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Dissident Mama, episode 46 - Anne Wilson Smith

The Dissident Mama Podcast

Release Date: 09/28/2021

Dissident Mama, episode 90 – Ben Dixon show art Dissident Mama, episode 90 – Ben Dixon

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit .   If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through:     Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong.   Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media....

Dissident Mama, episode 89 – “Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination” show art Dissident Mama, episode 89 – “Exploding the Official Myths of the Lincoln Assassination”

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit .   If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through:   Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much...

Dissident Mama, episode 88 –  Dissident Mama, episode 88 – "Our Stella," Serbia, & GAE w/ Jim Jatras

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes (including some more info on "Serb Mama" Stella), visit .   If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through:   Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my...

Dissident Mama, episode 87 – Paul Graham & “Nonsense on Stilts” show art Dissident Mama, episode 87 – Paul Graham & “Nonsense on Stilts”

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help,...

Dissident Mama, episode 87 – Father Hans Jacobse show art Dissident Mama, episode 87 – Father Hans Jacobse

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 85 – VDARE's Lydia Brimelow show art Dissident Mama, episode 85 – VDARE's Lydia Brimelow

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 84 – Conrad Franz & Dmitriy Kalyagin show art Dissident Mama, episode 84 – Conrad Franz & Dmitriy Kalyagin

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although  is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help,...

Dissident Mama, episode 83 – Christy McKenzie from Flip City show art Dissident Mama, episode 83 – Christy McKenzie from Flip City

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 82 – Rev. Dr. Ignatius Lozano show art Dissident Mama, episode 82 – Rev. Dr. Ignatius Lozano

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

Dissident Mama, episode 81 – Father Deacon Ananias Sorem show art Dissident Mama, episode 81 – Father Deacon Ananias Sorem

The Dissident Mama Podcast

For this episode’s excellent show notes, visit . If you like this podcast or any of my work, please consider supporting​ me through: Since 2016, I’ve been creating free content that I pray is worthwhile to those who don’t wanna conform to this mad, mad world … or at the very least know something is deeply wrong. Although is a labor of love, it’s certainly a time-consuming and often costly endeavor, so any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Another way to help is to share this episode (or any of my other content) on social media. Thanks so much for the help, y’all....

More Episodes

Anne Wilson Smith is the author of the brand-new “Charlottesville Untold: Inside Unite the Right” as well as “Robert E. Lee: A History Book for Kids,” both produced by the good folks at Shotwell Publishing. Having called the Republic of South Carolina home for most of her life, Smith was reared in a family that believes Southern history is something to be cherished. The daughter of preeminent Southern historian and scholar Clyde N. Wilson, Smith is a formidable researcher and writer in her own right and has taken up the difficult task of authoring two books in less than a year - even though she’s a wife and a mom of two boys because some things just gotta be said.

Unlike me, Wilson actually attended Charlottesville: the watershed event that forever changed our political, cultural, social, and legal landscape. So much of what ails America is built upon the government-induced, elite-supported, and media-contrived false narrative resulting from that fateful day of August 12, 2017, so Smith and I talk about some of the big-takeaways from her hot-off-the-press release.

So if you want to grasp just how cancel culture, anarcho-tyranny, anti-whiteness, civil rights for thee but not for me, inescapable gaslighting, monument destruction, and other assorted leftist schemes have taken root and been able to grow so strong, this book is a must-read. After all, if you resist to even a modicum of the madness, dear non-woke citizen, you’ll simply get Charlottesvilled.

Through first-hand experience, countless interviews of people who were there, in-depth media and legal research, and raw drone footage from the rally (which can be seen by linking to the book’s many QR codes), Wilson’s exposé explains what really happened and connects the dots for those who have for so long been intentionally kept in the dark about the “deadly white-supremacist rally.” After all, sunlight is the best antiseptic, and I do believe that good people are finally primed and ready for the truth. Deo vindice.