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349 Ronnie Landis | Rethinking Veganism: The 10 Year Journey Back Home

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 06/16/2020

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More Episodes

The world of veganism is not just about health; there's a lot of baggage, layers, and levels that make nutrition about politics and ethics. Although I believed in the plant-based lifestyle and all the benefits that can come from it, these past 10 years have been an integration of health transformation rather than living by an ideology. The truth about diet is that there will always be extremes from veganism to carnivorism but what's in the middle is what will actually work for the mass population. - Ronnie Landis


Is the vegan diet really healthy for everyone?


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Wellness Force Radio Episode 349

Evolutionary Nutritionist, Founder of Holistic Health Mastery, Host of The Official Ronnie Landis Podcast Show, and Author of both The Inner Alchemy Youthening Program and The Life Food Peak Performance System, Ronnie Landis, shares why he chose to transition out of veganism after a decade, explains the ups and downs of veganism including its global impact, and why he believes that veganism is actually anti-human at its core.


By the end of this interview, you will have a firm understanding of why veganism can be a short term diet tool; not a sustainable lifestyle.

Listen To Episode 349 As Ronnie Landis Uncovers:


[1:30] Why Ronnie Is Transitioning Out Of Veganism


[15:30] Is Veganism Bad For The World?

  • Exploring whether veganism is even good for our future as far as health and even climate change.
  • Joel Salatin
  • Why we naturally block out certain information when living a specific lifestyle like veganism and how he allowed himself to be open and learn other ideas while still being a vegan.
  • The constant and consistent narrative he hears throughout the world of veganism.
  • Unpacking the fact that a lot of people don't know our human history and have cognitive dissonance about what is happening in the world today compared to those who have studied the facts.
  • His connection with David Wolfe and his superfood movement.
  • Why we don't have to keep arguing about diets; we're all on the same mission for greater health.
  • Understanding that veganism attracts people with certain psychopathic tendencies even though they have the best intentions.
  • How the veganism culture affected him personally especially when he was promoting it through his work.


[24:20] His Raw Vegan Diet Experience

  • Why he chose to follow a raw vegan diet and how it snuck up on him overtime.
  • Why he was drawn to veganism for its spiritual experience, connection with nature, and ability to cure disease.
  • Born To Run by Christopher McDougall
  • How a vegan diet helped him heal his knee pain, inflammation, and awaken his consciousness.
  • Why he's so thankful that he started to focus on becoming a nutritionist at the same time he became a vegan because he didn't know how to follow it correctly.
  • The natural high from the sugar in fruit and detoxing he felt when he first started eating vegan.
  • Physical symptoms he began to see in accordance with long-term deficiencies that come from the vegan diet: translucent skin, muscle loss, sunken eyes, and protruding bones in his midsection as well as cheekbones.


[32:20] Honoring The Whole Wellness Journey


[39:20] The Ups And Downs Of Veganism

  • What ups and downs of veganism he has seen first hand in not only the community but close friends who have great knowledge about health.
  • The incredible experience he had when he took his first bite of a grass-fed steak after years of not eating meat.
  • What healthy meats and dairy products are great for a diet including organ meats and ghee from animals that have been grass-fed.
  • The "blessing" of eating meat as a shamanic ritual that many people talk about and Ronnie experienced when he returned to eating meat.
  • Unpacking the blind assumption that veganism and plant-based diets are better for our health, the animals, the environment, or the ozone layer.
  • The real truth about where these processed vegan "pet" foods are coming from and the devastating effects of monocropping culture not only on our food but also for wildlife.


[48:20] Why Veganism Is Anti-Human At Its Core

  • Why veganism isn't real according to the laws of nature.
  • The focus we should be giving on the love and care that animals are shown at small scale farms at the close of the organic cycle and stop what happens at large scale factory farms.
  • His appreciation for organizations like PETA but why we can't just let domesticated animals into the wild.
  • Why the practice of veganism is anti-human at its core.
  • The significant difference between a supplement and the vitamins and nutrition you will find in meat.
  • Exploring the concept that humans aren't only part animal but we're part plant as well according to Rudolf Steiner's studies.
  • The hardship and suffering that actually goes on in third world countries just to process coconuts or remove the poisonous shells of cashews.
  • Unpacking the fact that all these vegan cheeses and substitute foods are loaded with subtle toxins that accumulate and build up over time in our bodies.

[56:50] Ending The Fight Between Vegans And Non-Vegans

  • Why arguing about which diet is best for everyone and the planet is a huge distraction and we should be just solely focusing on what's best for ourselves.
  • Why being close-minded especially with nutrition and seeing something like a diet as "black or white", saying "yes or no" to something all comes from our ego.
  • The fact that an intense focus on something like a diet or lifestyle is just a means to distract ourselves from taking care of our emotional wellbeing.
  • Why your food choices are about your health; not about your political position, belief, or opinion.
  • The Socratic Method of rationally deciding if something is actually right for you and how to apply that to your health and food choices.
  • How he's applied the Socratic Method to his own life as he transitioned from veganism to eating meat again.


[1:03:20] Why Vegans Have Worse Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health

  • How we can honor our truths and others as we continue on our individual healing journeys.
  • Breaking down the science of why people who are only on plant-based diets tend to have more breakdowns and mental health issues from nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalance, and digestion problems.
  • Biome Medic – Purium
  • How adding meat has helped him stomach digest food better compared to when he was eating a vegan meal.
  • The Paleo Diet and a well-constructed vegan diet can be a great tool for an elimination diet to figure out which foods are triggering digestion and immune system problems such as dairy and grains or nightshade foods like eggplant and tomatoes.

[1:15:50] What It Means To Be Human

  • The articles Ronnie wrote on rethinking veganism and his decision to reach out to his vegan friends to see how it would land for them.
  • What inner work practices you should begin to add to your life if you're beginning to feel strong feelings of hatred for something or someone.
  • How this personal transition and everything going on in the world has helped Ronnie to get in touch with himself and what it means to be human.
  • What we can do together as a society to come together and support one another during COVID19.
  • How data from the CDC and WHO have hijacked our intelligence with their misaligned data.
  • Exploring the primal instincts of fear and truth that we can hone in on when we're physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.

[1:27:50] The Recovery Process From Veganism

  • How we can use our intuition to connect with our food and what is best for each one of our unique wellness journeys.
  • Creating the ability to recognize patterns and not just believe everything someone has to say.
  • The identification recovery process he experienced during his health and diet transition as a public figure.
  • Why he's so excited to be in this new recovery process because it means that he didn't hit his limit.
  • The recovery process anchors for anyone considering bringing meat back into their diet.
  • Why organ meats like the liver are a must to help your body and mind stay strong.
  • How eating meat from ethical sources rather than mass-produced products in large factories impacts your health.
  • The devastation that factory-farmed plants have caused along with mass meat production.
  • Unpacking short term diets for healing benefits versus a long, sustainable lifestyle.
  • His holistic life approach with the four quadrants of health: mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical.
  • What checklist you should go through to make sure your four quadrants of health are where they should be for greater wellness.
  • Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl


Power Quotes From The Show

Evolving Through Eating

"There are short-term therapeutic approaches such as elimination diets and then there are long-term, sustainable lifestyles and ultimately, our eating habits have to become a lifestyle and not just one component of our wellness journey. Even if someone is vegan or plant-based, something is going to change in their macronutrient ratios or what they're doing. They're going to incorporate new ideas, experiment, and have an open mind because if something doesn't change, then they may not be changing; their identity and their belief systems are not changing. A lifestyle itself is a reflection of that person's own evolution." - Ronnie Landis


Diet Is Just One Of Many Healing Tools

"There's a multiple layered process to healing and the diet is just a tool. It's an access point for healing the human being but when we get wrapped up and obsessed about the diet, it's actually a tactic to avoid the spiritual, psychological, and emotional healing that created the attachment to the diet itself." - Ronnie Landis

90% Of A Diet Is Psychological

"90% of a diet or any health practice is psychological. It's based on compliance. It's based on belief system adaptation. Does your belief support the practice? If not then you're going to self-sabotage someway, somehow. You're going to find a way to not incorporate whatever it is even though consciously you say, 'Oh, this is the healthiest thing; this is the best thing for me.' We have this survival and scarcity software which oftentimes pulls us down from our highest potential and what's best for us. I saw that happening quite a bit in the nutrition world and more pronounced in the plant-based community than anything else." - Ronnie Landis


Links From Today's Show 


About Ronnie Landis

Ronnie Landis is one of the leading advocates for raw foods, superfoods, and plant-based nutrition. He is an international speaker, author, entrepreneur, and full-time athlete. He holds a 3rd-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, has been a semi-professional athlete, and personal trainer. Ronnie focuses his life work on educating audiences on the benefits of a high raw plant-focused lifestyle for optimizing the body, sharpening the mind, and expanding the human spirit.

Ronnie's Mission

Ronnie's mission is to awaken your greatest potential and help you discover new superpowers that are hidden inside, just waiting to be unlocked. As an author, professional speaker, lifestyle design specialist, and private consultant, Ronnie Landis has become one of the leading sources for raw living foods and superfoods, tonic herbalism, blender alchemy, peak performance strategies, and functional nutrition. He conducts live presentations, workshops, raw chocolate parties and retreats regularly. He's the author of The Life Food Peak Performance System and The Inner Alchemy Youthening Program.




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