This is a True Story
So I am rebranding This is a True Story Podcast. The past year I really loved sharing transformative stories and ideas. From the first story of finding love and near death in death valley to hiking the PCT, to discovering oneself by experimenting with plant medicine, silent meditation, solo travel and many more stories. All I loved equally and fully. I found a ton of happiness in publishing these stories. The podcast did rise fast with lots of support in the form of downloads and I am forever grateful. Thank you. So here is where the podcast is going. The podcast is now called...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
I hope all of you are doing really well. We’re coming to almost a full year of sharing true and very transformative stories and also transformative ideas. I am really grateful for you, the listeners, and for the guests that have shared their amazing stories and sat with us afterwards to let us dig into their lives. This week and likely the first week of January we will have a pause in programming as I regroup for another year and prepare to release a few new projects. Don’t forget, this is an underdog podcast and you can make a huge impact by quickly reviewing this podcast in Apple...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
Making an active effort to practice mindfulness in nature using what some call forest bathing has the potential to heal your life. Forest bathing arose from Japan with the purpose of mindfully reconnecting with nature and increasing mental and physical health. Listen to how forest bathing can transform your life. Support the show by using the link below to Buy Me A Coffee This is a True Story Podcast is found here, / Scott Davidson is found here, / Additional Resources for Forest Healing
info_outlineThis is a True Story
What is the medicinal/healing power of camping alone and how can this practice help you? Today, Scott Carnahan presents his very true and transformative story of healing through the practice of camping alone and solo travel. He also talks about reclaiming spaces by building new memories. Scott Carnahan is a director, producer, artist, photographer, dreamer, roamer, writer, storyteller and more. Scott has an intensely impressive platform with deep writings and incredible images. I really enjoyed my time with Scott and I hope you enjoy as he presents The Medicinal Power of Camping...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
I am about to share what the most adaptive individuals do in order reach their goals and better the world despite incredible adversity. The past six years I’ve interviewed hundreds (really likely much higher) of individuals that faced unimaginable adversities. Some have died. Some have lost a loved one. Some have lost the ability to move. Some have not only lost their health but at the same time have been abandoned by family and friends and thus forced to journey alone. Some have survived war and returned without limbs. Yet, as these storms surround these highly adaptive individuals,...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
My schedule was full of responsibilities. I had a bunch of social commitments I didn’t want to attend. My email and home inboxes were full of stuff. I paid for a bunch of packages, but I really only used one service. In my quest to get after life, my list of goals kept growing and many weren’t essential. When acquaintances, non-profits or other entities asked for help I almost always said yes...and while all this was going on I was having health complications. My body was breaking down and I was losing a bit of my mobility. I needed to learn how to opt out. Opt out of junk mail here, ...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
Kim Constantinesco is a competitive big mountain snowboarder, adventurer and author. She spent much of her life making the world a little brighter with her writings. Kim went through the extensive and difficult process of donating her kidney to a stranger and the kidney didn’t survive. Despite this massive setback, Kim pushed forward on a mission to find a new donor, advocate for living kidney donation and also begin her own healing process. Today, she presents this very true and transformative story of a selfless act, perseverance despite not receiving the desired results and creating...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
How do you let go of sentimental items? My grandmother was in many ways my closest friend and when she died it was difficult to move forward. After her passing, I sat in her home, reliving memories and preparing to go through all the stuff she owned. I couldn't fully process donating all of her stuff. How do you donate all this stuff she worked hard for and valued so much? I had a problem. I needed to figure out how to let go of sentimental items. In this episode you will hear three specific ways to approach sentimental items and also questions you can ask yourself as you prepare to let these...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
Have you experienced days, weeks or even longer of feeling completely overwhelmed by the stuff you need to do? Have you said yes to doing something and later regretted it? Are you missing out on the things you want to do because of other obligations? If so, then maybe the idea of essentialism is for you. The reality is...if you don’t prioritize your life then someone else will prioritize it for you. Find Colin Wright presenting “This is It” here, Find Greg McKeown’s book here, Support the show by using the link below to Buy Me A Coffee This is a True Story Podcast is...
info_outlineThis is a True Story
Why would someone turn their back on guaranteed huge financial success and instead pursue a life of minimalism, content creation and full-time travel? Would you take the money or rather move towards an unconventional lifestyle? Today, the very notable Colin Wright presents his very true and transformative story regarding the experiences that led him to move away from a career of financial wealth and instead towards a life of full time travel, minimalism, and building his impressive platform. Colin Wright is truly a brilliant mind and difference maker. Tune-in to hear Colin present “This is...
info_outlineSo I am rebranding This is a True Story Podcast.
The past year I really loved sharing transformative stories and ideas. From the first story of finding love and near death in death valley to hiking the PCT, to discovering oneself by experimenting with plant medicine, silent meditation, solo travel and many more stories. All I loved equally and fully. I found a ton of happiness in publishing these stories. The podcast did rise fast with lots of support in the form of downloads and I am forever grateful. Thank you.
So here is where the podcast is going. The podcast is now called Minimalism with Intention and here I will share stories, ideas and conversations focused on minimalism and intentionalism. A lot of the stories I shared on This is a True Story we’re very much stories of intention, meaning living an intentional life, a life centered on one’s core belief and value and purpose. I also shared quite a few episodes focused specifically on minimalism. So you will see some familiar themes moving forward. This podcast is for sure going to share a lot of transformative and inspiring experiences and ideas. I hope you will take part!
Check out these minimalist stories here (I have many stories of intentional living published too!):
Colin Wright sharing This is It
Jennifer Burger sharing Declutter Your Life
Support the show by using the link below to Buy Me A Coffee
This is a True Story Podcast is found here,
Scott Davidson is found here,