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How to Harness the Power of Women’s Hormones

The Flipping 50 Show

Release Date: 11/03/2019

Science that Makes Exercise Essential for Menopause Health show art Science that Makes Exercise Essential for Menopause Health

The Flipping 50 Show

If you don’t already know dozens of reasons that make exercise essential for menopause health, you may after this episode. I want to share with you 5 powerful quotes directly from the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. Then I’ll tie this to the physiology of menopause. 1 If any pill or surgical procedure had the same positive effects of exercise, it would be the most widely prescribed medicine in the world. 2 “In fact, it would be malpractice not to prescribe it to every patient, every visit, regardless of medical specialty.” 3 “It is recommended that physical activity be...

Your Glucose Levels in Menopause with the Glucose Goddess show art Your Glucose Levels in Menopause with the Glucose Goddess

The Flipping 50 Show

Your glucose levels in menopause could be responsible for your mood swings, brain fog, hot flashes, and if you’re lucky enough not to have those, but haven’t escaped the weight or belly fat gain, then stay tuned. Your Glucose Levels in Menopause with the Glucose Goddess On this episode I talk with the Glucose Goddess herself about exactly what you can do. Spoiler alert, you have something on your kitchen or pantry shelf right now that could reduce your blood sugar levels right now. Significantly. My Guest: Jessie Inchauspé is a French biochemist and New York Times bestselling author. She...

Mastering Midlife Metabolism: The Key to Fat Loss After 45 show art Mastering Midlife Metabolism: The Key to Fat Loss After 45

The Flipping 50 Show

If I had the key to fat loss after 45… and I could get every woman to use it, we could change history. Struggling with weight gain during menopause? You're not alone. Tune in to learn about the unique challenges and effective strategies for fat loss specifically tailored for women over 45. We're unpacking how to adapt your exercise routines to fuel fat loss and boost your metabolism in midlife. In this episode of Flipping 50, we explore the intricacies of fat loss during menopause, focusing on how changes in hormones affect your body and what you can do to rev up your metabolism. Discover...

Muscle and Body Composition in Menopause with Brad Schoenfeld show art Muscle and Body Composition in Menopause with Brad Schoenfeld

The Flipping 50 Show

How can you focus on muscle and body composition in menopause, specifically gaining muscle and losing fat? How many sets,  repetitions, and how much rest should you take? How much can you follow research featuring young athletic men and how should you advocate for yourself when trainers aren’t using science based on women? We cover this all today with my guest who is a well-respected and prolific researcher and published author in the field of human performance. Optimizing muscle and body composition in menopause, that is gaining muscle and losing fat is the focus of this episode. A...

20 Menopause Fitness Changes You’ll Be Glad You Made show art 20 Menopause Fitness Changes You’ll Be Glad You Made

The Flipping 50 Show

This is all about menopause fitness changes that you want to make, 20 of them in fact. Before any of these are truly beneficial, I’ll share this: if you’re not measuring you have no idea what is really happening. Measure and track your percent body fat and your skeletal muscle (in lbs or kgs). Other things you may want to do, take your measurements, track the waist or get nitty gritty with visceral belly fat stat from your Smart Scale. If you’ve always said, I don’t weigh, I just pay attention to how my clothes fit, it’s time to change that thinking. By the time you may realize you...

Ageless Aging: Believe it or Not? show art Ageless Aging: Believe it or Not?

The Flipping 50 Show

Out this week, Ageless Aging is a new title on the shelves and book author and women’s aging advocate, Maddy Dychtwald is here with us on this episode. You’re going to love this episode. We dive into why women have to advocate for themselves, the power of your mindset and why you and all your high school friends may be aging at such different paces. The Role of Exercise in Ageless Aging Physical activity remains a cornerstone of healthy aging. Imagine each step of a brisk walk or each rep in a strength training session not only enhancing muscle tone but also refreshing our minds and...

Figuring Out Calories You Need in Menopause show art Figuring Out Calories You Need in Menopause

The Flipping 50 Show

Calories you need in menopause are key as your body experiences these natural changes. Exercise nutrition in menopause is more important than ever. The intuitive response to a desire to lose menopause weight or belly fat is to eat less and or do sit ups and tons of cardo. All bad ideas. Make the calories you need in menopause, your guide to wellness. First, let me tell you that I’m not an advocate of telling anyone how many calories they need or of tracking. I don’t measure food. I don’t use points. At Flipping 50 we focus on a simple formula and it starts with whole foods, protein, and...

How Much Magnesium - The Missing Link to Total Health show art How Much Magnesium - The Missing Link to Total Health

The Flipping 50 Show

How much magnesium should you include in your daily regimen? Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, impacting everything from your energy levels to how well you sleep at night. But the question remains: how much do you really need to support your health during menopause? How much magnesium do you need? The daily recommended intake of magnesium varies, but generally, women aged 50 and above should aim for about 320 mg per day. However, needs can vary based on individual health conditions and dietary intake. To find out how much magnesium works for you, start with a...

It’s Not What You Lose, It’s the Confidence You Gain in Menopause show art It’s Not What You Lose, It’s the Confidence You Gain in Menopause

The Flipping 50 Show

Confidence you gain in menopause could light a fire under you like never before in your life. What’s not to love? You raised kids who are good people. You like them. You survived stuff. You know real drama and you're done with mean girls who have time to leave comments on your social media platforms. If you apply to be a guest on the Flipping 50 show here to talk about self doubt in midlife you’ll get rejected. I’d rather talk about the confidence you gain. Wouldn’t you? I recently, very recently vetoed an application for a podcast to Flipping 50 based on going from self doubt to...

Pelvic Floor Health in Menopause and Exercise  show art Pelvic Floor Health in Menopause and Exercise

The Flipping 50 Show

There’s a good chance you have concerns about pelvic floor health in menopause or before or after and either don’t know it or don’t talk about it. If you don’t know it, it’s because you’ve never associated gas or inability to control your urge to go with pelvic floor for just one example. Most of us don’t talk about it. Not with our partner, our friends or even our doctor. I know because for years I was a trainer who didn’t ask this question. And needed to. And it’s only recently I realized that women don’t even associate a need to tell this with the type of exercise they...

More Episodes

How to Harness the Power of Women’s Hormones

The more you learn about women's hormones the more you know there is to know. This is an exciting time. As I like to say there's never be a more exciting time to be flipping 50. This is the first in a few episodes this month addressing women's hormones and perhaps flipping your thoughts on your future. 

Explore your choices, re-examine your current options, and combine lifestyle habits for the optimal aging you want, need, and deserve. 

I brought on one of the top women's hormone doctors and renowned speakers to share her insights with you. 

My Guest:

A committed trailblazer, Felice L. Gersh, M.D., works in integrative and holistic medicine, creating new paradigms in women's healthcare. 

Dr. Gersh is a renowned international speaker on topics of women's health, exercise, nutrition, fasting, and essential oils. She has a special passion for educating all on the complexities of women’s metabolic and hormonal health throughout their life spans.

She has received numerous awards, including being named Physician of Excellence in Orange County 12 years in a row, a Super Doctor of Southern California multiple times, and a TopDoc. She was recognized for her excellence as an attending surgeon at USC Keck School of Medicine by the OB/GYN Department, and was elected into the prestigious medical honor society, Alpha Omega Alpha. She is the Medical Director for the Integrative Medical Group of Irvine, where she leads her team of dedicated holistic practitioners.

I took advantage of this opportunity to ask Dr Gersh about women's hormones research, her advice for staying healthy as you age, and her involvement in the Women's Hormone Network. 

Questions we answered on this episode:

  • How can hormones help women to stay well after menopause?
  • What other options can women take to stay healthy?
  • As for the upcoming hormone conference and how it can be beneficial for all women and doctors to attend?
  • Can you tell us about your research with the Women’s Hormone Network?
  • You’re speaking at a conference just around the corner. Can you share some details about your sessions?
    • Hormones and Diet PCOS
    • Hormones & Heart Health
    • Physiologic Hormone Restoration

Get Connected:

Learn about Women's Hormone Network events 

Dr. Gersh’s office: Integrative Medical Group of Irvine

Dr. Gersh Book: PCOS SOS 

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Don't miss the next Flipping 50 episode with my friend Dr Lindsey Berkson when you'll hear how women's hormones post cancer are keeping her not only alive but thriving in her 70's.(and you would NEVER know it by a picture) Is it time for a rethink about cancer and hormone replacement? 

Want support? THE first and only membership site dedicated for women in perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause. It's natural hormone balance through exercise, and the research-based lifestyle habits that support your hormone replacement choices no matter what they are. Workouts, courses, coaching, exclusive interviews, recipes, special rates on other Flipping 50 services.

Flipping 50 women's hormones membership