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Ignoring natural immunity is not science

The Alan Sanders Show

Release Date: 08/08/2021

Tara's 10, IG on J6, Zuck a Libertarian, Zelenskyy visits Trump, Harris and Rhule wrecked, actors, collateral damage and Dolan show art Tara's 10, IG on J6, Zuck a Libertarian, Zelenskyy visits Trump, Harris and Rhule wrecked, actors, collateral damage and Dolan

The Alan Sanders Show

Our Friday show opens as we usually do, with a nod to Tara Bull’s Top 10 news items the State-run media either didn’t tell you about this week, or didn’t give you the full story if they did. It’s a great way to run through several news stories in rapid-fire succession. We then move to an interesting exchange between Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Senator Thomas Massie (R-KY). While he was trying to be coy because the report on J6 is not yet ready for publication, Horowitz all but confirmed there were agents/CHS’s in the J6 crowd and that they also went into Capitol. While we...

J6 hoax, Kamala's lack of work, Pelosi's puff, Coons' conceit, ridiculous Ruhle, border, Biden, FBI and Deep Thoughts show art J6 hoax, Kamala's lack of work, Pelosi's puff, Coons' conceit, ridiculous Ruhle, border, Biden, FBI and Deep Thoughts

The Alan Sanders Show

Today we get back to a more typical show, opening with something I brought to you on Monday of this week, but it seems to have taken everyone else some time to catch up. Donald Trump sent out a message about the transcripts proving he ordered troops for safety and security and his orders were not followed on January 6, 2021. We follow that with a shocking drop in the Consumer Confidence Index. It seems many Americans and growing more pessimistic about the economy by the day. The Daily Mail tried to find evidence of Kamala Harris working hard on the committees she was appointed to by...

Metabolic Dysfunction is medical fact that few doctors want to discuss show art Metabolic Dysfunction is medical fact that few doctors want to discuss

The Alan Sanders Show

Today is a different kind of episode. Every now and then there are specific topics I want to discuss that may not be directly related to the realm of politics. Now, there is a political component to this topic, given that politicians are at the root of the funding and staffing of the agencies that are meant to protect the health of Americans. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and RFK, Jr. held a roundtable discussion in Washington, D.C. to discuss Metabolic Dysfunction and the many chronic diseases it causes. So much of our physical and mental health can be traced back to the food and drug industry....

It's not L v R, Barr weighs-in, AOC censorship, clinic percentages, Zelensky campaigns, Kamala's record, polling and open border show art It's not L v R, Barr weighs-in, AOC censorship, clinic percentages, Zelensky campaigns, Kamala's record, polling and open border

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with a discussion on how this election cycle really isn’t about Left versus Right or Democrat versus Republican. We are truly at a point where it’s about freedom and liberty versus control and tyranny. I am not trying to exaggerate. It’s as stark as that. Then I move into more information the FBI has released about the arrest of Ryan Routh. On top of that, former AG Bill Barr was just as shocked as I was yesterday to see the FBI releasing the letter that basically calls for the next unhinged lunatic to take a crack at trying to eliminate Donald Trump. AOC proves my...

We're with the government and we're here to help, more Diddy, Routh letter, J6 transcripts, Joe forgets, Jill runs and Walz warns show art We're with the government and we're here to help, more Diddy, Routh letter, J6 transcripts, Joe forgets, Jill runs and Walz warns

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with me taking some time to discuss a few items from a much higher level. Sometimes we can get so caught in the weeds of the day-to-day news cycle, that we forget to see the forest for the trees. So, in the first half, I discuss a concert, the government seeming to always have good intentions, the Cobra effect and the homeless problem in California. We then dive into the news stack and I have more about the P. Diddy case. We also discuss a “care package” that the 2nd would-be assassin left with “some citizen.” In that package was a letter suggesting that if you are...

Tara's 10, State-Run Media, leaked Hezbollah, Diddy and Epstein share plot, Dems vote no, Harris with Oprah as hubby drives bus show art Tara's 10, State-Run Media, leaked Hezbollah, Diddy and Epstein share plot, Dems vote no, Harris with Oprah as hubby drives bus

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with our weekly nod to Tara Bull’s Top 10 news stories the Legacy/mainstream media likely did not tell you about this week or did not cover properly. It’s always fun to run through the list and comment on those news items in rapid-fire style. I decided to open with a sound bit from David Sacks, discussing the moment he realized the media wasn’t just biased, they were nothing but tools of propaganda. He came to that realization during Covid and he continue to warn others about the dangers of believing stories from the worst spreaders of disinformation. Next, I want to...

Corrupt Border Patrol, Corrupt NYC Public Health, Corrupt FCC and a corrupt DNC plus, Unions for Trump show art Corrupt Border Patrol, Corrupt NYC Public Health, Corrupt FCC and a corrupt DNC plus, Unions for Trump

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with testimony given by Aaron Heitke, Former Chief Patrol Agent, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol that they were supposed to hide numbers of known terrorists crossing the border. Additionally, he states they were asked to re-prioritize resources away from drug detection to help process more people via detention centers. In another undercover operation, Dr. Jay Varma, Former Senior Advisor for Public Health NYC Mayor’s Office, 2020-21, is caught talking about attending sex and drug parties in the midst of the mandatory lockdowns he convinced the mayor to implement. The FCC...

Labeling a person versus an action, 2nd wave hits Hezbollah, politics over people, lies and hoaxes and RFK on Trump show art Labeling a person versus an action, 2nd wave hits Hezbollah, politics over people, lies and hoaxes and RFK on Trump

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens with round two of personal electronic devices being used by terrorists suddenly going BOOM! This time, it seems the vast majority were walkie-talkies used by Hezbollah. What a shame that now these terrorists are living scared over whether or not their other electronic devices might be the next to explode. I then take a short trip down a side road to discuss a pilot program I was part of here in Georgia. The story relates to advice I give to new parents wherever I have a chance to speak to them. There is a massive difference in creating a mentally healthy child between...

Constitution Week, pager bombs, USSS mole, fact-check false, violent rhetoric, Nevadans for Trump and RFK on reform show art Constitution Week, pager bombs, USSS mole, fact-check false, violent rhetoric, Nevadans for Trump and RFK on reform

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens on the very start of Constitution Week here in the United States. I talk about that sacred document a lot and love the fact we have a full week set aside in this country to put a spotlight on the genius of our Founding Fathers. We then move to almost 2,800 Hezbollah members who all has their pagers become small bombs on their person today, all at the same time. Like something out of a movie, it was a brilliant way to attack terrorists with little to no collateral damage around them. Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) suggests Donald Trump add a second layer of security from private...

The 2nd attempt, did ABC whistleblower affidavit drop, Harris has first 1-on-1, delinquencies rise and JD Vance navigates show art The 2nd attempt, did ABC whistleblower affidavit drop, Harris has first 1-on-1, delinquencies rise and JD Vance navigates

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show opens on the heels of another assassination attempt made on Donald Trump. Once again there are some serious questions to be answered and some striking similarities to the first attempt. One big difference, though, is we have the suspect alive and in custody. Did the ABC whistleblower affidavit drop or are we getting a well-played ruse? Either way, it’s part of the news cycle and worthy of some discussion. Plus, at the very same time, debate moderator Linsey Davis admitted to the LA Times that they were bound and determined to real-time fact check Donald Trump while never once...

More Episodes

It this epsiode, I discuss the recent phenomenon sweeping the country called vaccine fanaticism. The politization of Covid-19 variants, masks and vaccines has led to a disgusting fracture in our nation. Rather than keeping the discussion based on those with immunity versus those without it, we have gone all-in on pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. 


Using a recent paper by Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine editor in chief of MedPage Today, I point out the utter fallacy of requiring all Americans to be vaccinated. First, let me say, I am pro-vaccine for those who need it or want it. The whole purpose of the vaccine is to prevent a serious illness leading to hospitalization or death. It does not mean you will never get sick again! 

However, the vaccine is a method of tricking your body to force a response from your immune system. By creating a similar spike protein found on SARS-Cov-2, the goal is for the immune system to learn how to fight it so when you do get infected, you will be able to fight it off more successfully.

We are well over 18 months observing patients who were infected and recovered naturally, gaining an immunity that is effective and long-lasting. That's because natural recovery means we develop antibodies to the entire surface of the virus, not just a spike protein faked by the vaccine.

The power of natural immunity was recently affirmed in an Israeli study, which found a 6.7 times greater level of protection among those with natural immunity vs. those with vaccinated immunity. In other words, though vaccines are a great way to provide protection, natural recovery is almost 7x times more powerful in protecting you from future infection. 

Dr. Makary states: 

Requiring the vaccine in people who are already immune with natural immunity has no scientific support. While vaccinating those people may be beneficial – and it's a reasonable hypothesis that vaccination may bolster the longevity of their immunity – to argue dogmatically that they must get vaccinated has zero clinical outcome data to back it. As a matter of fact, we have data to the contrary: A Cleveland Clinic study found that vaccinating people with natural immunity did not add to their level of protection.

So instead of talking about the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, we should be talking about the immune and the non-immune. Immunity is something people can test for with a simple antibody test. I would never recommend that anyone intentionally acquire the infection in order to get natural immunity, but vaccine passports and proof-of-vaccine documents should recognize it.


As I wrap up my discussion of vaccine fanaticism, I wanted to draw attention to the eggregious notion that children should be vaccinated. We know they are the least suseptible and will have mild to no symptoms. Conversely, we are seeing alarming instances of children having serious complications from the vaccine. Dr. Makary states:

When it comes to vaccinating healthy kids – and you could argue young people up to 25 – there is a case for vaccination but it's not strong. The COVID-19 death risk is clustered among kids with a comorbid condition, like obesity. Of the more than 330 COVID-19 deaths in kids under age 25, there's good preliminary data suggesting that most or nearly all appear to be in kids with a pre-existing condition. For kids with concurrent medical conditions, the case for vaccination is compelling. But for healthy kids?

It may be that the standard two-dose regimen is a dose too high and is inducing a strong inflammatory response causing these complications. A single dose of the vaccine may be highly effective in kids, as reported by Tel Aviv University. Researchers there found that one dose was 100% effective in kids ages 12 to 15. For now, until we get better data, I recommend one dose for healthy kids who have not already had COVID-19 in the past.

We must demand our public health officials update their talking points to make it about immunity vs. non-immunity. This is a much better way to convince those who have not yet achieved immunity to take appropriate steps, rather than creating an antagonistic atmosphere arrising from vaccine fanaticism. 

Be sure to like and follow The Alan Sanders Show on FacebookTwitter and Instagram! And, for something completely different, try out my other podcasts, The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast.