You Heal You Podcast
Man, this turned out to be such a wonderful conversation with Eric Farewell. I first listened to Eric in person at a conference called CapCon just a little over a month ago. After hearing him speak, I knew he would be a fantastic guest on the show. Man, was I right. Eric is an amazing person who has been through quite a bit but has emerged from it all a better individual. He has taken all the hits from life and turned them into valuable learning experiences that have shaped him into who he is today. I absolutely loved how he describes life as a journey. We are all on the same journey, though...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
This episode is chock-full of gems. Don't miss this episode with Dr. Bill Schindler! This has been on my mind for a long time, knowing that I had a little one coming, and now that the little one is 7 months old and eating solids, it is even more important. This conversation makes nourishing our children easy. Not only that, but Bill ends with why we need to be gathering our families around the dinner table, and it isn't just for physical nourishment. If you want a simple way to feed your children, look no further—you found it. The hard part is implementing it consistently. Thank you so much...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
You probably remember this podcast originally as the Wellness Farmer Podcast. Well we are changing things up and are now called the You Heal You Podcast because all things in life come back to you and only you can heal you. That needs to be the basis of all our healing journeys. Things are going to get awesome over the next couple of years. I have learned so much and experienced so much since the last time we hung out here on this platform. On the newest episode I want to share one of my pain points that I have been working on for decades. Yup decades, it can take that long and even longer....
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
2022 is coming to an end. Now is the time to go back and think about the good, the bad and the ugly of 2022. To really make this exercise beneficial it is not just thinking, but it is writing and then recording and then listening. Go back and record yourself talking about your 2022 and listen to it, not just once but a couple of times. Really take it in, all the emotions of you speaking it out loud. Then once you have really taken it all in. Plan your 1st quarter of 2023. Plan the most important first and put them on the calendar now. As a gift in this wonderful season of giving I would like...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
In this episode I bring you Daniel Mancina to inspire you to persevere in your challenges. Daniel's story is inspiring and it is good to hear these every once in a while. Sometimes we forget how much we do have because we take it for granted. That is one reason today's episode is so important. Be grateful for what you have. That does not mean conform to what you have, always be looking to be better in every aspect but also you must be grateful for what you have in the present moment. Daniel became legally blind 5 years ago and started to lose his vision at age 13 but he did not let that...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
The latest guest on The Wellness Farmer Podcast is Neil Cannon. Someone that took his health into is own hands and used his natural innate abilities to heal himself from eczema. He went through all the conventional treatments and just didn't find the solution like so many others. Now from what he learned he is helping many others heal themselves also using what he calls the 4 pillars of Vitality. As I learn more and more about who we are the more I understand that the only way to heal is through your natural innate ability to heal yourself. You must figure it out. Not alone, there are...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
Rick Olderman is our guest today where we talk about relieving pain naturally. Rick has been working with patients for over 25 years. He has learned that almost all of us fall into 3 postures, over time these postures are causing all sorts of discomfort and pain. In todays episode he explains how and why so many of us are walking around in one of these unhealthy postures but he also offers techniques were you can start to improve your posture, decreasing that pain you have been experiencing. Get to know more about Rick here: Get hold of his work using these links: Fixing You® series of...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
Gardening is a way to heal. It is one of many ways we heal. We need to be part of nature. Playing our proper role in nature, not only heals us but it heals and maintains nature. One thing we must know. If nature is sick we will eventually become sick. If nature is healthy we can be healthy and most likely will become healthy. When you look to nature and build her it gives us a desire to be better and healthier. If you don't believe me, try it. Go out and enjoy nature, even better participate in nature by planting a garden and see what happens. It is never to late to plant something. Use the...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
I need to talk about this stuff more often. First, I just want to say sorry for not focusing on this more. Life is to important to focus on the little insignificant stuff, of course unless that is your profession or calling in life. But for the majority of us we just need a simple way to take advantage of life by being as healthy as possible. Today I break it down again into what you need to do to be your best self physically, emotionally and spiritually. Before I tell you what to focus on, if you want this to work you must decide to take responsibility and turn what I say into habits and then...
info_outlineYou Heal You Podcast
I look at myself and see gray now. I really never thought this day would come. Gray hair in my beard. It seems like yesterday that patients were asking me, "aren't you to young to be a chiropractor?" Now they tell me, "you have doing this a long time haven't you." I have wasted my fair share of time, some on activities but most on me not allowing myself to progress and be better. Those moments where you feel angry, sad, used or any other feeling that puts you in a mood of victim is a huge time drain. This episode hits it hard for me because almost exactly 7 years ago I shared an episode on the...
info_outlineBounce back! I read that today! Bouncing back from hard times is how we move forward, how we progress, it is so important! The faster we bounce back the better.
I have had a lot of setbacks, I have had to bounce back from fears, and doubts about my self and who I am and what I thought was the best for my family so many times I can't even count them now. I know I am not alone and I don't write this to get pity I write it because we all go through this, some worse than others for sure but no one in this world does not go through it.
Fear and self doubt is normal, what isn't normal is the ability to walk straight up to the fear and self doubt and say thank you, but no thanks. To walk right though it. That is rare today. Most people just dull the fears and self doubt with binging and not taking action. They live their life in their comfort zone and never reach who they know deep inside they are. Most people just don't bounce back. They throw in the towel and say it just isn't for me. I can't do this.
Aubrey Marcus shared something that got me thinking today while I was preparing what I was going to talk about. He wrote
I lose confidence.
I feel powerless.
I get depressed.
Yesterday, in fact. But I have a secret weapon now that I didn't always have.
It's not all the techniques I practice to facilitate state changes like breath work, dance, tantra or a hard workout. Those help.
The secret weapon is community!
Now is the time to bounce back and there are so many techniques out there that we can and will probably use but the secret weapon is community, people you can trust, people that want to help, people that can help, people that need help.
The best way to bounce back and have the best 2022 is with community.
Before I go I want to give you 3 things that have helped me bounce back and one is my personal little community.
- My family
- Morning conversations with my creator.
- Playing in and enjoying my edge of nature, my garden.
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Join my membership where we go so much more deeper into how we bring the garden and our connection to nature and earth into the forefront of our journey for greater health and well-being. The price is incredibly reduced but starting January 31 the price will be going up to $30.00. Right now you are getting a 50% discount that will be locked in for life. Go to and let's start this journey together.
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