We've been teasing it for months but it's finally here: Our 12th anniversary episode of doing Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast! I'm going to keep this blog piece tight and sweet - and urge you to avail yourself of the actual episode, which you can find at your favorite download location OR at our , . This episode — our last before embarking on a shortish hiatus — is double-hosted, featuring and . We talk about the shows' origins, its evolution during the Age of Soundcasting, and a number of the personalities we've met along the way. One of those personalities joins us...
Can you feel it, listener? I can. I can feel it. The warm, sultry breeze of our impending Succotash hiatus is gently wafting around the next bend in our feed. I’m your every-other-weekly-host and welcome to Episode 352, which I’m calling “Last Clips Before Hiatus” because, well, it’s our second-to-last episode before we take a break BUT the last one in which we’ll be featuring clips. I’ll tell you more about what our LAST show before jump the tracks is going to be like toward this end of this blog entry but, for now, let’s share this time together as just another in the long...
Saluton, estas mi, , and I welcome you heartily to this 351st episode of Succotash, The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, which just so happens to be the second-to-last episode of Succotash before our 12-year anniverary special, which will then be swiftly followed by a well-deserved hiatus. If you are a 1st time listener, this show typically features clips from other soundcasts from around the world and has for almost 12 years. The entire archive of episodes past can be found over at for the time being, so if you end up enjoying this program and you'd like to share it with others, send them...
Hello, friend! here for yet another edition – the 350th installment, in fact – of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Later this month we’ll be celebrating hitting our 12th Anniversary of bringing you clips from (mostly) comedy soundcasts and interviews with some of those soundcasters, some comedians, and some other showbiz folk, as our esteemed booth announcer, , is fond of saying. That anniversary show will be fun. It will be me and my switching-off-with-me-every-other-week co-host on the show together, along with a special guest surprise! That show is going to drop on...
Saluton, estas mi . Welcome to Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast! Have you listened to us before? If so, then welcome back! We're clocking in at #349 this week and the duties of finding soundcast clips falls on me. Did you happen to hear last week's episode titled "A Spring Bouquet of Clips" ? It was Epi348 and it featured a trio of clips from the soundcasts FOGO, Tell Me About It, and The Best Show. In addition, that episode featured another drop-in from comedian with a selection from his "Slices" blog, and that one was called “The Thai That Unbinds”. It was a fun episode, and...
Happy Vernal Equinox, Succotashians! I’m your every-other-weekly-host, , and thanks for plucking Episode 348 out of the soundcastosphere, an episode I’m calling “A Spring Bouquet of Clips” because, well, this show is dropping close to the first day of Spring! Speaking of Spring, something that’s springing up very soon is the 12th anniversary of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Your co-host and mine, , will be joining me for a celebratory episode where we’ll look back on the show’s dozen years. We’ll have some clips from shows, classic Henderson’s Pants ads, some...
Saluton estas mi, , welcoming you to Succotash Episode #347. I will be your host for the duration of this episode as it is my turn to do so. Last week in Epi346, subtitled "Clips Like a Lion", show creator and executive producer of Succotash brought you a clips episode plus a little something extra. The clips featured in that episode were from the Soundcasts known as Dear Chelsea, The JTrain Podcast, and Two Vegan Idiots. The aformentioned extra took the form of a contribution from comedian "Slices" blog, called "Rebel Without A Phone". It was an entertaining episode that, if you were...
Can you believe it? We’re here again. You and I, I mean. I am, as our booth announcer just intoned, your every-other-weekly-host . And you’re, obviously, you. And this IS Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Episode 346, to be exact. And, if this is your first visit, well, then, you know pretty much what you need to know. We’re just about a month away from celebrating this soundcast’s 12th anniversary. TWELVE years! Can you imagine? When Succotash started, the dodo birds were practically still alive, walking the still-cooling surface of the primordial Earth, stalking...
Saluton, estas mi welcoming you to this "Chats" episode of Succotash, The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, now in the last vestiges of its 11th year bringing you now 345 episodes including this one. Yes, this is Episode 345, which means that the last episode that dropped into our stream was episode 344 and THAT episode was also a Chats episode, hosted by show creator and executive producer , with whom I share hosting duties with on an every-other-weekly basis. In Epi344, Mr. Hershon's guest was of The Legal Geeks soundcast, which, on their main webpage over at is described as "The Legal...
Howdy, soundcast aficionados! You must be a fan of soundcasts if you’re dropping in for yet another installment of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Because that’s all we do around here is pay homage to soundcasts. We play clips from 'em, we talk about ‘em, and sometimes we talk to the people who are ON the soundcasts, like today. But good deary me, I am getting ahead of myself. Myself being one , your every-other-weekly host of Succotash, and this is Episode 344. We’re about 5 weeks away from hitting our 12 year anniversary of this show — can you feel the excitement, the...
info_outlineHey, you. Glad to have you here for Epi258 of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, where I, Marc Hershon, am Mixin’ Up a Mess O’ Soundcasts this week. Details on what shows I’m featuring in a sec but first, did you miss last week’s Epi 257, hosted by my alternating co-host Mr. Tyson Saner? He featured a triumphant trio of soundcast clips from Blake's Takes for God's Sakes, Good Game Nice Try, and Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard. You can always grab that or any other previous installment of Succotash right on our homsight, at Or pretty much anywhere else you normally gobble up your soundcast treats: Apple and Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio…search for Succotash Show on the web and we’re sure to pop up.
As for what I’ve got in store for you this time around, I’m going a little differently that usual. I normally harvest four clips from various comedy soundcasts but I’ve got kind of a mixed bag special for you. A combo platter, if you will. There are some brand new shows and a smattering of things from a few years ago. We’ll be hearing from Patton Oswalt and Meredith Salenger in the new Did You Get My Text?; a couple of comedy sketch commercials from Left-Handed Radio; May Contain Nuts, a BBC soundcast from Scotland; Stay F. Homekins, the pandemic-inspired show from Paul F. Tompkins, and a mini-clip from The Midnight Miracle by Dave Chapelle and assorted co-hosts. In addition, I’ll be featuring a clip from the Jock Doc Podcast. Yes, I featured the JDP on my last installment, it’s true. BUT this clip features yours truly appearing as a character on the most recent installment of Dr. London Smith’s show and, gosh, I’d hate for you to miss a minute of me!
Plus this episode is sponsored by Henderson’s Pants new Down Under Pants, mate!
Here’s something I forget to mention a lot of these shows but if you’re like to read what I have to say about comedy soundcasts and not just listen to me blather on, I am part of the squad that writes the this Week in Comedy Podcasts column over on each week. We each pick one and write about 200 words about it. That column drops every Thursday, usually, and this week I’m reviewing…well, that would be telling. Suffice it to say that I will be reviewing one of the shows that I am clipping in this very episode. In fact, it might be this first clip…
Did You Get My Text?
…Which is from the first episode of a brand new soundcast. It’s called Did You Get My Text? And features comedian Patton Oswalt and his wife, Meredith Salenger, who – according to the show blurb – live in the same house yet text each other more than people who live across the country from one another. Here, they sit down and go through their texts together. Our clip is about a photo Patton texted to Meredith which you might have seen. It got quite a bit of attention. It’s a woman being interviewed on the news from her home and in the background, displayed prominently on a bookshelf, is the kind of object you normally wouldn’t be showing off.
The Jock Doc Podcast
Next up is a clip from The Jock Doc Podcast. And yes, yes I know I JUST featured a clip from Dr. London Smith and Cameron week before last because they uploaded it to us. But THIS clip is different. It’s special. It’s got ME in it! But not just me, I’m playing a zany character with a bad French accent. I play Guy Niçoise, a “reclaimed food chef”. Which means he makes meals out of garbage, basically. Bon apetít!
Left Handed Radio
A podcast crew that has been around even longer than your Succotash family is Left Handed Radio. Started in 2010, a year before us, it is hosted by Anna Rubanova and Adam Bozarth. It's largely a collection of original comedy sketches and parodies, mostly of public radio shows and ads. Their publicist, Heidi Vanderlee, from Positive Jam PR, sent me a couple of their spots for Father’s Day, which was just this past Sunday. Let’s listen together…
May Contain Nuts
For this next clip we leave the States and head for Scotland. BBC Scotland, to be exact, and a TV show AND a soundcast called May Contain Nuts, to be exacter. This clip is from episode 6 of Series 3 that dropped a year ago this month. The show touts itself as being about “Four hosts, one subject, no script,” and features hosts Stuart Condy, Russell Miller, Chris Miller and Craig-James Moncur. This clip is from a show all about Stonehenge and these guys are pretty funny. I think. Their Scottish burrs are so thick I had to listen a couple or twelve times to get it all, so don’t be afraid to hit that rewind button.
Stay F. Homekins
What did soundcasting mainstay Paul F. Tompkins and his wife Janie Haddad Tompkins do during the COVID-19 lockdown? They produced a soundcast of course, called Stay F. Tompkins. And it’s still going, although I’m not sure how much longer they’ll be keeping it going – Paul’s got to get back to visiting all those other soundcasts! In this clip, Paul starts to get into having been a guest on Larry King’s show…
The Midnight Miracle
The Midnight Miracle is a soundcast that came out of a summer camp that Dave Chappelle put on in Ohio. The show description calls it “a thought-provoking podcast that uniquely blends the salon and variety show traditions while providing a glimpse into the inner lives of hosts Talib Kweli, yasiin bey, Dave Chappelle, and friends.” It’s available under Apple Podcasts’ new paid subscription model, so I couldn’t get an ordinary clip from the show BUT they released this two minute blurp – that’s a cross between a blip and a blurb – so here you go…
You had enough? Me, too. Be sure to pop in next week for Tyson Saner and Episode 259’s rasher of soundcast clippage. Remember to give a listen to me guesting on the Jock Doc Podcast. If you want advanced voting rights, I guess you’ll have to find someplace more forward-thinking that the USA. And if anyone asks if you’ve heard anything good lately, feel free to pass that ol’ devil Succotash!
— Marc Hershon