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Encouraging the Entrepreneur In Your Daughter With Brian Weisfeld

Dads With Daughters

Release Date: 09/21/2020

Crafting Wonder in Childhood: Lessons from Gregg Behr and Mister Rogers show art Crafting Wonder in Childhood: Lessons from Gregg Behr and Mister Rogers

Dads With Daughters

**Seizing Accidental Moments** Fatherhood is an expedition without a clear map, each phase of our children's lives an uncharted territory waiting to be explored. On today's Dads with Daughters podcast we welcomed to discuss wonder and parenting. Behr, the executive director of the Grable Foundation and a father of two, reflects on the journey that began with trepidation upon learning he was going to be a father to a daughter. Amid fears and dreams, he emphasized his role in ensuring his daughters have 'outrageous confidence' in themselves. This emotional connection to fatherhood resonates...

Effective Fatherhood: 5 Stones to Guide Your Journey with Nick Adams show art Effective Fatherhood: 5 Stones to Guide Your Journey with Nick Adams

Dads With Daughters

In today's fast-paced world, the role of a father is evolving, and the importance of actively participating in one's daughter's life cannot be overstated. In this podcast episode, we have an insightful conversation with Nick Adams, a dedicated father of four and author of "." Through this discussion, Nick shares invaluable wisdom and experiences that shed light on the journey of fatherhood. His insights offer guidance on nurturing strong, independent daughters while navigating the complexities of being a father. Let's delve into the key takeaways from this engaging conversation. Fatherhood...

Bruce Chamoff's Journey as a Podcaster, Entrepreneur, and Engaged Dad show art Bruce Chamoff's Journey as a Podcaster, Entrepreneur, and Engaged Dad

Dads With Daughters

Embracing the Journey and Overcoming Challenges In a heartwarming conversation on the Dads with Daughters podcast, a seasoned podcaster and entrepreneur, shared insightful anecdotes about his journey as a father to his now 20-year-old daughter. As fatherhood is a unique and deeply personal experience, Bruce's revelations bring valuable lessons to the forefront, shedding light on the joys, struggles, and growth that come with raising a daughter. Welcoming Fatherhood: The Journey Begins It's not uncommon to feel a mix of excitement and bewilderment upon learning about pending fatherhood....

Cultivating Hope: A Dad's Role According to Jesse Bradley show art Cultivating Hope: A Dad's Role According to Jesse Bradley

Dads With Daughters

When discovered he was going to be a father to a daughter after having three sons, he knew this would bring a unique set of delights and challenges. Jesse emphasizes each child as a unique gift, advocating a tailored approach in fostering connections that affirm a daughter's persona, building confidence amidst the ever-present peer pressures. **The Power of Presence and Words** One-on-one interactions form the core of Jesse's parenting strategy, offering a safe space for his daughter to share her thoughts and feelings. He recognizes the formative power of a parent's words and presence, which...

Nurturing Bonds: Joe Lee's Strategies for Raising Strong Daughters show art Nurturing Bonds: Joe Lee's Strategies for Raising Strong Daughters

Dads With Daughters

The Fatherhood Insider: A Gateway to Enhanced Paternal Engagement Dr. Christopher Lewis welcomes fathers to explore the Fatherhood Insider, a hub designed for paternal growth. Emphasizing the importance of active fatherhood, he encourages dads to utilize resources such as course libraries, forums, and expert advice with the singular goal of honing their fathering skills. Joe Lee's Remarkable Transition: From Monotony to Spontaneity Guest Joe Lee, a dedicated father, discusses his structured life and the unique activities he enjoys with his daughter. Be it practicing Taekwondo, computer...

Joe Cody Discusses IVF, Advocacy, and Raising a Daughter show art Joe Cody Discusses IVF, Advocacy, and Raising a Daughter

Dads With Daughters

Join us as we delve into the gripping narrative of on the Dads with Daughters podcast, where he shares his multifaceted life as an entrepreneur, advocate, and a devoted father.  Infertility Journey Joe retraces the trying ordeal that marked the beginning of his fatherhood journey—the quest for parenthood through IVF. He lays bare his family's emotional rollercoaster, marked by failed IVF attempts, a heartbreaking miscarriage, and financial strain amounting to $60,000. Grain Fertility: A Beacon of Hope Amidst the turmoil, Joe's expertise in health policy, coupled with his volunteer work...

Navigating Dad-Daughter Dynamics: Stories from the Ash-Shakoor Family show art Navigating Dad-Daughter Dynamics: Stories from the Ash-Shakoor Family

Dads With Daughters

Today's Dads with Daughters' podcast featured some amazing guests. actor, pastor and father, and his daughter . The discussions revolved around their experiences, highlighting the integral role of fathers in daughter's lives, and providing valuable lessons for dads everywhere.  **A Father's Protective Instinct and Balancing Parenthood with a Career** When Aqeel learned he was about to become a father to a daughter, he felt a profound sense of responsibility and protectiveness. He reflected on his initial desire to have a daughter and shared the powerful moment of witnessing her...

Steve Steele: A Coach's Journey of Love, Family, and Empowering Daughters show art Steve Steele: A Coach's Journey of Love, Family, and Empowering Daughters

Dads With Daughters

Fatherhood is a journey filled with an array of unique challenges and rewarding moments. In the Dads with Daughters podcast, guest Steve Steele sheds light on his personal journey as a father of four, offering insightful perspectives and valuable advice. From embracing the differences in raising daughters and sons to balancing work as a coach and family life, Steve shares his experiences and the lessons he has learned along the way. Embracing Differences in Raising Sons and Daughters Steve starts by highlighting the differences he observed in raising his son, Simon, and his daughters, Gianna...

Growing Together: Nurturing Mental Health and Creating Special Moments with Daughters show art Growing Together: Nurturing Mental Health and Creating Special Moments with Daughters

Dads With Daughters

Being a father is a journey full of joy, challenges, and growth. In a recent episode of the Dads with Daughters podcast, host Dr. Christopher Lewis welcomed guest , a father of two, to discuss the unique experiences and challenges of raising daughters. Their heartfelt conversation touched on various aspects of fatherhood, including creating special moments, balancing work and family, mental health, and nurturing unique connections with each child as they grow. Let's explore some of the key takeaways and insights shared in this insightful episode. Creating Special Moments and Individualized...

Parenting with Grace: Dan Rose's Approach to Raising Daughters show art Parenting with Grace: Dan Rose's Approach to Raising Daughters

Dads With Daughters

In a special episode of the Dads with Daughters podcast, guest joins host Christopher Lewis for a heartfelt conversation about the beautiful and sometimes challenging journey of fatherhood. As fathers to daughters, they share their wisdom and personal experiences, offering valuable insights on building strong, independent relationships with their children. This episode is a reminder that fatherhood is an ongoing journey of growth, grace, and understanding. The Initial Fear and Ongoing Love: Dan Rose vulnerably shares his initial fears and uncertainties when he found out he would be a father...

More Episodes

Today on the Dads with Daughters Podcast we spoke with Brian Weisfeld of The Startup Squad

Brian Weisfeld started The Startup Squad when his oldest daughter was 8 years old. He watched her struggle to sell Girl Scout cookies and then fumbled around trying to run a charity bake sale with a friend. While she had enthusiasm, she didn’t know what to do while she stood at the end of our driveway, surrounded by delicious baked goods.

A few months later, while reading books with his girls, he got frustrated with the lack of empowering influences marketed to girls. This made him decide to act to create a brand for girls that would inspire and nurture their entrepreneurial spirit. And so, The Startup Squad was born.

The Startup Squad is about empowering girls with an entrepreneurial mindset so they can realize their potential, whatever their passions. It is about helping them become more than they can imagine by exploring entrepreneurship at an early age. It is about teaching them basic business skills and helping them learn grit, a growth mindset, and how to fail, and then start again, and again.

Today, you will learn about Brian Weisfeld, the Startup Squad, Brian's girls and more. 

If you've enjoyed today's episode of the Dads With Daughters podcast we invite you to check out the Fatherhood Insider. The Fatherhood Insider is the essential resource for any dad that wants to be the best dad that he can be. We know that no child comes with an instruction manual and most are figuring it out as they go along. The Fatherhood Insider is full of valuable resources and information that will up your game on fatherhood. Through our extensive course library, interactive forum, step-by-step roadmaps and more you will engage and learn with experts but more importantly with dads like you. So check it out today!