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Want to know God? Look in your business

Christian Business Insights

Release Date: 06/08/2020

Is What You Do Ministry? show art Is What You Do Ministry?

Christian Business Insights

Here’s a very commonly held, and incredibly bad Idea:  Real  ministry is only done under the auspices of established religion.          This message—that real  ministry is only done under the auspices of established religion -- is implicit on so many levels that it is almost impossible to be a churchgoer and not absorb this idea. Church buildings are often referred to as “God’s house;” pastors are often imbued with some special authority, and giving to the local church is held up as a prerequisite for the Christian life. All...

One Benefit of  Being More Visible In The Marketplace show art One Benefit of Being More Visible In The Marketplace

Christian Business Insights

 The world is filled with marketplace Christians who are content with a shallow Christian presence in their business, afraid of the consequences of a more visible, deeper approach.  But what if the benefits far outweighed any discomfort that might come from stepping out and more visibly embracing Christianity in the marketplace?  What if that which we would gain so far outweighs our small sense of temporary discomfort that we would look back on it down the road a bit and reflect, “I should have done that years ago.”           In...

Why Should You Invite God Into Your Business or Career? show art Why Should You Invite God Into Your Business or Career?

Christian Business Insights

      The world is filled with marketplace Christians who are content with a shallow Christian presence in their business, afraid of the consequences of a more visible, deeper visibility.   What if that which we would gain so far outweighs our small sense of temporary discomfort that we would look back on it down the road a bit and reflect, “I should have done that years ago.” I recently asked the people who are members of my X-I Community to articulate one benefit to more closely aligning their business and their careers with God.  Here's their number one...

Are You Your Own Worst Enemy? show art Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

Christian Business Insights

Very often, the reason we don’t meet our potential is less our lack of skills and more the internal hindrances that inhibit our performance.  In this podcast, we uncover this truth, and help you apply it. ****************************************************************        Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable ideas that can make an immediate impact on your sales performance.          Dave is a B2B sales expert, and a Christian Business thought...

What's Personal Branding? show art What's Personal Branding?

Christian Business Insights

"What do people think about you when you are not there?" That's Steve Miller's definition of personal branding.  Join me in this interview as we dig into the details of how to create and enhance your personal brand.  ***********************************************************************        Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable ideas that can make an immediate impact on your sales performance.          Dave is a B2B sales expert, and a Christian...

Where Marketplace Christians Get Off Track show art Where Marketplace Christians Get Off Track

Christian Business Insights

:  A lot of Marketplace Christians struggle with manifesting their Christianity in the marketplace.  In this post, I identify two common reasons, and offer solutions. ***************************************************************        Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable ideas that can make an immediate impact on your sales performance.          Dave is a B2B sales expert, and a Christian Business thought leader.  He has authored 13 books,...

Rapid Change is The Greatest Threat to Our Businesses and Careers show art Rapid Change is The Greatest Threat to Our Businesses and Careers

Christian Business Insights

There has never been a generation of businesspeople who have had to deal with the pace of change moving as rapidly as our generation.  It truly is unprecedented. The rapidly increasing pace of change is the single biggest threat to our businesses and our careers – and our personal lives – that we will face for the balance of our lives. ************************************************************************        Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable ideas that can make an immediate impact on...

Interview with Paul Graeve, The Data Coach show art Interview with Paul Graeve, The Data Coach

Christian Business Insights

In this interview with Paul Graeve, The Data Coach, we explore how to use data to transform your business.  Great practical insights for every one wanting to run an excellent business.  ************************************************************************        Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable ideas that can make an immediate impact on your sales performance.          Dave is a B2B sales expert, and a Christian Business thought leader.  He...

When God Says NO! show art When God Says NO!

Christian Business Insights

Almost everyone has experienced an opportunity that looked enticing at the time. But God stepped in and prevented it.  These can be incredibly frustrating experiences.  We can’t help but wonder “Why?”  In this post, I share some of those experiences from my life, and reflect on what I learned as a result. ************************************************************************ Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable ideas that can make an immediate impact on your sales performance....

Should We Fix Things When They Break? show art Should We Fix Things When They Break?

Christian Business Insights

When something needs fixing – a process, a person, a piece of hardware or software, -- we often seek to fix the problem and bring that thing back to where it was before we became aware of the problem. In other words, we seek to restore the previous status quo.  But what if that isn’t the best idea? Join with me as we unpack this concept – one of the 25 most important lessons I’ve learned. ************************************************************************        Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with...

More Episodes

From the very beginning of creation, all the way through the Bible to today, God established work, and by extension, business, as the primary occupation of mankind and the fundamental place where he would interact with man and develop a relationship with him.  If you are a Christian, and own or run a business or a significant portion of that business, and you want to create a relationship with God, look for him in your work.

God Things -- Stories of how God works in lives and businesses: https://www.thebiblicalbusiness.com/godthings/