WHAT IS A SHIATSU TREATMENT WITH KENDRA RENZONI LIKE? In this episode I share about what a shiatsu treatment with me is like! With all the training, studying and ongoing discovery that I have through my experiences with my own healing and through sessions with others, my shiatsu treatments have been undergoing some change. This is currently what shiatsu treatment is like with me! A Session: Session Length Cost (Sliding Scale) What to wear Check In Getting Comfortable Body Scan for Physical Sensations The Felt Sense Self Regulation for the Nervous System Resourcing Guided...
This is a recording of a class I taught as an opening class to the winter Foundation Training series of 2024. I talk about why I have decided to start the 2024 winter courses with a class purely on self-regulation tools before getting into any of the physical practices. I share personal stories of self-regulation in some heated moments, all about each practice, and how these practices can really increase our window of tolerance, help shift us from being primarily in sympathetic nervous system into the parasympathetic where healing can happen, and how they can put us at the center of our own...
This is a recording of a class I taught as an opening class to the winter Foundation Training series of 2024. This episode starts with the class settling in and getting all the comfy blankets and supplies out to really sink in together. Then I talk about why I have decided to start the 2024 winter courses with a class purely on self-regulation tools before getting into any of the physical practices. I share personal stories of self-regulation in some heated moments, all about each practice, and how these practices can really increase our window of tolerance, help shift us from being primarily...
In this episode I talk about what the structure of a Shiatsu treatment is currently like when you come to see me! Check in - What's alive in life right now? Coming into the "Felt Sense" Resourcing Reflecting back: What I hear from an elemental perspective What organs / channels I think I may treat and why Getting comfortable Guided meditation to settle in Holding diagnostic areas Working the channels
In this podcast I link our ability to let go with our relationship to uncertainty and our sense of self worth.
In this podcast I talk about the opportunity inside of feeling resistance. How resistance can be a door opening instead of a door closing.
In this podcast I talk about two students who are confronting resistance to difficulty. There is irritation in my voice and I took the podcast down, worried they would hear that instead of the passion I have for the pivot point they are in. However, I'm putting it back up largely because my acupuncturist urged me to put it out there saying that it's my job, as a teacher, to be slightly irritating, that it can bring value, movement, and growth in places of stagnation, if students choose to take it that way.
Disease and the Locus of Control:
Our body is our unconscious, any good practice will reveal what is there. When the unconscious comes up to the surface it is an opportunity for healing. We often experience resistance to feeling this stuff and develop strategies to avoid it. We can also develop a process of being in engagement with the encounter and through that, heal and develop a sense of stability that is not dependent on the outer world of circumstances.
– Our difficulties are our best teachers, but only if we know how to learn from them.
– Wounding in Childhood, being disliked
– Conscious engagement with our pain
– The heart and the mind
– How to use experience as fodder for the work
– Taking the lessons from our practice out into life
– Resistance, preferences, acceptance, allowance, process & the pillars of practice
– Enduring the long journey
– Opening up to our true nature
NOTE: Near the end of the podcast I talk about two students who are confronting resistance to difficulty. When I listen to myself, I heard irritation in my voice and I took the podcast down, worried they would hear that instead of the passion I have for the pivot point they are in. I took the podcast down to edit it and make it right but through great urging, from those who had a chance to listen, to put it back up, un-edited and raw, I am re-posting it without any edits. I want everyone who listens to know that the moment these two students are in is the moment I live for. It's the pivot point. The tone in my voice is about that passion, it's what gives meaning to my teaching. If you hear irritation or rushing in my voice, it's my own irritation and rushing with myself within this exact moment that I am connecting to, it's the work I have yet to do for myself. Their lesson is my own. I cherish these two as students, friends and fellow travelers who share a commitment and fire for self study that matches my own!
I am re-posting it, unedited and raw, largely because my acupuncturist urged me to put it out there saying that it's my job, as a teacher, to be slightly irritating, that it can bring value, movement, and growth in places of stagnation, if students choose to take it that way.