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Getting Pulled Into the Past: Our Shame Response and the Impact of Unprocessed Trauma

Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Release Date: 02/22/2021

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Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Do you have skepticism regarding religion or spirituality?  Have you ever wanted to believe but didn't want to be fooled by exaggerations and misdirection?  Listen to Rev. Dr. David Chotka's life journey from decorating Christmas trees at the strip club to becoming a pastor.    

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Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Have you ever wondered how some people are able to break loose from generations of family patterns and abuse?  Are you feeling discouraged by those around you and doubt your own potential?  Listen to Dr. Cindy Starke's phenomenal journey of intrepid persistence straight through multiple failures, refusing to give up.  Education was her ticket to safety and she didn't stop until she has a PhD in molecular genetics and was an internal medicine physician.

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Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Do you feel victimized by your own anger or perfectionistic expectations?  Would you like a practical way to feel peace and gratitude?  Listen as Ann Swanson explains mindfulness practices of meditation and how to send messages of "May you be safe; may you be healthy; may you be happy" to yourself and others.

Healing From Narcissistic Abuse show art Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Have you ever been in a relationship with a narcissist?  It is quite the experience!  Do you wonder if you are but aren't sure because of all the gaslighting?  Are you second-guessing yourself a lot and blaming yourself for issues they created?  Then you definitely want to listen as Nikki LaCroce describes her journey with a wonderfully open, transparent delivery.

"Sigh, See, Start": The ShouldStorm Antidote

Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Are you a parent living in fear of "messing up" your child?  Do all the "shoulds" have you in a stranglehold?  Listen as pediatrician, Dr. Alison Escalante, describes her prescription for the ShouldStorm.

Trauma Impact:  From Codependency to Self-Mastery show art Trauma Impact: From Codependency to Self-Mastery

Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Are you keenly aware of others' moods?  Do you struggle to validate your own thoughts and feelings due to threatened rejection and abandonment by others?  Have you been told what is acceptable behavior and try your best to please those around you?  Listen as Amanda Kate discusses her trauma, resiliency, managing the 5 F's and learning the value of Self-Mastery. https://amandakate.com.au

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Phoenix and Flame Podcast

How does a 30 yr-old become an entrepreneurial success?  Listen as Eric McHugh, president of SHOPX web3 ecommerce, describes his persistent habits of setting boundaries, prioritizing peace, and training his thought life.  

Finding Yourself:  Ascension From Childhood Dysfunction show art Finding Yourself: Ascension From Childhood Dysfunction

Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Do you feel tethered to childhood dysfunctional dynamics?  Would you like to know who you are without all that baggage?  Listen as Lolita Guarin explains how she finally found herself and set liberating boundaries so she could strengthen and grow.

My Life:  The Rewrite! show art My Life: The Rewrite!

Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Is your life script in desperate need of a rewrite?  Are you frustrated and irritated with all your life's narratives that seem to keep you in bondage?  LIsten as Deanna Moffitt explains how liberation, peace, and strength can be yours by challenging your life "stories."   https://deannamoffitt.com

I Get To Be Me!  The Freedom of Inclusion show art I Get To Be Me! The Freedom of Inclusion

Phoenix and Flame Podcast

Do you view your diagnoses as disabilities?  Learn how to experience your unique qualities as assets designed to help you thrive!  Katherine McCord discusses how neurodiversities should be not only accepted but embraced!    

More Episodes

This episode focuses on the power of unprocessed trauma to pull us into the past via triggers which hijack our emotional reactions.


I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't):  Making the Journey From "What Will People Think" to "I Am Enough" by Brene Brown
