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Welcome! Time has come to Ditch that Huawei Phone, Tablet, Firewall and Security Jobs of the Future plus more on Tech Talk with Craig Peterson on WGAN

Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

Release Date: 08/22/2020

Google FLoC, AI Gemini, and Election Integrity: Protecting Digital Democracy show art Google FLoC, AI Gemini, and Election Integrity: Protecting Digital Democracy

Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Craig Peterson - Secure Your Business, Your Privacy, and Save Your Sanity

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Automated Machine-Generated Transcript:

Craig Peterson: [00:00:00] Hey, thinking about cybersecurity jobs, maybe for you as a second, third, fourth career, maybe for your kids, or grandkids. We're going to get into that now. What are the hot jobs?

You're listening to Craig Peterson online and here on WGAN radio as well.

I promised this article here really the whole show. This is one Engadget by John Fingas and it is absolutely spot on. Huawei is the problem and we've talked about it many times here on the show.

I've talked about it with Matt Gagnon during the morning drive time, and many other hosts, as well as on television, et cetera. Huawei is a problem. It is owned and operated by the socialists in China, by the Chinese communist party. As we've talked about many times before socialism where they are just basically taking ownership of everything. Not allowing you to advance, holding you down, just cannot innovate.

So Huawei and many other companies over in China have been stealing data and information and again I got proof. I just had a conversation this week with a gentleman who had designed security the system for apartment buildings, brand new, all designed, all laid out. He had Britain code. He had all of the hardware mechanisms designed and the interactions the user interfaces, all of that and it was stolen by the Chinese.

The socialist party in China got their hands on it. They gave it to someone again, just like Animal Farm. everyone's equal here in socialism except we're more equal, right? It wasn't that the pigs in animal farm, They were more equal than everyone else.

So what happened was they gave it to some people who were high up in the communist party, the good party people, the types of people that turn other people in, and they started manufacturing this system in China. Here he is counting on it to be part of his retirement. He's worked for years, putting it together.

He has it all together. The Chinese break into his computers, unbeknownst to him, and then start manufacturing and selling his product in the United States.

Basically, nothing he can do about it. That's again, people. That's why I keep telling you don't use Lenovo devices. They are made in China. They have been found to have spyware on them. Avoid Huawei equipment. If you have any of the routers, any of their switches, get rid of it. Again, problems have been found in those devices.

Now we are looking at those people who unfortunately bought a Huawei Android device. Yet another reason not to use Android. But it isn't just, Huawei, it's a number of other Chinese manufacturers that are out there. The Washington Post confirmed that. After more than a year, the commerce department has stopped giving Huawei temporary licenses to get copies of the latest version of it. Android in order to support the customers quietly expired apparently on August 13.

 Now it is illegal for Google and other software developers to send updates to Huawei, which means Huawei customers. If you have a Huawei device that runs Android, phone, or tablet, or anything else, you are out of luck. If you have a Huawei P 30 pro or other Huawei phone with full Google services. You not going to get on Android 11 or any other updates going forward, including security patches.

How's that for fun? Google spokesperson also told the post that the temporary license was key to delivering Android updates through official means. How about an official backdoor means. Why do you think he said that a minute, any phones sold inside of China are using the Android and the pro inside a China should still get updates because while we can use the open-source version of Android while delivering updates itself, so you might luck out in that way.

Because they'll be using the open-source stuff, but they're not going to be getting the best, the top, the patches that really you might want to have. So this is crazy here. This license, the temporary license that was granted was meant to help these smaller phone carriers phase out the Chinese networking equipment because of not just surveillance fears, but because of real surveillance that's been happening.

The idea is they should theoretically replace hardware gradually. And this is for carriers who are using Huawei equipment for five G. Many of them are using Huawei equipment for routing and for bridges and firewalls. Are you kidding me? So now if you haven't gotten rid of that Huawei phone, you had a year.

You basically have no choice, but to replace your phone. Because otherwise, you're not going to get updates.

We know about all of the security problems with Android. It's just crazy because Google and the manufacturers of the phones and the people who sell, tell it to be on their networks, do not keep patches up to date.

Again, another reason to use Apple iPhone. It's just crazy. Get rid of these things. So I cover that, but let's get back to cybersecurity jobs.

Here's the hot, here's the not, and this is a great little article. They've got something about it up on dark reading.com. Think you'll like that. Hot right now is a data scientist slash security analyst. That's the job title and the idea behind this is to really help businesses be more resilient. Frankly, future-proof the organization. So you need to be able to work on predictive network models. These people are really the people who go and hunt for what's next. How's it going to work with where we are now?

They work in security operations they are building threat models. They're doing incident response or hunting for the unknown bad actors. So hot data scientists and security analysts. Not hot anymore is a security operation center analyst. Here's why. Much of that responsibility there was performed by SOC analysts security operation center analysts is now being automated away.

If you look at something that is fully integrated into the only one that I've ever seen, that's fully integrated from a security standpoint is the Cisco architecture at it is moving more and more to machine learning and automation. We had a customer whose network, the remote network had been compromised.

They were using a VPN. We told them not to use it. We can't dictate what our clients get or buy. We can just make recommendations and sure enough, the remote computer was hacked, had a VPN. What happens next? They spread laterally. So it spread into the main business network. From a remote computer. This is another one warning I'm constantly giving about. VPNs are not a great way to go.

So this role is fading out because companies like Cisco have automation that shot down that remote computer. Instantly. It was absolutely amazing. We got alert. I was just shocked at how well that thing worked. Okay. Thank goodness. Since then, yes, they have not upgraded those connections.

Hot, the dev sec ops security engineer. So this is, basically the operations side. All right by 2025, they're figuring nearly 2/3rds of businesses will be software produces with code deployed daily. So you need somebody who's on the development side of software in operations that understand and security.

So this is a very hot career, but you need to understand a lot. We'll be talking more about this next week, but. Everything basically to do with computers to get this job, everything. Okay. The research by the way, which came from IDC is also forecasting better than one and a half times more developers than we have today are needed here in the future.

Okay. very big deal. I'm not hot. A traditional security engineer is becoming obsolete. They were traditionally centered around security point products. That means things like, Oh, I can install Norton for you. Oh, I can install this Symantec thing for you. Oh, I can install this point.

Product obsolete point products just don't cut it anymore. Hot Security architect. Very big particularly for companies that provide software as a service. Not hot anymore. Hardware engineers, vendor agnostic skills are in demand, but people that have a focus on traditional hardware or custom chipsets are really falling out of fashion.

Hot cloud roles. Gotta be careful with this one because most people aren't doing it very well, but many companies are moving over to the cloud. So they need security. Not hot data center security manager. Okay. The need for on-premise data centers is really cooling down. Gartner Group predicts that by 2025, 80% of enterprises will shut down their traditional data centers.

I'm not sure that's absolutely true because of some of the needs of the military and military contractors, but we're not going to get into that right now. Governance and compliance roles. Very hot. GDPR, the California privacy act, and now we're seeing CMMC and of course, all of the other regulations from HIPAA on out. It is a world that needs more security.

But remember, what we're seeing is that the jobs, whether it's security, or not, they can be replaced by automated systems. Are being replaced starting right now and more and more of those are going to be replaced. Very interesting. So that's, what's happening right now. You'll find all of this and of course, a whole lot more on my [email protected].

Make sure you check it out and make sure you get my emails.

We're going to be going to three short emails a week. I think now, rather than that one large newsletter. So that you can more closely focus on what you're interested in. So check all of that out. Craig peterson.com/subscribe.

 I'll also be sending you a little security, reboot guide, and heck a lot of other stuff that I think you're going to find very useful.

Have a great every week.

If you haven't already, please give me a great reading rating. Hopefully, I've earned a five-star rating on your favorite podcast app. Make sure you do that. It's important. I think in this day and age.

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Hey, thanks for listening. I'll be back with Matt on Wednesday morning at about seven 34 right here on WGAN.


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