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Dissident Mama, episode 9 – Jack Kerwick

The Dissident Mama Podcast

Release Date: 06/25/2020

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The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes (including some more info on "Serb Mama" Stella), visit .   If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through:   Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my...

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The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help,...

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The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

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The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 84 – Conrad Franz & Dmitriy Kalyagin show art Dissident Mama, episode 84 – Conrad Franz & Dmitriy Kalyagin

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although  is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help,...

Dissident Mama, episode 83 – Christy McKenzie from Flip City show art Dissident Mama, episode 83 – Christy McKenzie from Flip City

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 82 – Rev. Dr. Ignatius Lozano show art Dissident Mama, episode 82 – Rev. Dr. Ignatius Lozano

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 81 – Father Deacon Ananias Sorem show art Dissident Mama, episode 81 – Father Deacon Ananias Sorem

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 80 – Meade Skelton show art Dissident Mama, episode 80 – Meade Skelton

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 79 – Rev. Dr. Brian Patrick Mitchell show art Dissident Mama, episode 79 – Rev. Dr. Brian Patrick Mitchell

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

More Episodes

Episode 9 features Jack Kerwick, whose work has appeared in both scholarly journals and popular publications including Townhall, The Agonist, BeliefNet, Abbeville Institute, and Front Page Magazine. Kerwick received his doctoral degree in philosophy from Temple University. He is a professional philosopher who teaches at several institutions in New Jersey. Kerwick's areas of specialization are ethics and political philosophy, with a particular focus on the classical conservative tradition.

In our discussion, we talk about the riots and the fundamental transformation of the West, which is happening right before our very eyes. He sees hope in the self-defense measures taken by many Americans, as well as rising gun sales and the fact that the cultural-Marxist mayhem has been solely an urban phenomenon. But I’m not so sure. Will Americans who live outside of the cities actually rise us up? Can they under the current paradigm of state-sanctioned leftist violence and lawlessness toward the law-abiding? Will it even be enough? I’m a quite a bit more black-pilled than is Kerwick, but his ideas may be at least part of the solution. Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comment sections.

Kerwick’s books are “Higher Miseducation: A Dissident's Essays on the Assault against Liberal Learning,” “Misguided Guardians: The Conservative Case Against Neoconservatism,” “Christianity and the World: Essays Philosophical, Historical and Cultural,” and “The American Offensive: Dispatches From the Front.” Also of note is the book “Exiled: Stories from Conservative and Moderate Professors Who Have Been Ridiculed, Ostracized, Marginalized, Demonized, and Frozen Out,” which features an essay by Kerwick.