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What the data is showing about the Brisbane property market in 2020


Release Date: 03/04/2020

Vacancies Set To Remain Low For Years show art Vacancies Set To Remain Low For Years


There really is no realistic prospect of rental vacancies rising significantly any time soon, which is grim news for tenants in most parts of Australia. Vacancy rates continue to be close to those historic lows that have become the norm in the past couple of years and I can’t see any way they will improve in the foreseeable future. The politicians who have created this unprecedented shortage of rental properties are clueless about how to fix their mess – and most of their actions which impact on the situation make it worse, not better. The latest data on vacancies nationwide – from one...

Shortage Crisis To Drag On show art Shortage Crisis To Drag On


There will continue to be upward pressure on prices and rents for the foreseeable future, with no end in sight for the imbalance between supply and demand in residential property markets across Australia. National valuation firm Herron Todd White reports that, nationally, home prices have increased for 17 consecutive months and the median home price is now $784,000. According to Oxford Economics, the nation’s housing supply and affordability crisis is likely to deepen and will remain a “chronic” issue for years to come. Oxford Economics is predicting we will fall well short of the...

Biggest Growth In 3 Years show art Biggest Growth In 3 Years


Real estate consumers tend to place their attention on the markets receiving the most media headlines, which primarily are the ones that have shown the biggest growth in the past month or the latest quarter or year. But that is not the best measure of which locations have been showing the best growth.  To get a better picture of locations that out-perform, you need to look at longer time frames, such as the past THREE years, not the past week or the past month as media tends to do. News media continues to obsess over the Perth market where prices currently are rising the fastest and they...

How To Create A 6 figure Passive Income Safely Webinar Replay show art How To Create A 6 figure Passive Income Safely Webinar Replay


It’s the dream for many Australians: an annual income above $100,000 without working. It sounds too good to be true, but with sensible – and safe – investment strategies it’s possible. And it can be done in less than 10 years. Investment expert Danny Buxton says investors can steadily build a portfolio of six properties and give themselves multiple options to create a six-figure passive income. He has done it himself and clients of his business Triple Zero have achieved it. “There are different ways you can do it,” Buxton says. “We do it with new-build properties. The key to...

True Cost of Housing Taxes, Fees and Charges show art True Cost of Housing Taxes, Fees and Charges


For a long time I have argued that housing is expensive in Australia because politicians have made it so – AND keep making decisions that add to the cost. The value of all residential real estate in this country is under-pinned by the cost of creating new dwellings – and those costs keep rising, way beyond the rate of inflation. One of the biggest elements in the cost of new homes is the taxation component. The research shows that a massive share of the cost of creating a new dwelling in Australia is taxes, fees and charges at all three levels of government. The Federal Government, the...

Drop in Listings of Homes for Sale show art Drop in Listings of Homes for Sale


Economists don’t understand residential real estate very well and they’re scratching their collective heads over why prices keep rising when interest rates are high. Here’s a couple of simple things to help them out: one is that, historically, there’s no evidence that rising interest rates lead to falling property prices. There’s nothing unusual about what’s currently happening in Australian property markets. But the key factor is that we have very high demand for real estate, fuelled by record population growth, at a time of incredibly low supply.  The rental shortage is well...

Brisbane and Queensland show art Brisbane and Queensland


Brisbane and Queensland increasingly are emerging as the property market destination with leading metrics pointing to out-performance in real estate. A couple of months ago Hotspotting published its annual report with Australia’s largest comparison website Canstar - the one we call Rising Stars – which analyses the capital city and state regional markets across Australia and ranks them for future growth prospects based on five key metrics. And the leading market jurisdiction to emerge from that process was Queensland, including both Brisbane and Regional Queensland. The Sunshine State has...

Household Wealth show art Household Wealth


The latest government data shows that household wealth in Australia continues to rise and residential property is the main reason for that. New data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics has shown that the wealth of Australian households has risen for a sixth consecutive quarter, with residential land and house prices the largest contributor. The ABS figures indicate that household wealth on average increased 2.7 per cent in the March Quarter.  In raw numbers, our collective wealth increased by $431 billion - to reach over $16 trillion. Those numbers are probably meaningless to most...

Cheapies with Prospects show art Cheapies with Prospects


Investors come to property markets in many different shapes and sizes, but our observation is that most are seeking a level of affordability. The official data shows that most Australians seeking to buy investment properties are not wealthy, with most having incomes below $100,000, and most have just one property or are buying a rental property for the first time. This dictates, for many, a purchase somewhere in the range from $400,000 to $600,000. Fortunately, there continue to be options in regional Australia where buyers can access houses in this price range in locations which have good...

The Current Lending Landscape with Lucky Velasquez - Webinar Replay show art The Current Lending Landscape with Lucky Velasquez - Webinar Replay


Unlock the Secrets to Securing the Best Loans in Today’s Market! Whether you are an investor, real estate professional, financial planner, buyer’s agent, or investment advisor looking to navigate the complexities of the current lending landscape? Join us for an exclusive webinar that will equip you with the knowledge and tools to secure the best loan products and deals available today. Hosted by: Tim Graham, General Manager of Hotspotting with special guest Lucky Velasquez, CEO of financebetter Webinar Highlights: Shopping for Policy vs. Rates:  Learn how to prioritise policies over...

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