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024 - Hacking The Code Of Sleep For Transformation With Antesa Jensen

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Release Date: 12/15/2020

202 - Transdermal Use Of Herbs For Sleep With Dr Marianne Teitelbaum show art 202 - Transdermal Use Of Herbs For Sleep With Dr Marianne Teitelbaum

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum graduated Summa Cum Laude from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1984.  She immediately began her studies with Maharishi Ayurveda, obtaining Ayurvedic Practitioner certification in 1992. In the late 1990’s she began a 17-year one-on-one internship with Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, an award-winning herbal formulator who hails from a 5,000 -year-old family lineage of Raj Vaidyas, treating the royalty of India. During her internship Vaidya Mishra taught her how to treat practically every disease, making over 500 herbal formulas for all the problems they were treating...

201 - Using Intuition To Sleep Better With Geeta Sethi show art 201 - Using Intuition To Sleep Better With Geeta Sethi

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

A lover of food and nature since childhood, you will find Geeta either in the forest walking her dog, researching the latest on the microbiome or creating nourishing meals in her kitchen! Her spiritual journey of seeking answers from life after losing her husband to a heart attack at a young age led her to exploring the wisdom of Ayurveda which was not only a trigger for her to start living more consciously but also changed the trajectory of her whole life. She’s also a holistic chef and holds classes and workshops online and in person to support her tribe. She’s appeared multiple times on...

200 - Female Specific Sleep Disorders With Dr Ramakrishnan Nagarajan show art 200 - Female Specific Sleep Disorders With Dr Ramakrishnan Nagarajan

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Dr. N.Ramakrishnan is a Healthcare Entrepreneur who is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine & Sleep Medicine and also has a Master’s degree in Medical Management from University of Southern California. He is currently the Director of Critical Care Services at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and is a Senior Consultant in Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. He was the first Board Certified Sleep Specialist to practice in India and established Nithra Institute of Sleep Sciences in 2004. He was also invited to meet the then honourable president of India, Dr.A.P.J...

199 - Sleep, Blue Light & Leptin Resistance With Mugdha Pradhan show art 199 - Sleep, Blue Light & Leptin Resistance With Mugdha Pradhan

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Mugdha Pradhan is the CEO & Founder of iThrive, TedX speaker, Healer & Spiritual Coach. In 2017 despite having a Master's in Nutrition she struggled with her own personal health issues, learning the nuances of Functional Medicine which then transformed her health. She lost 37 kgs and reversing an autoimmune condition. Moving from Canada to India, she introduced Functional Nutrition through iThrive - Healing & Beyond 2019. With her expertise in Functional Nutrition, her ability to build strong teams and beautiful cultures, and her passion for scientific research and evidence-based...

198 - Understanding Ojas For Sleep With Dr Marianne Teitelbaum show art 198 - Understanding Ojas For Sleep With Dr Marianne Teitelbaum

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum graduated Summa Cum Laude from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1984.  She immediately began her studies with Maharishi Ayurveda, obtaining Ayurvedic Practitioner certification in 1992. In the late 1990’s she began a 17-year one-on-one internship with Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, an award-winning herbal formulator who hails from a 5,000 -year-old family lineage of Raj Vaidyas, treating the royalty of India. Vaidya Mishra taught her how to treat practically every disease, making over 500 herbal formulas for all the problems they were treating together. Her first...

197 - CBTi For Sleep With Dr Sarah Silverman show art 197 - CBTi For Sleep With Dr Sarah Silverman

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Dr. Sarah Silverman is a Stanford-trained holistic sleep specialist and wellness consultant. She is an expert in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for insomnia (CBTi), the first-line treatment approach for adults with chronic insomnia. CBTi is an effective way to improve sleep naturally and overcome chronic insomnia without medication. She is the founder and CEO of ZzzHaus health consulting agency, which uses epigenetics testing, circadian science, and evidence-based protocols to maximise performance. When might someone be a good candidate for CBTi? How effective is CBTi? What's the best way...

196 - Is There A Magical Pill For Sleep With Geeta Sethi show art 196 - Is There A Magical Pill For Sleep With Geeta Sethi

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

A lover of food and nature since childhood, you will find Geeta either in the forest walking her dog, researching the latest on the microbiome or creating nourishing meals in her kitchen! Her spiritual journey of seeking answers from life after losing her husband to a heart attack at a young age led her to exploring the wisdom of Ayurveda which was not only a trigger for her to start living more consciously but also changed the trajectory of her whole life. It inspired her to leave behind a successful banking career to go back to school and study holistic nutrition. \She’s appeared multiple...

195 - Gut, Autoimmunity & Sleep With Divya Dhawan show art 195 - Gut, Autoimmunity & Sleep With Divya Dhawan

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Divya Dhawan is a National board certified Functional and Holistic Health coach, mother of 2 smart kids, pet mom and a wife. Her toughest life moments are also are her biggest teachers. When she was diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome and doctors told her that she can only manage her disease with no real cure, she paved her own healing path by going the holistic route. This decision lead her to remission from Sjogren’s and she has been there for almost 10 years now. She now has a deep passion for helping people bounce back up from Autoimmune disorders like Sjogren’s and RA.  Why are...

194 - Male Specific Sleep Disorders With Dr Ramakrishnan Nagarajan show art 194 - Male Specific Sleep Disorders With Dr Ramakrishnan Nagarajan

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Dr. N.Ramakrishnan is a Healthcare Entrepreneur who is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine & Sleep Medicine and also has a Master’s degree in Medical Management from University of Southern California. He is currently the Director of Critical Care Services at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai and is a Senior Consultant in Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. He was the first Board Certified Sleep Specialist to practice in India and established Nithra Institute of Sleep Sciences in 2004. He was also invited to meet the then honourable president of India, Dr.A.P.J...

193 - Trauma Informed Care & Ability To Relax With Dr Deepak Ravindran show art 193 - Trauma Informed Care & Ability To Relax With Dr Deepak Ravindran

The Sleep Whisperer Podcast

Dr Deepak Ravindran has over 20 years of experience in helping people overcome their pain – in the NHS and private practice. He is one of the few consultants in the UK who possesses triple certification in lifestyle medicine, musculoskeletal medicine and pain medicine. He has been a consultant in pain medicine since 2010 in one of the biggest district general medical hospitals, the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust in the UK. He is currently the clinical lead for the specialist pain services for all of West Berkshire since 2015. In 2020, he helped set up the Berkshire Longcovid Integrated...

More Episodes

Antesa Jensen is an emotional intelligence expert who loves to shift paradigms through pitch perfect truth-telling. She is masterful in the art of weaving potent and precise energetic transmission through eloquent spoken word and captivating moments of silence in ways that dismantle the intellect and pierce straight to the heart of things, instantly unlocking hidden potential and the kind of resonance in connection we all crave. Antesa specialises in facilitating fundamental transformation — as well as cultivating these innate human skills in others — through keynote speeches, EQ workshops, expedition-style intensives through her company Adventure Awake, and 1:1 coaching.

In this episode, we dive into: 

  • What does transformation mean?
  • How can you know what you need beyond just a good night of sleep? 
  • Recovery and sleep are an essential part of a transformational process. What does that look like in the world we currently live in?

For more on Antesa, you can follow her:

Website:  www.antesajensen.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/antesa

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/antesajensen/ 

-For more on Deepa:

Deepa is an Allied Functional Medicine Practitioner, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Author and a Yogini at OHA Health. Having a son with a rare adrenal disorder gave her insight into the working of the adrenals. Her articles have been shared by Dr Mark Hyman, MD, a 17 times NY Times Bestselling Author. She also gave the opening speech on Health Hacks at Amazon Web Services & YourStory HeathTech 2019 to heads of healthcare start-ups in India. She is in the YourStory100 Digital Influencers Of 2020. Her book on sleep with HarperCollins releases in 2023. She has been featured on the award winning podcast 15-Minute Matrix and UK Health Radio discussing sleep.

💎 Website: https://ohahealth.com/ 

💎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ohahealth 

💎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ohahealth/ 

💎Blue Light Blockers: https://vivarays.com?sca_ref=1132978.lTmZvKjZ2k 

To work with Deepa:

💎Write to: [email protected]