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Ep 192 - Let It Rip Friday - How Writing Poetry is the Best Therapy with Linda Mitchell

SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

Release Date: 05/15/2020

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SISTERHOOD OF SWEAT - Motivation, Inspiration, Health, Wealth, Fitness, Authenticity, Confidence and Empowerment

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On this week's Let it Rip Friday, we're discussing creativity, and having an outlet, and the power of poetry. Below is the poem I shared in the episode.



When Life Knocks You Down! 

by Linda Mitchell



Fall down seven get up eight!

Because it’s in the eighth that you show faith! 


Sometimes unforeseen circumstances will knock the wind out of you and knock you flat on your ass but know this too shall pass.


You must get up dust yourself off and start again. Even if you feel your dying you must not ever give up trying.


For it’s in the darkest of defeat where you will meet the champion in you that will get you through.


There are those that would be happy in your demise and want you to live in compromise. When you are in your diminished state, they feel like they rise.  When your light is dim, they think it makes them shine bright.


They say they are your biggest fan.

They say they are your cheerleader.

Yet they are not in the stands waiting, wanting you to be the leader.

You don’t hear the word congratulations.

You don’t see the evidence behind their words. A cheer and feeling not held is not often heard. 


Don’t let someone piss on you and call it rain. 

It will only keep causing you pain.


Go not only by what you hear but what you see and feel because your feelings are real


There is room for all to shine and all to grow

and know they are being the best ME that they can be.


So, when you feel down and out, rise up, and SHOUT I will not let this take me out!


Refuse to live defeated.

Refuse to bow down to adversity.

Buckle your seat belt.

You still have your dignity.

Dig your heels in and Rise higher.

Fly above the noise.

Leave the distractions that drain you of your energy and take away your poise.


For you deserve to live life as it was meant to be full of life, love, and total liberty.


The pursuit of happiness is our God given right, whether we’re in turmoil or living in strife.

So, rise up dear one this very hour and know that you have the power.


Never to crawl, but to stand tall, and rise from your fall and live your truth. 


God never said we would not have an obstacle, but in every hour,  he has given us the rise again power. 


So, rise up

Dust off 

and start again

for it’s in the human will 

that is our birthright

that we can start to fight

for triumph over fear 

and have the thrill that only we can feel 

When we refuse to stay down and drown in sorrow because he lives there is a tomorrow. 


For in every tomorrow there’s a chance in life’s little dance

to do better 

And be a go getter. 


So, when the rain is falling like tears.

You have the choice to still find cheer.

Even when everything else is taken. This truth will not be shaken.


When you are listening to the small still voice that directs your path.

Make sure it’s your voice not someone else’s that makes all of your choices.

For we are given this one life to have and to hold 

So be bold and live unapologetically.


You are free 

to smile even if we are only passing through life for a while.

To let the wind whip through your hair

and take on lives challenges if you dare.

because every time you do this instead of feeling blue you give value.


So, when worry and doubt begin tossing you about, remember this one thing is constant.  

Each time you find a way to shine the light 

the darkness will fade into night.