday morning is is done for the day. So thank you, Craig. Appreciate it as always, and we will talk again next week.


Hey guys, thanks a lot. Alright.


So we're going to take a quick break we'll be back on the other side of the break coming up next on WGAN

Transcribed by https://otter.ai



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