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We Were Warned - Our Lady of Good Success (Anthony Stine) 02/02/21

The Catholic Current

Release Date: 02/02/2021

Whatever Happened to Christian England? (John Rist) 3/27/25 show art Whatever Happened to Christian England? (John Rist) 3/27/25

The Catholic Current

We welcome scholar John Rist to the show, who explains where and when England began to turn its back against Christianity. He makes the compelling argument that Catholics and even clergy are failing today to defend the Faith, because they have not learned how.  Show Notes  

Let's Take a Closer Look: Peter, Judas, and the Eucharist show art Let's Take a Closer Look: Peter, Judas, and the Eucharist

The Catholic Current

Why is there a Saint Peter but not a Saint Judas, when both were apostles who betrayed Christ? Father Robert McTague explores the difference between repentance and despair, linking it to the Eucharist and the necessity of the papacy. He invites all Christians to embrace the fullness of the faith, where the Church, the sacraments, and the Real Presence of Christ sustain us on our journey home. Watch on YouTube:

Will A.I. Dehumanize Us? (Rob Marco) 3/25/25 show art Will A.I. Dehumanize Us? (Rob Marco) 3/25/25

The Catholic Current

We welcome Rob Marco to discuss the effects of artificial intelligence on our lives. In all of the focus on what we can gain from this technology, might we pause to consider what we lose? Father finishes with Timely Thoughts. Show Notes  

Let's Take a Closer Look: Finding Our Way in the Dark show art Let's Take a Closer Look: Finding Our Way in the Dark

The Catholic Current

We all experience spiritual desolation, those times when we feel like we are alone in darkness. Using Ignatian spirituality, Fr. McTeigue can help us to find our way back towards the light. Watch on YouTube:

Can We Be Good Without God? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/21/25 show art Can We Be Good Without God? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/21/25

The Catholic Current

In today's episode of Let's Talk About This, Fr. McTeigue analyzes the history of those who have created worldviews and ideologies that exclude God while attempting to enact a utopian vision. He also scrutinizes some contemporary advocates of such policies, and shows exactly where their arguments fall apart. Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to prepare you for the upcoming Sunday Mass.  Show Notes  

A Pastor Looks at Lent (Fr. Casey Jones) 3/20/25 show art A Pastor Looks at Lent (Fr. Casey Jones) 3/20/25

The Catholic Current

We welcome back Fr. Casey Jones to explore how a pastor uniquely views Lent, and what mistakes he sees his congregation making with some Lenten practices. He even shares his line-up of how not to make a good confession.  Show Notes  

Let's Take a Closer Look: This Lent—Fast Like an Italian! show art Let's Take a Closer Look: This Lent—Fast Like an Italian!

The Catholic Current

Do you struggle to fast during Lent, or with penances more broadly? Fr. Robert McTeigue takes a closer look at the fasting of Lent, and how we should re-evaluate our understanding of the practice. We can learn a surprising amount about love, food, and sacrifice from the Italians. Watch on YouTube:   

Christendom's Autopsy (Dr. James R. Wood) 3/18/25 show art Christendom's Autopsy (Dr. James R. Wood) 3/18/25

The Catholic Current

We welcome Dr. James Wood to discuss the cultural changes in regards to the acceptance of Christianity and religiosity more broadly. These are strange times for Christendom. Father finishes with timely thoughts. Show Notes

Let's Take a Closer Look: Can a Word Heal Ireland? show art Let's Take a Closer Look: Can a Word Heal Ireland?

The Catholic Current

On St. Patrick's Day, plenty of Irish Americans have their own ideas about how to best celebrate, but modern day Ireland is in trouble. St. Patrick worked for its conversion, and today, we need to continue that mission. Watch on YouTube:  Show Notes  

Loneliness, Solitude, Isolation—What’s the Difference? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/14/25 show art Loneliness, Solitude, Isolation—What’s the Difference? (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 3/14/25

The Catholic Current

If we cannot distinguish between loneliness, solitude, and isolation, we will not be able to fight against what can be a crippling source of pain. We live in a fallen world, and we must know how to identify what is merely normal human emotion, as well as lies from the Devil. Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to prepare you for the upcoming Sunday Mass. Show Notes      

More Episodes

We welcome Anthony Stine from Return to Tradition to discuss Our Lady of Good Success and Catholic Prophecies.