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Scientists did not want to agree with Trump

The Alan Sanders Show

Release Date: 06/20/2021

Tara's 10, State-Run Media, leaked Hezbollah, Diddy and Epstein share plot, Dems vote no, Harris with Oprah as hubby drives bus show art Tara's 10, State-Run Media, leaked Hezbollah, Diddy and Epstein share plot, Dems vote no, Harris with Oprah as hubby drives bus

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with our weekly nod to Tara Bull’s Top 10 news stories the Legacy/mainstream media likely did not tell you about this week or did not cover properly. It’s always fun to run through the list and comment on those news items in rapid-fire style. I decided to open with a sound bit from David Sacks, discussing the moment he realized the media wasn’t just biased, they were nothing but tools of propaganda. He came to that realization during Covid and he continue to warn others about the dangers of believing stories from the worst spreaders of disinformation. Next, I want to...

Corrupt Border Patrol, Corrupt NYC Public Health, Corrupt FCC and a corrupt DNC plus, Unions for Trump show art Corrupt Border Patrol, Corrupt NYC Public Health, Corrupt FCC and a corrupt DNC plus, Unions for Trump

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with testimony given by Aaron Heitke, Former Chief Patrol Agent, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol that they were supposed to hide numbers of known terrorists crossing the border. Additionally, he states they were asked to re-prioritize resources away from drug detection to help process more people via detention centers. In another undercover operation, Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health NYC Mayor’s Office, 2020-21, is caught talking about attending sex and drug parties in the midst of the mandatory lockdowns he convinced the mayor to implement. The FCC...

Labeling a person versus an action, 2nd wave hits Hezbollah, politics over people, lies and hoaxes and RFK on Trump show art Labeling a person versus an action, 2nd wave hits Hezbollah, politics over people, lies and hoaxes and RFK on Trump

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with round two of personal electronic devices being used by terrorists suddenly going BOOM! This time, it seems the vast majority were walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah. What a shame that now these terrorists are living scared over whether or not their other electronic devices might be the next to explode. I then take a short trip down a side road to discuss a pilot program I was part of here in Georgia. The story relates to advice I give to new parents wherever I have a chance to speak to them. There is a massive difference in creating a mentally healthy child between...

Constitution Week, pager bombs, USSS mole, fact-check false, violent rhetoric, Nevadans for Trump and RFK on reform show art Constitution Week, pager bombs, USSS mole, fact-check false, violent rhetoric, Nevadans for Trump and RFK on reform

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens on the very start of Constitution Week here in the United States. I talk about that sacred document a lot and love the fact we have a full week set aside in this country to put a spotlight on the genius of our Founding Fathers. We then move to almost 2,800 Hezbollah members who all has their pagers become small bombs on their person today, all at the same time. Like something out of a movie, it was a brilliant way to attack terrorists with little to no collateral damage around them. Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) suggests Donald Trump add a second layer of security from private...

The 2nd attempt, did ABC whistleblower affidavit drop, Harris has first 1-on-1, delinquencies rise and JD Vance navigates show art The 2nd attempt, did ABC whistleblower affidavit drop, Harris has first 1-on-1, delinquencies rise and JD Vance navigates

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens on the heels of another assassination attempt made on Donald Trump. Once again there are some serious questions to be answered and some striking similarities to the first attempt. One big difference, though, is we have the suspect alive and in custody. Did the ABC whistleblower affidavit drop or are we getting a well-played ruse? Either way, it’s part of the news cycle and worthy of some discussion. Plus, at the very same time, debate moderator Linsey Davis admitted to the LA Times that they were bound and determined to real-time fact check Donald Trump while never once...

Tara's 10, Springfield petition, Blumenthal and USSS, did ABC cheat, Harris furious, violence spiking and Weinstein's warning show art Tara's 10, Springfield petition, Blumenthal and USSS, did ABC cheat, Harris furious, violence spiking and Weinstein's warning

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s Friday episode opens as we usually do, with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items of the week that the Legacy/mainstream media either did not cover or did not cover them well. Unlike most weeks, though, today’s Top 10 had a lot of items that just dropped yesterday, so many of them were in my show prep for me to talk about today. We then move to the citizens in Springfield, OH petitioning for the complete removal of the mayor and the city council over the Haitian migrant problem in their community. Senator Richard “Griphook” Blumenthal (D-CT) stepped out of character and intimated...

Mom's testify about losing kids to illegals, more reactions from debate, RFK says unify, Biden wears MAGA and Bon Jovi saves show art Mom's testify about losing kids to illegals, more reactions from debate, RFK says unify, Biden wears MAGA and Bon Jovi saves

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with an event that might have gotten lost in the last few days. Several mom’s were asked to testify before Congress. They were all victim’s of crime at the hands of illegals, most of which were the rape and murder of their children. While Democrats grandstanded and even tried to make them look like they were being used, the mom’s were not about to take that from the very Leftists whose policies have led to so much death and carnage. I then spend some time going through more of the post-debate fallout and reactions. It seems the more we learn, the more my assessment...

DEBATE NIGHT: Donald Trump v. Kamala Harris, David Muir, Linsey Davis and the State-Run Media show art DEBATE NIGHT: Donald Trump v. Kamala Harris, David Muir, Linsey Davis and the State-Run Media

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show focuses entirely on the debate last night between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The clear winner of the debate was CNN, given the horrendous manner in which the moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis were all-in to help Harris and hurt Trump. We truly watched a 3 on 1 debate where the state-run media was there to accomplish a mission. Since we are not going to get anything close to fairness from them, I spend time illustrating just how intentionally biased and deliberate the actions of ABC were to let Harris get away with everything and to attack Trump as much as possible....

Debate night, USSS leads asked to retire, Harris copies Biden policies, danger to our Republic, Vance on border and The Atlantic show art Debate night, USSS leads asked to retire, Harris copies Biden policies, danger to our Republic, Vance on border and The Atlantic

The Alan Sanders Show

Today opens with me looking forward to tonight’s debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Both sides have been preparing for this event, but in different ways. That difference is what carries us through nearly all of today’s show. If we were able to disconnect from our emotional sides and stopped caring about what others thought of us, this election would be the biggest no-brainer of my lifetime. In a sane, logical world, Trump would win every state in landslide fashion. There is talk that the two highest in command at the US Secret Service have been asked to resign. Seems odd we...

Shooter story wanes, spice shop cringe, Russia hoax, coalition of core values, Haitians eating pets, carbon Nye and Seinfeld show art Shooter story wanes, spice shop cringe, Russia hoax, coalition of core values, Haitians eating pets, carbon Nye and Seinfeld

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with a little more information about the GA school shooter, all of it alarming, but because of his political leanings, I am sure the story is going to be gone very soon. The most disconcerting element is word that the mother called the school counselor to warn them a full 30 minutes before the first shots were fired. Kamala Harris, in an effort to look like a regular person, went inside a Penzey’s Spices store to an adoring audience. Too bad we remember that the chain sent out an email recently saying Republicans need not shop there anymore. Mollie Hemingway of The...

More Episodes

In this episode, we look at the latest revelation a large number of influential scientists did not want to investigate the possibility of a lab leak from the Wuhan Lab of Virology. Why? Not because of science or factual information. Rather, these scientists did NOT want to look like they were supporting President Donald J. Trump

Back in May of 2020, Dr. Alina Chan was pushing hard to get the scientific community to look into the Wuhan Lab. Rather than showing an interest in science, facts or information gathering, it made her a target of scientists looking to squash any talk that the pandemic could have originated from a lab. In fact, those scientists, without a shred of information, rushed to downplay the possibility, publishing a letter in The Lancet that cast such notions of a lab leak was "xenophobic" and "anti-vax." Vanity Fair recently reported The Lancet statement effectively ended the debate over Covid-19's origins before it began. 

This is not science. This is, as former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said he believes the pandemic originated in the lab and that those who moved to shut down the lab leak theory were "very anti-science." 

We went for another 12 months listening to the so-called scientific experts only to find they would rather allow their emotional hatred for a president prevent them from embracing the scientific method. They became willing stooges, perpetrating a lie embraced by top public health officials, the Democrat party and the mainstream media. 

The episode wraps with a short clip from Arch Bishop Sheen about how communists have to remove God so the "state" can replace him. I ask the question, based on how the last 12 months have been orchestrated with a world-wide psyop, are we not seeing the fruits of what happens when citizens are made to believe the state is infallible and not to be questioned? 

Be sure to like and follow The Alan Sanders Show on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! And, try out my other podcasts, The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast