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359 Shawn Wells: Ingredients For Healing, Self Love, & Mental Health

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 08/25/2020

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More Episodes

"If the greatest thing is love and connection, then the worst thing is loneliness and fear. We know that fear can shut your immune system down by over 50%. So, just staying in that fear mode which is amplified by masks and by the news is harming us. What easier way to capitalize clickbait than fear?" - Shawn Wells


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Wellness Force Radio Episode 359

Global Nutritional Biochemist, Registered Dietitian, Certified Sports Nutritionist, and 'Ingredientologist,' Shawn Wells, explores the power of words and mental health, how we can connect to and let go of our fear especially during COVID-19, what steps we can take to lead from our wounds, and the new era of conscious masculinity.


Can we all be a little bit more conscious, listen, and see what all of us have in common to truly come together in 2020?
Discover how the path of change for society begins when you start to love and accept yourself.


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Listen To Episode 359 As Shawn Wells Uncovers:


[1:30] Health Practices For Connection And Letting Go Of Fear

  • Cured Nutrition
  • Shawn Wells
  • BioTRUST Nutrition
  • World’s Greatest Ingredients
  • Zone Halo Research
  • Exploring all the concerns that we’re feeling as a collective in 2020 that is generating more and more fear.
  • His experience as a deep Empath as he takes on more energy around him during COVID-19.
  • Why it’s natural for us to have a moment of fear when someone hugs us but then 30-seconds in, the sensation completely changes.
  • His wish for the world for everyone to just talk to one another, be there for each other, and come together during the COVID-19 pandemic as a whole union to let go of the revolving fear.
  • Eckhart Tolle
  • What emotional nutrients we can gather and add to our lives including therapy, self-care, and connecting with Mother Earth.
  • Simple, healthy practices we can apply to our day that will help us spend more time outside to get some natural sunlight and fresh air.
  • Unpacking the fact that fear can shut down the immune system by over 50%.


[16:00] Are You Listening?

  • The mass fear that the media is spreading with COVID-19, racism, and protests.
  • Why we’re meant to come together as a whole in society to be one strong body but we keep fighting each other instead of really connecting and listening to each other.
  • Joyner Lucas - I'm Not Racist
  • How we can come together as a society to love, connect, and support one another.
  • The Great Pause of 2020 as we are collectively listening and figuring out what we're actually willing to fight for in this world.
  • Exploring the power of love and why it needs to take action sometimes.
  • Why the most powerful person in the room isn’t the one speaking but the listener.
  • What powerful lesson Ayahuasca taught Josh about the importance of listening during a plant medicine ceremony.


[23:00] The Power Of Words & Mental Health

  • Unpacking Shawn’s own wellness journey of healing and how he became a world-renowned supplement ingredient specialist.
  • The traumatic childhood he had from problems at home and his brother running away to being bullied at school about his body.
  • How, like many people trying to hold depression back including Chris Farley, Robin Williams, and Chester Bennington, he created himself as the class clown to cover up what was really going on in his life and compensate for his pain.
  • How his interest from business changed as his own health transformation took place.
  • The incredible impact a discussion with his doctor during a physical check-up had on him as he turned his focus to a career in health.
  • Cruel words that were said to him by a guidance counselor regarding his dreams to earn a Master’s in Nutritional Biochemistry that led him down a dark road until it fueled him to excel in his program.
  • The long list of illnesses he had while studying at Chapel Hill including Epstein–Barr virus, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto’s, fibromyalgia, anorexic, orthorexic, and unpacking why they all happened at once to him.
  • What was going on in the background emotionally for him while he was still excelling academically.
  • Exploring what leads people to become so obsessed with their health that they become orthorexic.


[29:00] How To "Lead From Our Wounds"

  • 332 John Wineland
  • The new face of masculinity as we focus on leading from our wounds rather than our wounds leading us.
  • The Mask of Masculinity by Lewis Howes
  • The toxic masculinity era that Josh and Shawn both grew up in including taunting, bullying, and “manning up.”
  • Why it’s so hard to let go of the old masculine to embrace emotions, be empathetic, and connect with others on a deeper level.
  • What male role models men can look up to as they transform into strong people yet be traditional, have values, and respect others.
  • How the Ketogenic diet and supplements helped Shawn begin to heal his illnesses and depression.


[37:00] The New Era Of The Conscious Man

  • The power of participating in Men’s Groups and Masterminds to connect with other people who are also struggling and looking to heal or grow.
  • What imposter syndrome is and his experience feeling it at Lewis Howes' School Of Greatness.
  • Why most people out there who have achieved the most are also hurting the most.
  • Breaking down why happiness, not money, is success.
  • Why the societal norm that “men can’t talk about their emotions” is hurting them because they cannot express themselves and thus heal.
  • Exploring the new era of the Conscious Man and what masculinity and being “strong” means today.
  • How we reflect back what we see in ourselves when we either give compliments to project negativity other people.


[51:30] How Much Marketing & Contact Tracing Actually Impacts Our Lives

  • Unpacking how much marketing and data collection from brands like Apple and Google are actually impacting our lives.
  • Why the contact tracing that is being collected behind COVID-19 which claims to “keep us safe” actually has other agendas.
  • What steps are taken in algorithms to share specific ads with us based on everything from where we are to our current emotional state to what music we are listening to on Spotify.
  • Exploring Marketing 101 and why emotions drive our buying behavior.
  • How the news media is using clickbait to hone in our very own feelings when we read the headlines.
  • His question for society: Can you be a little bit more conscious, listen, and see what all of us have in common with one another?
  • The fact that each and every single one of us just wants to be accepted and loved no matter our background.
  • Why these puppeteers from the mass media to organizations want us to be divided in order to control us.
  • How to start finding things around you that light you up and help you love yourself and your life.


Power Quotes From The Show


Self-Care During COVID-19

"Connection with Mother Earth is so important right now. It's a primal thing for us to connect and be outside so make sure that you are not isolating more than you need to; you're not just sitting inside and not connecting with people like you can potentially on video and if you do it on video, sit outside or go take a walk. Those things are so critical for our health." - Shawn Wells


Healing Through Connection

"I would challenge people right now to get a life coach or therapist. I just started working with a psychologist. I do have mentors, coaches, and friends who I connect, call, and have discussions with; very vulnerable conversations. Now is not the time to be superficial; I mean, it never really is but now is the time to reach out and connect with one another more than ever." - Shawn Wells


What Does It Mean To Be A Man in 2020?

"The conscious male doesn't have to be "the new PC" where we're stripped of what makes us male. We can still be strong but great listeners. We can be strong and have great manners. We can be physically strong but not have the need to apply that physical strength. That's like being Clark Kent; you have the power but you don't need to prove anything all the time. Most of the time we don't even need to prove anything to be a man; we just have to show up for our responsibilities and be there for the people in our lives." - Shawn Wells


Links From Today's Show 


About Shawn Wells

Shawn Wells: Ingredients For Healing, Self Love, & Mental Health

Shawn Wells, MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN is an expert in the fields of performance nutrition, longevity, fitness and supplementation. He earned his master’s degree from UNC-Chapel Hill, where he studied nutritional biochemistry with a minor in exercise science. Shawn is a Registered Dietitian with a decade of experience as a Chief Clinical Dietitian in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities. He is also a Certified Sports Nutritionist and has worked with celebrity clients and professional athletes.

Becoming "The World's Greatest Formulator"

On the road to being dubbed “The World’s Greatest Formulator”, Biohacktivitst, and Keto Authority, Shawn faced and overcame significant obstacles with his own health—weight issues, depression, autoimmune conditions (Epstein-Barr, Fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), two cervical discs replacements, and a pituitary adenoma, which is a type of brain tumor. They say everything happens for a reason, and in Shawn’s case, his health problems led him down a winding path that required him to find science-based solutions, and they sparked his personal passion for biohacking. In the supplement industry, Shawn has held the titles of Director of Research and Development for Dymatize Nutrition® and Chief Scientific Officer for BioTrust Nutrition®. In addition to these appointments, Shawn is a co-founder of the popular patented ingredients TeaCrine® and Dynamine®, which are featured or used in over 300 products worldwide.

Shawn's Career In Health

He also has worked on patents on exogenous ketones, glucose tolerance agents, and more as the founding partner of the World’s Greatest Ingredients, LLC, alongside a team of PhDs and scientists. Shawn also is the CEO of Zone Halo Research, a consulting group for supplement formulations, sourcing, manufacturing, marketing, and regulatory/compliance work. Shawn proudly serves on the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN) editorial board, and he has co-written a chapter on creatine in the most recent ISSN textbook Sports Nutrition and Performance Enhancing Supplements. He was also named to the prestigious ISSN advisory board, as well as having received the honor of being named Fellow of the ISSN.


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