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#515 Lisa Bevere - Godmothers

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Release Date: 10/29/2020

#909 Whitney Wood on Chronic Pain, Hope, and Healing show art #909 Whitney Wood on Chronic Pain, Hope, and Healing

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Friend, if you're suffering from chronic pain or know someone who is, don't skip past this episode! Worship artist and chronic pain coach Whitney Wood—a mighty voice of her generation—is here with Alisa, sharing her powerful story of overcoming chronic pain. In this episode, you'll hear: Whitney's journey with chronic pain and hopelessness How she learned that intimacy with God was at the heart of healing The way God created the mind-body connection How our bodies are made for love and health Links mentioned: Dr. John Sarno's the We think Whitney was an absolute delight, and you will...

#908 REVING the Word: Walk and Sing a Song #908 REVING the Word: Walk and Sing a Song "The Lord is In" (Psalm 11) - Alisa Keeton WALKING

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Did you know that your brain changes when you move? What about when you sing? Well the Psalmist were onto something incredible: singing shifts your body into rest. So get ready for active rest in this walking REVING the Word with Alisa!  Alisa unpacks the mechanics of waking and invites you to turn off your calorie counter and take a walk. Stay to the end for her diet prescription written just for you! Scripture mentioned today: Check out the playlist for this episode on Spotify! It's not too late to join us in the Train for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon in...

#907 Alisa's Four Fun Things This Summer show art #907 Alisa's Four Fun Things This Summer

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

We're kicking off summer with four fun things Alisa's looking forward to—from what's cooking in her kitchen to poolside reads! You'll have a good time hanging out with her today as she takes you on a little walk and shares what her summer looks like.  Listen to the end for some advice from Alisa that will increase your joy this summer! Speaking of reads, we're popping some confetti and celebrating The Body Revelation turning one! , toss it in your pool bag, and let this book change your heart. You could even invite a friend (or two!) to read it together! Links mentioned: It's not...

#906 REVING the Word #906 REVING the Word "I Have Hope" (Lamentations 3:22-23) - Alisa Keeton ENDURANCE

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Have you been playing it too politely? Do you need to wrestle with some grief, bitterness, and anger with God? Press play on today's REVING the Word and get honest with what's been eating away at you.  This episode is an endurance workout for your season that needs enduring hope. That's why we train here at Revelation Wellness—not for body fat but for our life. Scripture mentioned today: , Check out the playlist for this episode on Spotify!  It's not too late to join us in the Train for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon in which love is the speed and freedom is the...

#905 Why Walking is Good Medicine show art #905 Why Walking is Good Medicine

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Are you ready to move the markers on your health and well-being? If you're one of the 70% of Americans with a chronic disease, then don't skip past this episode. We're giving you full access today as Alisa helps explain to our participants why walking and the is about training for your John 10:10 abundant life. Friend, did you know Jesus walked nearly 40,000 steps a day, and most of us are barely getting 4,000? Here at Revelation Wellness, we're passionate about training for longevity. Come move with us at the speed of love! It's not too late to join us in the Train for a 5K, 10K, half...

#904 REVING the Word #904 REVING the Word "The Wait Room" (John 15:7) - Alisa Keeton ENDURANCE

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Are you asking the hard and vulnerable question—where are you, God? Friend, you're not alone. Alisa's training you in the space between joy and suffering in this endurance REVING the Word. The wait is the tough middle space where we hold the tension. Let's move our bodies and squeeze out the substance of HOPE with each step today. Alisa's teaching on as she unpacks the strategy we need in the wait.  You'll hear: Some soft practices to adopt A challenge that will get you comfortable with slow Science of the wait Scripture mentioned: Romans 8:28 Did you like Alisa's playlist? Save it...

#903 Rebekah Lyons Shares Four Daily Rhythms for Resiliency and Well-Being show art #903 Rebekah Lyons Shares Four Daily Rhythms for Resiliency and Well-Being

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

May spotlights mental health awareness, and we're so excited to have speaker, podcaster, and advocate Rebekah Lyons share her journey and the daily practices she uses for resilience and well-being. In this episode, Rebekah shares about her first panic attack, struggling with depression, and how walking became a way back to health. She also shares why daily rhythms help build everyday resiliency. Rebekah is passionate about cultivating a community that is committed to resiliency practices. She's a national speaker and podcast host of Rhythms of Rest, and one of her passions is walking! ...

#902 REVING the Word #902 REVING the Word "Enlarge Your Joy" (John 15:11) - Alisa Keeton ENDURANCE

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

You're in for a joy ride today as Alisa takes you through an endurance workout that will expand your hope and stir your joy! This REVING the Word is for all of us who have felt like a bottomless pit, numb and empty, and lost our joy. She's teaching in  , reminding us that God is growing our capacity for joy even through sorrow and suffering. Scripture mentioned: John 1, Genesis 1, Romans 5:3-5 If you're looking for community and people to train with you at the speed of love, join us in the ! Train for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon where love is the speed and freedom is...

#901 Walking at the Speed of Love with Mark Buchanan show art #901 Walking at the Speed of Love with Mark Buchanan

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Need a little still water on a noisy, rushing day? This deep, life-giving conversation with Alisa and author and professor Mark Buchanan is just that. Mark has spent the last ten years learning how to slow down and to practice paying attention—and he's sharing what he's learned today. One nugget of wisdom you'll hear from him is that hearts don't grow when they're rushed. Mark is the author of , a beautiful call for believers of Christ to stop rushing and start walking. He's sharing why walking is the forgotten discipline of the Christian church. Mark also talks about why cultivating a slow...

#900 REVING the Word #900 REVING the Word "Ingredients for a Miracle" (John 6:1-11) - Alisa Keeton INTERVALS

Revelation Wellness - Healthy & Whole

Feeling overwhelmed and like God isn't showing up? Let Alisa and this REVING the Word encourage you today. She's taking you through as she leads you in an interval workout that will get your body moving and stir up some hope for the hard places. Alisa brings a perspective shift as she unpacks the ingredients for a miracle found in this passage—one of those is community. *Special note: We had some technical audio issues on this episode, but the message is too good for you not to hear! Thanks for understanding and for continuing to press play on the Revelation Wellness Podcast! If you're...

More Episodes

Known for her strength, passion, and mama-bear mentality, influential speaker and New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere started her ministry 30 years ago, feeling lost and alone. While she never had the benefit of learning from a mentor, she has lived her life becoming the mentor she always wanted and is now determined to rally other women so that future generations may grow in their wisdom, strength, and love.

In her new book, Godmothers: Why You Need One. How to Be One.  Lisa offers women a catalytic, transformative vision for women to live in a way that embraces the godmother—the older, wiser woman who will partner with a younger woman to help navigate life’s ups and downs.

“For three decades now, I’ve ministered to women,” writes Bevere. “It matters not whether I am in America, Egypt, Iraq, or Europe, women are hungry for more. They realize there is an aching need for deeper multigenerational connections. Both the young and the not-so-young mourn the gap but don’t always know viable ways to bridge or fill it.”

Called to minister to women, Bevere more easily related to the boys and wasn’t sure where to start. After asking God for a mentor for eight years, she heard him say “There will be no mentor for you.” Though disappointed, she knew what she was being called to do—to become the woman she so desperately longed for and to fill the gap for others.

“For far too many spiritual mothers and daughters, there is a yawning gap that has left both ends of the age spectrum at risk... You were not made to fill all these gaps yourself. You were made for a relationship with a godmother: a woman who worships the one true God and positions others both spiritually and practically to navigate their crucial and catastrophic seasons in life.”

Her most personal and powerful book yet, Godmothers draws from Bevere’s own life, biblical women, and the world of fairy tales to show women how to transform what they have to discover the fullness of who God created them to be. Readers will be challenged to live their best lives as daughters of God, by surrounding themselves with strong relationships and being confident in their callings.


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