How God Prepares You to Fulfill Your Purpose
Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol
Release Date: 01/04/2022
Relationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol
Shame seems a certain companion to those who have experienced sexual harm and brokenness. And hurt people end up hurting other people. Those feeling such shame usually also feel like hiding from God. Teresa Whiting had to walk through that in her own journey. She shares about how she found healing, and what it's like to restore one's internal picture of God in this process. And she talks about some engaging and deep resources to help you experience deep healing. Connect with Teresa Whiting on or . Find her book Here's where you can get . Check out our brand...
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Neither you nor your spouse entered marriage as a blank slate. Most married people don't realize the extent to which the past experiences of both you and your spouse, especially trauma, form the foundation of most of the conflict between you. Dr. Carol talks with Dr. Steve Call, clinical psychologist, author, and graduate professor at the Allender Center, about dealing with the roots defining your marriage. Your past stories can become the fruitful ground from which redemption and true intimacy can grow. Find out more about Dr. Steve Call at , on , or . Get the book Steve...
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Do you feel loved? Do you feel loved by God? We are all born looking for love - to be safely attached, seen, and cared for. Our early stories usually mess that up. And for Christians, that usually leads to disruptions between what we "know" about God and our emotional connection with Him. Michael John Cusick, licensed professional counselor, spiritual director, and professor, joins Dr. Carol to talk about love. Weaving in his own traumatic and healed story, they talk about healing and becoming securely attached to God. They address the places where love, intimacy, and sex overlap - or...
info_outlineRelationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol
Dr. Carol believes, as many experts do, that it's a rare person indeed who has not experienced some form of sexual harm, whether obvious and severe, or more subtle and "normalized." You didn't wake up one day and decide to have sexual "issues," and behind your "issues" is almost always some dimension of experiencing sexual harm. In this episode Dr. Carol discusses different categories of sexual harm, the many ways such harm impacts you over the long haul, and three specific and practical steps to take that will bring real and deep healing. Check out our brand new . Discover your pathway...
info_outlineRelationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol
"It's not playing any role!" I hope that's true, but chances are good that porn is affecting your Christian marriage. Approximately 2/3 of Christian men and 1/3 of Christian women admit to a struggle with porn. That statistic holds even when that Christian man or woman gets married. And the impact of porn usually continues long after the actual porn use stops. This episode looks at the multiple ways in which your or your spouse's porn use has affected your marriage, your intimacy, and even your relationship with God. And then we discuss several practical things to do to when you...
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What's the current state of affairs when it comes to sex and sexuality - in culture, in the Christian church, in your life? Dr. Carol shares a few statistics - some hopeful, and some very sobering, and then quickly moves to exploring your sexual story which may include the good, the bad, and the ugly. You'll also hear about what it looks like to invite Jesus right into the middle of your sexual story. This is not primarily about behaviors; it's about matters of the heart. Check out our brand new . Discover your pathway to sexual wholeness as you explore your sexual story with...
info_outlineRelationship Prescriptions with Dr. Carol
It's getting hot in here! In this short teaser you'll get a taste of what's coming up in a brand new season for Relationship Prescriptions. We're getting "deep in the weeds" in hot topics around intimacy, sexuality, and relationships. Topics such as sexual trauma, porn and marriage, spiritual abuse, intimacy in marriage, same-sex attraction, and more. Make sure you're subscribed to our podcast. And if you have questions, comments, or suggestions for what you'd like to hear about, .
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In this raw unproduced non-episode episode, Dr. Carol shares a quick word from her heart about coming to the end of 2024. Right now, come check out , and be part of making this beautiful place a reality for people to experience lasting transformation through Dr. Carol Ministries intensives. Or you may wish to purchase an item from our to help us be ready for moving into this place where lives will be healed and transformed for eternity. Dr. Carol loves to hear from you. You can leave her a confidential message .
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Christmas can be a season of wonder, hope, and joy. However, it can also be a very difficult season for many. Often it's both good - and hard. Dr. Carol shares a few of her favorite things at Christmas, and how these objects signify aspects of what Christmas means. Perhaps this will help you think of your own favorite things this Christmas. All of us at Dr. Carol Ministries pray that Jesus bless you with a special sense of His presence this season. Merry Christmas! Dr. Carol loves to hear from you. You can leave a confidential message .
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A Christmas Carol, the classic story by Charles Dickens, has been made into several movies and told in countless ways for generations. However, is it possible that this holiday story of Ebeneezer Scrooge and the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come might have meaning to your own life story? In this special Christmas episode Dr. Carol talks with best-selling author and columnist Bob Welch about stinginess, innocence, grief, joy, transformation, and other contemporary and meaningful lessons about how to live - and how not to live - not only at Christmas but throughout the...
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