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#93 Connecting with Self and Spirituality with Shelley Riutta

How Humans Heal

Release Date: 01/24/2022

#222 Biological Dentistry: How Your Oral Health Impacts Your Whole Body with Dr. Sanda Moldovan show art #222 Biological Dentistry: How Your Oral Health Impacts Your Whole Body with Dr. Sanda Moldovan

How Humans Heal

In this episode I'm excited to introduce you to Dr. Sanda Moldovan, a biological dentist and periodontist. She specializes in helping people with their dental and oral health from a whole different perspective than you might experience with your usual dentist. Dr. Moldovan is also an author and founder of a natural products company called Orasana. I've known her for a couple of years, and I always love talking to her. She's a wealth of knowledge and has helped so many people. A lot of times, people have no idea that what's happening in their mouths might have something to do with what's going...

#221 Folate vs. Folic Acid: Essential Guide for HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention show art #221 Folate vs. Folic Acid: Essential Guide for HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention

How Humans Heal

In today's episode of How Humans Heal, I'm going to be talking about the difference between folate and folic acid. I believe this is important for everyone to understand, but especially for those of you who are testing positive for HPV and are at risk of cervical cancer.  The reason I say this is because there are so many research studies connecting the dots between folate deficiency and increased risk of cervical cancer. These studies have been coming out for over two decades, and I'll share some in the references.  One study showed that for every 1 mcg of folate in a person’s...

#220 Unlock Your Body's Wisdom: An Expert's Guide to Healing Hypermobility and Pelvic Pain with Dr. Mamak Shakib show art #220 Unlock Your Body's Wisdom: An Expert's Guide to Healing Hypermobility and Pelvic Pain with Dr. Mamak Shakib

How Humans Heal

In today's episode, I'm excited to introduce you to Dr. Mamak Shakib. She is a rehab clinician, which means that she helps people with movement and stability in their bodies, especially people with hypermobility and pelvic floor dysfunction. She specializes in hypermobility syndromes like Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I'm so glad to bring her expertise and insights to How Humans Heal. This is a very interesting conversation for me because I diagnosed myself with hypermobility syndrome after years of suffering from migraines and various other symptoms. So, if you're experiencing hypermobility that...

#219 Sweet Danger: The Surprising Link Between Blood Sugar and HPV Risk show art #219 Sweet Danger: The Surprising Link Between Blood Sugar and HPV Risk

How Humans Heal

Today we're going to cover a crucial topic that often goes unnoticed: how sugar and imbalanced blood sugar levels could be impacting your health and increasing your risk of high-risk HPV virus and associated cancers.  This is an underlying cause that's frequently missed in my patients and program participants, so I want to cover it in detail in this episode. Understanding the relationship between sugar, blood sugar levels, and your overall health is essential for maintaining wellness and preventing various health issues. Remember, your health is in your hands. By making informed choices...

#218 Solving Migraines Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide to Root Causes, Holistic Treatments, and Long-Term Healing Strategies with Dr. Tanya Paynter show art #218 Solving Migraines Naturally: A Comprehensive Guide to Root Causes, Holistic Treatments, and Long-Term Healing Strategies with Dr. Tanya Paynter

How Humans Heal

In today's episode, I'm excited to introduce you to Dr. Tanya Paynter. She's a Naturopathic Doctor, like me! We both went to Bastyr University in the Seattle area. In this episode, we are talking about migraines. There is so much we can do to help those of you who are experiencing migraines and wanting to solve them once and for all. This is a really important topic to me because I also suffered from migraines for many years. I'm so grateful now to have solved them and to have learned so much from the process. I'm really happy to have this conversation with Dr. Tanya because I know how...

#217 Understanding the Stress-HPV Connection: How Cortisol Levels Affect our Likelihood of Testing Positive for HPV show art #217 Understanding the Stress-HPV Connection: How Cortisol Levels Affect our Likelihood of Testing Positive for HPV

How Humans Heal

In today's episode, I'm talking about the relationship of stress to risk of HPV and cervical cancer, as well as other HPV-related cancers in women and men. There's recent research that I think all of you need to know about, and it ultimately relates to so many other health issues and cancer risk as well. I'm going to be specifically talking about the research showing an association between stress and HPV-related cancer risk.  So please know that this information is here for you, and you can reach out anytime, and I'm happy to help guide you. I welcome you to subscribe if you haven’t...

#216 Overcoming Mental Health Struggles, Healing Through Fitness, Meditation, Dance, and Comprehensive Testing with Karena Dawn show art #216 Overcoming Mental Health Struggles, Healing Through Fitness, Meditation, Dance, and Comprehensive Testing with Karena Dawn

How Humans Heal

Today I have the honor of interviewing Karena Dawn. She is not only the founder of The Big Silence Foundation, which is bringing awareness to solutions for mental health issues, she is also the co-founder of Tone It Up, meaning she is a fitness expert and has been for many years. Karena is a New York Times best-selling author and a dog lover. In this episode we talk about her most recent book, The Big Silence: A Daughter's Memoir of Mental Illness and Healing. It's really fun to get to talk to each other and realize we have such common passions for helping people by breaking the silence around...

#215 Vaginal Microbiome: Crucial Key to Women's Health, HPV Prevention, and Cancer Risk Reduction show art #215 Vaginal Microbiome: Crucial Key to Women's Health, HPV Prevention, and Cancer Risk Reduction

How Humans Heal

In this episode, I'm going to be talking about the vaginal microbiome. In research, it's also referred to as the cervical-vaginal microbiome or microbiota. The term "microbiome" is very trendy lately, but it's usually referring to the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome is so amazing, and we've learned so much about how the trillions of bacteria living in our gut have such a huge influence on our overall health - everything from our immune system to our hormones, to our digestion and our nervous system through the gut-brain axis. The microbiome has a lot to do with how we feel, how we think,...

#214 The Gut-Body Connection: How Healing Your Gut Can Transform Your Overall Health with Dr. Mark Stengler show art #214 The Gut-Body Connection: How Healing Your Gut Can Transform Your Overall Health with Dr. Mark Stengler

How Humans Heal

In this episode, I'm talking with my friend and colleague, Dr. Mark Stengler. He is a Naturopathic Doctor who's been in practice for almost 30 years and has written more than 20 books including his most recent book - The Holistic Guide To Gut Health: Discover the Truth About Leaky Gut, Balancing Your Microbiome, and Restoring Whole-Body Health.  I’m excited to talk with Mark about one of my favorite topics: leaky gut and the microbiome! We also invite you to join the online summit Mark is hosting – The Gut-Whole Body Connection. We’re here to help! LINKS FROM THE EPISODE:  ...

#213 Top 3 Susceptibilities That Make You Vulnerable to HPV and How to Overcome Them show art #213 Top 3 Susceptibilities That Make You Vulnerable to HPV and How to Overcome Them

How Humans Heal

Hi and welcome to How Humans Heal. In this episode, I'm going to be talking about three of the top susceptibilities for testing positive for HPV or Human Papillomavirus, and being at risk of abnormal cells. It’s not just about exposure to the virus. Most all of us are exposed. It’s all about understanding what is making you susceptible to HPV at this point in time. When I guide women to address what is making them susceptible, they are able to clear the virus. Thank you for joining me today and make sure to subscribe to How Humans Heal so you don't miss my next video, where I'm going to go...

More Episodes

Stress is all around us. According to psychotherapist Shelley Riutta, people are finding themselves less comfortable in their lives and more in pain. When we get to that point, it’s a sign that what is needed is a transformation.  


Transformation happens when instead of being distracted by the busy world, long to-do lists, and blaming others, we realize that our reaction to stresses can change when we connect more with our true selves.  


-How to know if you are on the brink of a transformation 


-What is the conditioned self 


-How spirituality can guide you through difficult times 


-How guided imagery and meditation help us transform 


-What can help you be more your authentic self  


Shelley explains that we are spiritual beings living in human bodies. When we remember that, then we can become more accepting of ourselves and more aligned with our true essence. 


And by doing this, you’ll see transformations not just in your outlook, but also in your health and in your business. Shelley helps professionals transform their businesses using her method. 


Listen in to this episode to be inspired about your life and your ability to heal.  




Connect with Shelley Riutta at https://HolisticBusinessSchool.com and on Facebook at Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy.  


Find out about my Stress Recovery Program – where I teach you to know your authentic self, versus the conditioned self, and to implement self-care activities, such as meditation. In the program, we will be using Shelley’s Holistic Breakthrough Method to help transform your lives: https://drdoni.lpages.co/stress-type-reset-program-10-weeks/   




Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Pre-Order my new book: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Your-Stress-Reset-Health/dp/1953295576


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are product links and affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.