A Quest for Well-Being
— “I believe that each human being has a UNIQUE GIFT to offer to the WORLD. I found mine and I made it my mission to support you to discover it, to develop it, to own it and share this gift with the world”. ~ Flora Valeria interviews Flora Bami! She is an award-winning ICF PCC Integral Coach and Holistic Wellbeing expert, trained in happiness, mental health, mindfulness, NLP, mental fitness, yin yoga and yoga Nidra. She has over 16 years of international corporate experience in Finance, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion, and Wellbeing across big multinational...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— Tuned In is an inspiring story of one man's relentless pursuit of a dream, and a revealing testimony to the power of music in all our lives. The unique confluence of Jim Wilson's two careers - piano technician/confidant to the stars and a globally successful recording artist - has led to extraordinary experiences with some of the world's most exalted music legends: singing Beatle songs with Paul McCartney, limo rides with Elton John, road trips with Carole King, and horseback riding with Dan Fogelberg. But beyond this everyman's unique telling of intimate celebrity tales, Tuned In is an...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— “We are far more compelling and powerful as a species than we realize. Embracing the elements that make us uniquely human gives us awareness, wisdom, and compassion. It teaches us to love, and to lead, which is exactly what is required to live in an AI world. When AI confronts and conquers us at the singular point of intelligence, it’s actually doing us a favor. It’s saying to us: You’re more than this. Just as we can clearly comprehend that we are not a gorilla, our evolutionary cousin, and appreciate all that differentiates us from the magnificent animal, so too can AI, in all...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— A big part of why we haven’t designed a better world yet is that we haven’t designed a better inner world. The truth is, all of us carry pain we haven’t fully processed. Some of us have been deeply mistreated by the system. Others have more privilege, more resources—access to therapy, meditation retreats, time for self-reflection. But regardless of where we fall on the spectrum, every single one of us carries unresolved wounds. Your thoughts are shaped by the pain you haven’t yet faced. If you’ve tried everything to change your circumstances and still feel stuck, here’s why:...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— “Healing begins with connection... connection to ourselves and connection to others. The relationship we have with ourselves is the most important relationship we will ever have. When we are more connected to ourselves and our emotions, we are able to cultivate more confidence, a healthier inner dialogue, and a better relationship with our bodies and food. Being in community and connecting with others is powerful medicine. There is something deeply healing about sitting in circle with others, witnessing each other in our own individual processes and allowing ourselves to be seen and take...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— Yoga nidra, which is derived from the tantras, is a powerful technique in which you learn to relax consciously. In yoga nidra, sleep is not regarded as relaxation. People feel that they are relaxing when they collapse in an easy chair with a cup of coffee, a drink or a cigarette, and read a newspaper or switch on the television. But this will never suffice as a scientific definition of relaxation. These are only sensory diversions. T rue relaxation is actually an experience far beyond all this. For absolute relaxation you must remain aware. This is yoga nidra, the state of dynamic sleep....
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— “No matter how confused, self- doubting or ambivalent we are about what’s happening in our interactions with other people, we can never entirely silence the inner voice that always tells us the truth. We may not like the sound of the truth, and we often let it murmur just outside our consciousness, not stopping long enough to listen. But when we pay attention to it, it leads us towards wisdom, health and clarity. That voice is the guardian of our integrity.” ~Susan Forward, Ph.D. Valeria interviews Rhonda Van De Geest — She is a Certified & Accredited Narcissistic...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— Break-up or divorce is one of the most emotionally challenging experiences we can go through. But you don't have to walk this path alone. Walking alongside someone can fast track your healing and recovery. Someone who can gently navigate with you through the pitfalls and tricks our mind plays with us to protect us. Someone who can hold you accountable to make steps towards your dreams while understanding the depth of your pain and the individual healing journey. Someone can help you to heal your past wounds and help you to reconnect with the powerful wisdom inside of you! Valeria...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— Honoring Ancestral Grief work is very subtle and profound, that takes place on a molecular level. It takes patience, devotion, compassion and an open heart to generate and embody these changes, until one day the process unfolds organically and naturally without utilizing immense reservoirs of effort. Some of the positive changes occur on the neuroplasticity level, which is the brain's ability to change through growth and reorganization. Some manifest as a deeper attuned nervous system and wider access to the information and sacred wisdom our bodies carries, a whole inner architecture that...
info_outlineA Quest for Well-Being
— Coaching can change your life! People who hire a coach are more satisfied with their lives. They have lower stress, better coping mechanisms, and improved work-life balance. Who doesn't want that? Employers benefit too, because 70% of employees who receive professional coaching improve work performance. Employees are more engaged, retention is higher, and job satisfaction increases. Leaders who hire a coach are significantly more likely to meet goals. Their teams are stronger performing, and they are assessed higher in critical leadership skills. And 72% of coaching clients report better...
info_outlineYoga Therapy is a means to utilize the various tools of yoga: intelligent movement, breath, meditation, visualization, and life-style to facilitate an individual’s healing process. Essential Yoga Therapy offers a gentle, therapeutic orientation to yoga that is supportive of those with limited mobility. The springboard for developing our programs arises from the same fundamental teaching of yoga: That we bear responsibility for reducing suffering in ourselves; and once we have achieved a level of health we are to be in service to others. Whether you are entering our door as a client or a student-teacher, the EYT orientation will help you to grow in wisdom and self-awareness, assisting you in living a more conscious, joyful and fulfilling life.
Valeria interviews Robin Rothenberg, the author of Restoring Prana: A Therapeutic Guide for Yoga Teachers, Therapists and Healthcare Practitioners
— One of the most common issues clients face is lack of energy, vitality or prana and this book presents a simple yet revolutionary breathing approach to restore balance. Grounded in the yogic teachings, this text introduces the Buteyko breathing method as a more contemporary way of understanding the original intention of pranayama. Through extensive research, Robin Rothenberg establishes that as with Dr. Buteyko's breath retraining technique, the ancient yogis prescribed breathing less not more. Vedic science and physiology are broken down and explained in accessible ways. The book presents a new understanding and application of breathing to address a wide range of ailments, including COPD, asthma, hay-fever, autoimmune disorders, anxiety, sleep apnoea and neurological conditions.
Robin Rothenberg is deeply involved in yoga therapy and research since 2000, Robin runs a thousand-hour Accredited Yoga Therapy Training Program, and a busy private practice outside Seattle, Washington. Her unique weave of traditional Vedic teachings and practices with Western science create an orientation towards yoga that is accessible, practical, and transformational. Restoring Prana has received wide acclaim globally for grounding the esoteric teachings of pranayama in a scientific framework that allows practitioners to experience the healing power of the breath and reclaim the vital energy of life.
To learn more about Robin Rothenberg please visit her website: https://essentialyogatherapy.com/
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