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The Struggles, Joys, and Beauty of Parenting

The Resilient Heart Podcast

Release Date: 06/03/2021

Rediscovering Your Identity and Breaking Generational Cycles with Romel Peters show art Rediscovering Your Identity and Breaking Generational Cycles with Romel Peters

The Resilient Heart Podcast

In this episode, I am joined by Romel, a proud Mumpreneur, Intuitive Mindset Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Podcaster and Author on a mission to help individuals who struggle with self-identity rediscover who they are on a soul level by breaking the unhealthy cycles of generational patterns and expectations. Having undergone her massive transformation after hitting rock bottom in 2018, Romel now uses her expertise and experience to guide her clients through their own Self-Discovery journey. She is passionate about creating healthy spaces and the resources you may need to ‘master the art’ of...

Embracing Purpose as a Single Woman Without Children with Sonjia “Lioness” Mackey show art Embracing Purpose as a Single Woman Without Children with Sonjia “Lioness” Mackey

The Resilient Heart Podcast

In a world often fixated on family and children, single childfree women may wonder about their place and purpose. But fret not, for your path to fulfillment lies in embracing your unique journey. Your divine purpose isn't bound by societal norms or expectations; it's about discovering what truly ignites your soul. Dive into your passions, explore new interests, and seize every opportunity that speaks to your heart.   In this episode, I am joined by Sonjia “Lioness” Mackey, divine purpose and life coach who targets single childfree women, to talk about how single women can discover...

Minisode: The Struggles, Joys, and Beauty of Parenting show art Minisode: The Struggles, Joys, and Beauty of Parenting

The Resilient Heart Podcast

In this vulnerable episode, Gabi interviews her daughter Gianna. They discuss how Gianna's father died at 4 yrs old and her and Gabi truly grew up together. From Gianna wanting to become a firefighter to staying in New Mexico amidst her moms move, they open up about their mother daughter relationship over the last twenty years.  From raising children in two different communities and what seems like two different eras, Gabi explains how different it has been for both of her children.  Gianna recalls an experience that crafted her strength was a time when she was little and had a fit...

How Chiropractic Techniques Tackle Stress Head-On with Amir Rashidian show art How Chiropractic Techniques Tackle Stress Head-On with Amir Rashidian

The Resilient Heart Podcast

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress can take a toll on both body and mind. But what if there was a way to align your body and calm your mind simultaneously? Enter chiropractic techniques, a powerful tool in combating stress head-on. By targeting the body's alignment, chiropractic care not only relieves physical tension but also promotes mental relaxation, offering a holistic approach to wellness.   In this episode, I am joined by Amir Rashidian, a Chiropractic Doctor and the owner of Mid Atlantic Clinic of Chiropractic, to talk about how he focuses on stress management in his...

Reclaiming Sexual and Spiritual Wholeness with Lorna Gale show art Reclaiming Sexual and Spiritual Wholeness with Lorna Gale

The Resilient Heart Podcast

In this episode, I am joined by Lorna, an Elder, Somatic Sexuality and Spirituality Mentor and Story Unweaver who helps people experience sexual freedom and spiritual wholeness. She is a poet, writer, and “story unweaver” in the spiritual, erotic realm where divine feminine energy and sacred masculine form reflect Spirit in the human experience. After being a stay-at-home mom for 12 years, followed by a 12-year career as an educator in the school system, Lorna turned her focus to wellness for herself and then as a teacher of energy medicine, bodywork, somatic sex education, and Bondassage....

Mindful Transformation: Living Your Best Life Through Awareness with Dawn Gaden show art Mindful Transformation: Living Your Best Life Through Awareness with Dawn Gaden

The Resilient Heart Podcast

Mindful transformation is about using the power of mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, which helps you make positive changes and live your best life. By practicing mindfulness, you can better understand yourself and your reactions, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and purpose. This awareness helps you break free from behavioral patterns and make conscious choices that align with your true values and goals.   In this episode, I am joined by Dawn Gaden, the CEO of Mind Body Counseling and Coaching. She is an international...

Stepping Into Your True Authentic Self In Your Relationships with Cassie Zeeb show art Stepping Into Your True Authentic Self In Your Relationships with Cassie Zeeb

The Resilient Heart Podcast

Stepping into your true authentic self means being honest and real with the people you care about. It's about showing who you really are, including your true feelings, thoughts, and desires. When you are authentic, you create deeper and more meaningful connections with others. This journey involves understanding and accepting yourself, which allows you to be open and genuine in your interactions.   In this episode, I am joined by Cassie Zeeb, a life and relationship coach for spiritual entrepreneurs and creatives, to discuss being authentic to yourself. Cassie shares the signs that you...

Celebrating You: The Power of Birthday Reflections show art Celebrating You: The Power of Birthday Reflections

The Resilient Heart Podcast

On your birthday, taking time to think about your past year helps you see how much you've grown and what you've learned. It's like giving yourself a pat on the back and setting up for a new start. This reflection can boost your confidence and help you plan better for the future.   In this birthday episode, I share reflections on my life in the past year and this year that have enabled me to learn and grow. My birthday will be on the 3rd of May, 2024. I talk about the biggest deal with birthdays, the things you should do for yourself this month and ways to overcome unexpected changes. I...

Empowering Women Through Menopause: Strategies for a Smooth Transition with Dr. Joy’El Ballard show art Empowering Women Through Menopause: Strategies for a Smooth Transition with Dr. Joy’El Ballard

The Resilient Heart Podcast

Embarking on the journey through menopause can feel like navigating uncharted waters for many women. But fear not, for there are strategies aplenty to empower and ease this transition. From embracing holistic wellness practices to fostering open dialogue and education, empowering women through menopause is not just about managing symptoms, but about embracing a new phase of life with confidence and vitality.   In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Joy’El Ballard, a board-certified Gynecologist who is passionate about educating and empowering women to follow a path of self-love as they...

Becoming Janet - Finding Myself in the Holocaust show art Becoming Janet - Finding Myself in the Holocaust

The Resilient Heart Podcast

The Holocaust, a dark chapter in human history, was a systematic and state-sponsored campaign by Nazi Germany and its collaborators to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe during the Second World War. From 1933 to 1945, six million Jews were murdered in a genocide that also targeted Roma, disabled individuals, Soviet prisoners of war, Polish civilians, homosexuals, and political dissidents. This period of terror unfolded through ghettos, death squads known as Einsatzgruppen, and extermination camps, primarily in Eastern Europe.   In this episode, I am joined by Janet Singer...

More Episodes

Parenting is one of the toughest but most rewarding jobs to have in the world, and what can possibly be more rewarding than watching your child achieve a major milestone in their life? 

Tune in as Gabi dedicates this episode to honoring her daughter on her 21st birthday and opens up about her proudest moments and biggest struggles as a mother. Having dealt with immense amounts of guilt and shame in her earlier years as a parent, Gabi brings us along on her personal healing journey - one that inspired her daughter to set off on her own path to healing as well. Gabi also shares her biggest advice learned from her parenting experiences, the legacy she wants to build, and her hopes for her two children in the coming years. 



  • Lessons she learned from her daughter. 
  • Struggling with separation and isolation from your loved ones. 
  • Dealing with guilt and shame as a parent. 
  • Leaving your legacy as a parent. 
  • How to have difficult conversations with your child. 
  • Looking into the future. 



“There's no perfect parent, there's no perfect way to raise your children, there's no roadmap for this shit.”

“When you can allow your children to tell you and to come to you and say “you've hurt me, I need to talk through this,” you're saving them so much pain, and grief, and heaviness.”

“Our babies need to see us healed and happy more than anything else.”



Follow Gabi on Instagram @gabigirl34 - https://www.instagram.com/gabigirl34/

Visit her website at https://www.gabigarland.com/

Resilient Heart is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at www.instapodcasts.com)