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Bonus Episode - whistlekick Fight Conditioning Program

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

Release Date: 07/31/2020

Episode 959 - Uechi Con-versations Part 2 show art Episode 959 - Uechi Con-versations Part 2

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY This conversation explores the profound impact of martial arts on individuals' lives, emphasizing its role as a lifestyle, the continuous journey of learning, the importance of self-defense and awareness, and the legacy of sharing knowledge within the community. Participants reflect on their personal experiences, the camaraderie built through training, and the deeper understanding of martial arts as a means of personal growth and connection with others.   TAKEAWAYS Martial arts is not just a practice; it's a lifestyle. The camaraderie in training fosters a sense of family. ...

Episode 958 - Hanshi Al Wharton show art Episode 958 - Hanshi Al Wharton

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY In this episode of Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio, host Jeremy engages with Hanshi Al Wharton, exploring his extensive martial arts journey that began in the late 1960s. They discuss the evolution of martial arts training, the importance of commitment, and the blending of different styles. Hanshi Wharton shares insights on equity within martial arts, the impact of tournaments, and the significance of teaching with love. The conversation emphasizes the importance of basics, maintaining enthusiasm, and the philosophical aspects of martial arts training, including the metaphor of the...

Episode 957 - Uechi Con-versations Part 1 show art Episode 957 - Uechi Con-versations Part 1

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY This conversation explores the profound impact of martial arts on personal growth, emotional resilience, and community building. Participants share their experiences with testing for advanced ranks, the emotional journey involved, and how martial arts has shaped their lives beyond the dojo. The discussion highlights the importance of mindset, integrity, and leadership skills developed through training, as well as the joy and fulfillment that comes from pursuing martial arts as a lifelong journey.   TAKEAWAYS The journey in martial arts is about personal stories and shared...

Episode 956 - Mrs. Jay Schindler show art Episode 956 - Mrs. Jay Schindler

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY In this conversation Jay Schindler discusses her experiences in martial arts, including her journey from ballet to martial arts and her TikTok videos recreating martial arts moves. She also talks about the mental and physical challenges of martial arts, the importance of delayed gratification, and the sense of community among martial artists. She shares her background and thoughts on the differences between Tang Soo Do and Soo Bahk Do, the history of these martial arts styles, and how the emphasis on techniques in Soo Bahk Do has shaped her training. She also touches on the spiritual...

Episode 955: Eizo Shimabukuro: The Legacy show art Episode 955: Eizo Shimabukuro: The Legacy

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY This conversation explores the life and legacy of Osensei Eizo Shimabukuro, a significant figure in martial arts, particularly Shorin Ryu karate. The discussion features insights from Grandmaster Bill “Superfoot” Wallace and Sensei Darryl Baleshiski, who share their personal experiences training under Shimabukuro and reflect on the evolution of martial arts techniques and philosophies over the decades. The conversation highlights the importance of teaching, the impact of instructors, and memorable moments that shaped their martial arts journeys.  TAKEAWAYS Eizo Shimabukuro...

Episode 954 - Greg Lynham show art Episode 954 - Greg Lynham

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY In this episode, Jeremy is joined by Greg Lynham to discuss his journey in martial arts. They talk about how Greg got started in martial arts, the transition from traditional martial arts to MMA and jiu-jitsu, and the changes in his training approach. They also touch on the importance of kata, the benefits of sparring, and the use of the makiwara. In this conversation, Greg Lynham discusses his approach to martial arts training and teaching. He talks about his preference for orthodox sparring and the importance of balance and technique. Greg also shares his teaching style, which...

Episode 953 - Does Martial Arts Energy Have Relevance Today show art Episode 953 - Does Martial Arts Energy Have Relevance Today

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY In this episode, Hayashi Tomio discusses his journey of discovering and understanding the concept of Qi in martial arts. He shares his personal experience of realizing the existence of Qi during a training session and how it sparked a 30-year investigation into the practical application of Qi in traditional martial arts. Hayashi Tomio emphasizes the importance of understanding and harnessing Qi in martial arts training and explains how it can enhance strength and technique. He also highlights the significance of proper body alignment, breathing, and relaxation in cultivating and...

Episode 952 - Master Eyal Yanilov show art Episode 952 - Master Eyal Yanilov

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY In this episode of Whistlekick Martial Arts Radio, Jeremy interviewsMaster Eyal Yanilov, the head instructor of Krav Maga Global. Eyal discusses the evolution of Krav Maga and how it has become a comprehensive system that incorporates self-defense, combat, and fighting techniques. He explains the importance of principles, variations, and tactics in Krav Maga training. Eyal also shares his journey from being an electrical engineer to dedicating his life to spreading Krav Maga globally. He emphasizes the sacrifices and coincidences that led him to his mission. Throughout the...

Episode 951 - Team Paul Mitchell show art Episode 951 - Team Paul Mitchell

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY Chris Rappold discusses his relationship with Team John Paul Mitchell and the culture of the team. He shares how he got involved with the team and the regional competition scene in New England. Chris emphasizes the importance of the team mentality and the concept of 'we before me' within the team. He also talks about the confusion surrounding the names Paul Mitchell and John Paul Mitchell and how the team remains a part of John Paul Mitchell Systems.   TAKEAWAYS The team mentality and the concept of 'we before me' are crucial in Team John Paul Mitchell. The team's success is...

Episode 950 - Master Chris Rappold show art Episode 950 - Master Chris Rappold

whistlekick Martial Arts Radio

SUMMARY In this conversation, Jeremy Lesniak is joined by Master Chris Rappold and he discuss the impact of martial arts training on individuals and families. Master Rappold talks about the power of martial arts to change lives and the joy of seeing students bring their own children to train. He also discusses the importance of creating a family atmosphere in martial arts schools and the benefits of teaching personal development alongside physical techniques. Master Rappold shares his journey of starting his own school and the challenges and successes he experienced. He also touches on the...

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Unknown Speaker 0:01
What if I told you that all combat sports are based on the same biological principles, and most people are preparing for them the wrong way.

Unknown Speaker 0:20
I'm actually going to lay out for you, the science and the training that will help you achieve the best results. Whether you're talking about boxing, or grappling, or some kind of mixed combat, even contact point sparring. It's all based on the same biological processes within the human body. I'm going to show you and then I'm going to tell you how you can make your training more appropriate regardless of what discipline you train, and what combat or competition you're involved in. It doesn't matter whether you're talking about boxing or mixed martial arts. Judo jujitsu, karate Taekwondo, point sparring, full contact, Olympic. It's all roughly the same. When you look at it from a physiology perspective, the same biological processes exist for all of us. And I'll prove it to you. Take a look at any fight any combat, whether it's staged or real, whether it's in a competition or on the street, you will see a lot of buildup and a lot of fade out followed by these very small increments of flurries. Those flurries are generally 10 seconds or less. As we get to higher levels, we start to see them sometimes push a little bit beyond that. But it doesn't matter what you're looking at. It's all roughly the short flurries followed by sustained moderate intensity Why? Because of the way the body processes energy. Take a look at Take a look at anything that we do athletically, we cannot maintain the highest intensity training or output for more than about 10 seconds. And this is rooted in science. If you take a look at strategies, they don't account for this, if you take a look at training, it doesn't account for this. Very few people in the world in any athletic pursuit, are utilizing the understanding of these scientific principles to perform their best and get a leg up on their competition. Here at whistle kick, we've developed a program that not only does that but it does it from a perspective that is realistic and rooted in scientific fact, much of the time, individuals are training for their competitions or their testings, or anything that requires this high intensity output. Wrong, just plain wrong and I can prove it to you Have you ever prepared for a competition or a some kind of intense event where you've gone out and run eight 910 minute miles for hours, you build up that moderate intensity base of cardiovascular fitness, and then you get into the ring. And it all falls apart. Because the moment you step up with that high intensity, your body can't handle it. Now, some people say, Oh, well, it's nerves. It's anxiety. It's not it's science. The body processes energy in different ways, depending on the intensity level. When you go out and you run or you bike or you do something at that moderate intensity, that is conditioning you to be better at moderate intensity output. High Intensity output, actually utilizes energy in the body completely differently. In order to perform in that way, you have to train in that way. So this is where high intensity interval training comes in. And this is why it's been so successful for so many people in combat sports. But there's a downside to that. If you do it every day, it can cause injury, it can actually set you back from fights. I've seen plenty of people across different athletic pursuits

Unknown Speaker 4:23
perform poorly, because they trained too hard. So what's the solution? The solution is mixing it up. Because guess what, all combat sports require mixing it up. You've got that high intensity level, and then a more moderate intensity level. And you've got to train for both and you have to train for both differently. But what if I told you that your moderate intensity work could actually be sustaining to induce recovery to make your high intensity training less injurious to your body and set you up for success? There's a way to do that. And we have it. I'll be the first one to tell you the things that we've put together. They're not revolutionary, but no one's talking about them, especially within the realm of combat sports. We've taken some principles that exist that are understood that are even coached in various fitness disciplines, especially at high levels, like the Olympics, or in fitness pursuits, like CrossFit. They're talking about these things. And we've taken some of these principles that best apply to martial arts and combat sports, and brought them into a simple five week program that will help you prepare for anything, whether it's a full contact fight, whether it's the next testing at your martial arts school where you need to do a lot of sparring. It doesn't matter what it is, the biological processes are the same. And by digging in and fully understanding the science, we have constructed a program that will reduce your risk of injury and better prepare you. There is no other program on the planet like this. And it even leaves space for the other things that you'll need to do to prepare weightlifting, actual fighting of rounds, working on technique, going to classes, all of these things have space within this program. In fact, the intense portion of this workout plan is only two days a week. That's it, that is all you need. Those two days a week done the right way, along with the lower intensity workouts that are up to five days a week will set you up for success. They will reduce your risk of injury. They will enhance the adaptation required to perform your best and you can still do all the other preparing that you need to do. If you don't believe me that all combat sports are roughly the same when it comes to the Actual workout put, go watch some tape, go go to YouTube, go anywhere go look at your old fight tapes, go check out any video you want of any fights and you will see that these flurries take less than 10 seconds generally sometimes they go up to 10 or 12 at the upper upper upper output. Maybe we're talking 15 seconds. But you will see that people will go really intense for a few seconds and then they'll back down to something more moderate. This is how you have to train if this is how you're going to work out. Can you mix those two types of training in one workout? No, because biologically the body does not adapt in that way. This is where understanding the science becomes critical because if you just throw too much stuff at it, your body will adapt to the loudest signal not all signals. Your body cannot adapt to a whole bunch of different stimuli at the same time. It can only adapt to One thing at a time, and this is what we've broken down for you. So you can make sure that at the end of five weeks, you are better prepared than you have ever been. But if you have more than five weeks, you can run the program again. You could start halfway in the middle, you could start at the beginning and run through and get three and a half times through.

Unknown Speaker 8:20
By setting this up with a focus on building adaptation, while also recovering, you don't have to worry about peaking for a fight. You don't have to be concerned with fatigue and inducing injury before your event. We've got this all set up, it's broken down. Is this the best way for you to prepare? Yes. Are there other ways out there? That could be better? Probably not. Why? Because the science is the science. The human body is the human body. And the more we come to understand about adaptation and metabolism, the more we learn about the biological processes in the body. If you want, you can take the information I've given you right now and you can go off and you can do the research on your own. And you can construct a program based on that research. And I will guarantee that you will come up with something very similar to what we've put together here. If your time isn't valuable, go ahead and do that. I encourage you to do so. But if your time is valuable, if you would rather spend those hours training and actually getting ready for something, then follow through and you can check out the program that we've put together to get you the very best results and give you a leg up on your competition.