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Biden's Afghanistan Debacle and a Call from US Congressman Loudermilk

The Alan Sanders Show

Release Date: 08/24/2021

Tara Bull's Top 10, prevailing propaganda and lies, IDF rescue, PPP theft and Fani Willis and General Milley implicated in J6 show art Tara Bull's Top 10, prevailing propaganda and lies, IDF rescue, PPP theft and Fani Willis and General Milley implicated in J6

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News list. It did drop just before 4PM on Friday, but well after I published my Friday show. The list did allow me to go through a few rabbit-trails along the way. It’s also important to remind you of the Joseph Goebbels quote for propaganda. That very quote was just echoed by George Soro’s son, Alex. A lot of what we cover today is looking at news cycles through the lens of propaganda versus truth. The first is looking at Joe Biden’s E.O. to control the border. Not only did we tell you it isn’t working, we now have a memo proving...

Best and worst cases for jobs report, Biden squat, Gov Hobbs, Fani Willis, trans terrorist, rule of law, elites and global warming show art Best and worst cases for jobs report, Biden squat, Gov Hobbs, Fani Willis, trans terrorist, rule of law, elites and global warming

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with how the government and the Left is trying to paint the jobs report in the best way possible, yet they have to overlook all of the problems. In fact, nearly every subject today runs the gamut between best and worst case scenarios. While I never said, for a fact, that President Biden pooped in his pants, how sad is it that the worst case scenario here is that he really did poop in his pants in front of the world, while the best case is his wife dragged him off the stage as fast as possible, leaving a foreign president to have to shake hands with American WWII vets...

D-Day anniversary, welcome to the nation of lawfare, a fake bill and Ronald Reagan show art D-Day anniversary, welcome to the nation of lawfare, a fake bill and Ronald Reagan

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with the recognition that today is the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Today, Joe Biden once again embarrassed our nation by his shuffle, his awkward moment of half-squatting for several seconds, his cringy speech and then he completely ignored shaking hands with any of the WWII veterans assembled, instead being led out by the hand by his wife.  Prior to the event, Biden did get asked to clarify the change of position of allowing Ukraine to use US weapons inside of Russia. Biden confirmed that policy shift, but added, so long as they were not being used to attack...

J6 Reality TV and Secret Service, Garland squirms, biased coverage, Biden's border, black voters and Lady Maga show art J6 Reality TV and Secret Service, Garland squirms, biased coverage, Biden's border, black voters and Lady Maga

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show open’s with new revelations from Rep. Barry Loudermilk’s (R-GA) J6 subcommittee investigation that the Secret Service driver was not allowed to testify for months after Cassidy Hutchinson lied about Donald Trump trying to take control of The Beast. On top of that, it looks like former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WO) was communicating with Hutchinson through Alyssa Farah Griffin, co-host of The View. So, Loudermilk has asked for copies of all communication they had. We then look at a few more moments from yesterday’s Judiciary Committee hearing with AG Merrick Garland. Rep. Thomas...

GOP failed with Fauci/should have followed the money, Garland v Gaetz, unrealized losses and green new warming show art GOP failed with Fauci/should have followed the money, Garland v Gaetz, unrealized losses and green new warming

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show open’s with my disappointment over how the GOP questioned Dr. Fauci in Congress. While there was plenty of grand-standing and red meat, there wasn’t anything substantive or productive to be gained. I wished they had taken my suggestion of following the money and then expand from there. Remember, this hearing was on the House side. Senator Rand Paul, who is not going to let go of the Fauci bone, cannot wait to get him in for questioning on the Senate side of the Legislative Branch. I would have definitely reminded the audience about the Emergency Use Authorization, the fact...

Tara's Top 10, restaurant apocalypse, the joy of lawfare and the coming buzz kill, mass amnesty, Fauci and Hunter show art Tara's Top 10, restaurant apocalypse, the joy of lawfare and the coming buzz kill, mass amnesty, Fauci and Hunter

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show open’s with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items you likely didn’t see much of last week on Legacy/mainstream media. I wasn’t able to get it in time for Friday’s show, so I wanted to be sure to bring it to you at the start of this week. There are more worries about the coming restaurant apocalypse, which is always the sign of a failing economy. To me, this ties into awful numbers over the Memorial Day weekend box office numbers. People just don’t have enough disposable income anymore. On the heels of the Trump conviction, it seems the Biden-Harris regime no longer tries...

The sleeping dragon was rousing, but now it's roaring while Biden has us on the edge of WWIII show art The sleeping dragon was rousing, but now it's roaring while Biden has us on the edge of WWIII

The Alan Sanders Show

Today’s show is going to be a little different. The entire show, for the most part, is a reaction to seeing just how far the Left has been willing to go in an effort to destroy a political opponent. But, in my mind, it is a Pyrrhic victory that will cost them far more than they even realize. The lesson we have all learned is just how much they were willing to destroy in order to get a short-term win. They have shredded our Constitution, our legal system, or traditions and our reputations on the world stage. The sleeping dragon was already starting to rouse, but now it is roaring. Republicans...

Alan Sanders on The Erick Erickson Show - May 30, 2024 show art Alan Sanders on The Erick Erickson Show - May 30, 2024

The Alan Sanders Show

On today's show, I once again had a chance to fill-in on The Erick Erickson Show. The show opens with the jury coming back for day two of the Alvin Bragg case in New York City. The show covered several other subjects, including a 9-0 SCOTUS ruling in favor of the NRA's right to free speech in New York, the backlash against Transgenderism and child mutilation, more Hamas propaganda now being debunked, Israel finds more tie-ins between Hamas and UNRWA and more. I did remove all of the news and commercial breaks to make sure you could listen all the way through without having to fast-forward...

Alan Sanders on The Erick Erickson Show - May 29, 2024 show art Alan Sanders on The Erick Erickson Show - May 29, 2024

The Alan Sanders Show

On today's show, I had the chance to fill-in for the nationally syndicated Erick Erickson Show. The show opened with my thoughts on the jury instruction and the whole Alvin Bragg case going into deliberation. I talked about learning to listen to each other and being more respectful, Rep. Rashida Tlaib was on the campus of Wayne State University, completely going against her Constitutional oath, the kids on campus having no idea what they are really doing or saying when it come to their pro-Hamas/anti-Israel chants, the culture of life versus the culture of death and more. I also took several...

Memorial Day, EPA grants, DEI is DIE, a backwards closing, jury tampering, EV charging and MAGA Chicago show art Memorial Day, EPA grants, DEI is DIE, a backwards closing, jury tampering, EV charging and MAGA Chicago

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show, I open with a reminder that Memorial Day is a holiday to remember those who have died in service to our nation. I do that because two members of the Squad, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) confused yesterday with Veteran’s Day. Senator Shelley Capito (R-VA) held a quick presser Friday to let us know the EPA has given $50 million dollars to a company that is anti-Israel/anti-Semite and anti-police. Yet, they are being funded simply because they claim to be a Green New Deal aligned organization. This past Friday, we informed you that whistleblowers inside...

More Episodes

In this exerpt, which originally aired on Saturday, August 21, I breakdown my thoughts on Biden's Afghanistan debacle. This disaster sits squarely on the President's shoulders. He was not following the plan negotiated by former President Donald J. Trump. He was not listening to his military commanders nor the memos sent to his own Secretary of State. He wanted to appease the woke factions of the Democrat party and hold a campaign promise, without regard on how to make it a success. In his mind, simply cutting off military support and pulling the plug was a cool idea. Now, the leaders of the Western world are nearly in unison in their criticism and, in many cases, their condemnation of the actions of the United States. The world is now a much darker and more dangerous place, thanks to the ineptness perpetrated by the Biden administration.

I did have one side discussion about being a fill-in for Erick Erickson and how he seems to be one of the front-runners in the race to fill the 12PM to 3PM ET spot left with the passing of Rush Limbaugh. It is quite a privledge for me to be sitting in the fill-in host role.

As the episode wraps up, I am joined via the phone by US Congressman Barry Loudermilk. He, too, is disgusted at the utter disaster created by one poor decision after another with regard to Afghanistan. The loss of faith of our allies, the emboldening of the Taliban and the encouragement our enemies feel is the result of a desire to replace a mean tweeting President with a doddering Sock Puppet-in-Chief instead.

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