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384 Shawn Stevenson | Eat Smarter: Use the Power of Food to Reboot Your Metabolism, Upgrade Your Brain, and Transform Your Life

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 02/09/2021

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More Episodes
"A study on low-income families showed that just the simple act of eating together with your children for just four meals a week, and it could've been any meal, dramatically protected kids against obesity and disordered eating. These are protective measures that were stimulated and created simply by eating together as a family. Things like this are not being talked about enough in the conversation of food, calorie management, and trying to be healthy. Acts like this are what really make it all special." - Shawn Stevenson


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Wellness Force Radio Episode 384

Host of the #1 Rated iTunes Podcast The Model Health Show and Author of both Sleep Smarter and his latest, Eat Smarter, Shawn Stevenson, explains how to stack the odds in your favor with food and sleep, what Food Love Languages are and how they apply to you, the health benefits of families sitting down to eat together and the key takeaways from Eat Smarter.


What is the connection between food and not just physical health but also emotional intelligence?

Join us and discover the power of food to revert your metabolism, upgrade your brain, and transform your life. 

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Listen To Episode 384 As Shawn Stevenson Uncovers:


[1:30] Stack The Odds In Your Favor With Food & Sleep


[15:30] Food Love Languages

  • What Food Love Languages are and how they've showed up in Shawn's life with his grandmother, parents, and wife.
  • The childhood he had and how it was impacted both by a volatile environment and difficult conditions but also really good people.
  • How his environment with his grandmother from kindergarten to 2nd grade was very different from the rest of his childhood.
  • The routine and certainty that he woke up to every day including having at least 1 meal a day together as a family with his grandparents.
  • Discover Your Love Language - The 5 Love Languages
  • How Shawn's grandmother and mother-in-law communicate love through their home cooking.
  • The fact that his mother-in-law meditates with music on while she cooks
  • Why words of affirmation really make his mother-in-law feel significant.


[23:00] The Health Benefits Of Families Eating Dinner Together

  • Negative forms of Food Love Language including telling someone they don't love you unless they eat everything on their plate.
  • The fact that empty calories do not give someone the micronutrients that their bodies need to stay healthy.
  • Why it's not just the food that matters but also the environment and who you are eating with at your table.
  • Harvard EdCast: The Benefit of Family Mealtime
  • Unpacking why consistently eating 4 times a week as a family, even if the household consumes a lot of processed food and soda, actually leads to greater health.
  • The negative impact of not eating with his mother, stepfather, and siblings together enough.
  • Why eating together as a family can dramatically protect children against obesity, eating disorders, and diabetes.
  • The moment when he was introduced to greater health, awareness, emotional intelligence, and ways of being.
  • Generational trauma and violence that was passed down to him and the environment he lived in during high school and college.


[33:00] Revealing Your Soul Contract & Purpose

  • Exploring Shawn's life mission and the moment he chose to not be a victim of his environment but take control, change his thought patterns, and live the life he wants.
  • Why the inner work is a full-on process that takes time and isn't magic that just happens overnight.
  • The fact that obstacles are there to help us develop certain qualities, strengths, and talents that we never knew we were capable of.
  • How his identity of being as this fit and athletic person was stripped away from him when a physician told him he had a degenerative disc disease at the age of 20.
  • Subconscious questions that we are always asking ourselves and the ones he was asking himself early on in his wellness journey.
  • How the perception of losing everything and hitting rock bottom makes you look up and see your ability to stand up again.
  • The moment he realized that he had to either change his life's conditions or his blueprint in order to heal plus why he chose both of them.
  • Why asking himself, "What can I do to feel better?" helped improve his mindset.
  • His mission to help people see just how capable and powerful we truly all are in this world.


[42:00] Change Your Food Habits, Change Your Life

  • The beginning process in Eat Smarter to help you start living a healthier life.
  • Why all of life's challenges are really just opportunities at the end of the day.
  • Unpacking where our individual blueprints come from: our thoughts and our perceptions.
  • What the greatest driver of the human psyche is: To stay congruent with the ideas that we carry about ourselves.
  • Why changing our brain can change our lives and what that looks like.
  • The fact that even just a 2% drop in your baseline hydration rate is enough to cause mental dysfunction and fatigue.
  • Why the body's mission is to hydrate your brain and blood first before the rest of the body including your spine and bones.
  • The importance of getting enough electrolytes when we hydrate ourselves.
  • Why sodium is seen as something bad as we associate it with high blood pressure and refined salt but it's actually something our body needs.
  • The critical importance of magnesium to change our thoughts and greater cognitive performance.
  • Revealing the truth about nutrients and the fact that there are so many different types of magnesium, vitamin C, omega-3s, and even B12 in nature that go beyond a store-bought synthetic supplement.


[51:00] The Connection Between Food & Emotional Intelligence

  • Clues from nature that a food is good for us based on its nutrient profile including colors, how it performs, and the flavors.
  • What post-ingestion feedback is and how we developed it as humans.
  • Great sources of magnesium that you can turn to including anything green, dark chocolate, nuts, and seeds before turning to supplements.
  • What supplements he recommends especially anything that has been naturally created vs in a lab with synthetic, isolated ingredients.
  • Exploring the emotional component of his book, Eat Smarter, to help us gain higher emotional intelligence.
  • Research on what happens to the communication between a married couple when their blood sugar levels are abnormal.
  • The fact that there are 135 million Americans who have either Type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes right now.
  • Our natural primal programming and why our blood sugar has to be normal in order for us to be able to focus and analyze our current environment.
  • Why we have greater aggression, are less patient, and are unable to resolve conflict when our blood sugar levels are abnormal.
  • The benefits of eating more omega-3 fatty acids to help improve our metabolism, blood sugar levels, sleep, and cognitive thinking.


[1:01:00] How Food Can Improve Our Relationships


Power Quotes From The Show


Do You Have Poor Food Habits?


"We might be under the illusion that we're making choices of what we eat on our own free will but if you research, it clearly shows and indicates that what you eat is heavily influenced by how you eat and more interesting with whom you're eating."  - Shawn Stevenson in Eat Smarter


Find Your Wellness Tribe


"Get yourself around good people. Immerse yourself in what Michael Beckwith would call a beloved community of people that support your greatness. It doesn't mean that they cater to you and they tell you that everything is going to be okay all the time. It's more so they create a space for you to grow while giving you some insight and advice but they also challenge you and make you think differently. Get yourself in a community of good people and make that a priority." - Shawn Stevenson


Good Health Is Contagious

"As you grow, then you will start to become a light and source of inspiration for other people and that's what paying it forward really means. There is solid data that health is contagious. A positive frame of mind and solution-oriented thinking and success are all contagious as well. Today, more than ever, you have the power to do your own research, tap in, and learn how to feed your spirit. Make it a mandate to do that every day. Get a positive perimeter set up to simply remind you of your greatness." - Shawn Stevenson


Links From Today's Show 


About Shawn Stevenson

Shawn Stevenson | Eat Smarter: Use the Power of Food to Reboot Your Metabolism, Upgrade Your Brain, and Transform Your Life

Shawn Stevenson is one of the most inspirational humans in the health and wellness world. Through his #1 Rated iTunes Podcast The Model Health Show, he has been inspiring millions of people since 2013 with an authentic presence and powerfully for both science and story to unlock the best versions of ourselves.

Shawn is also the #1 Best-Selling Author of Sleep Smarter: 21 essentials strategies to sleep your way to a better body, better health, and bigger success…. and his newest book EAT Smarter: Use the power of food to revert your metabolism, upgrade your brain, and transform your life
Shawn’s story AND WORK is a testament to the astonishing power of the human spirit and what is possible if we choose a connection to love and being of service for the well-being of others.


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