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#99 Using Amino Acid Therapy to Balance Neurotransmitters with Dr. Doni

How Humans Heal

Release Date: 03/07/2022

#244 Why Weight Gain Is Part Of Menopause And How To Counteract It with Dr. Betty Murray show art #244 Why Weight Gain Is Part Of Menopause And How To Counteract It with Dr. Betty Murray

How Humans Heal

In this episode, I'm excited to introduce you to Dr. Betty Murray, women's health expert and researcher, as well as founder of a functional medicine clinic in Dallas, TX. She also runs a telemedicine clinic called Menrva where she helps women master menopause. She has a podcast, a TV show coming out, and a program specifically focused on helping women with menopause. I invited Dr. Murray to join me on How Humans Heal because I want you, the listeners, to have the latest, greatest information about menopause, hormone replacement, and metabolism so you can be making the informed decisions for...

#243 7 Reasons to Avoid Gluten to Help Clear HPV show art #243 7 Reasons to Avoid Gluten to Help Clear HPV

How Humans Heal

Today we're going to be talking about the seven reasons I recommend avoiding gluten to help clear the high-risk HPV virus from your body once and for all. I've been an expert in gluten and have specialized in helping patients with it for over 20 years. I was forced to learn about gluten when I was getting severe migraines, and when my daughter developed severe eczema as an infant. I had to understand the role gluten was playing to help heal both myself and my daughter. This led me to research gluten endlessly, reading all available research articles from and speaking at professional...

#242 Midlife Challenges? A Health Coach Can Help with Jill Foos!  show art #242 Midlife Challenges? A Health Coach Can Help with Jill Foos!

How Humans Heal

Today I'm excited to interview Jill Foos, a board-certified Health and Wellness Coach. We're going to be talking about health coaching and how it can help you, especially with midlife challenges. Jill and I also talk about the importance of a having a comprehensive health care team, including a naturopathic doctor, to support you during menopause. We all experience what it's like to be in the middle of life as humans, and there are different challenges and changes that come along, particularly for women. Jill and I want to help you understand what's happening in your body and how you can...

#241 HPV Recovery: The Role of Stress and Emotional Healing! show art #241 HPV Recovery: The Role of Stress and Emotional Healing!

How Humans Heal

Today, I'm going to be talking about how healing, specifically from high-risk HPV virus, isn't just physical. Your mental and emotional health matters just as much when it comes to fending off HPV and preventing health issues overall. This is such an important topic to me because we're typically taught that our mind and body are separate. We often go to different practitioners for our mental health than for our physical health. However, what research shows us is that there's a profound mind-body connection—there's actually no separation between our mind and body. Our mental and emotional...

#240 Meet America's Leading Lyme Recovery Expert Dr. Tom Moorcroft! show art #240 Meet America's Leading Lyme Recovery Expert Dr. Tom Moorcroft!

How Humans Heal

Today I'm delighted to welcome my friend and colleague Dr. Tom Moorcroft, osteopathic doctor, who has become America's leading Lyme recovery expert and the creator of the innovative Samara Method. Dr. Tom recovered from Lyme disease himself, but not through the conventional medical system. He shares his health journey and the remarkable insights he gained through the process in this interview. Thank you all for joining me for this fascinating discussion with Dr. Tom Moorcroft. If you find this information helpful, please make sure to subscribe so you don't miss future episodes of How Humans...

#239 How Understanding the Gut Vagina Connection can help you Clear HPV! show art #239 How Understanding the Gut Vagina Connection can help you Clear HPV!

How Humans Heal

In this episode I’m going to talk about how diet and gut health play a key role in helping to clear high-risk HPV virus. As a women's health expert and HPV specialist, I've helped thousands of women around the world address abnormal pap smears and get HPV to negative, once and for all. I’ve seen first-hand that helping women to optimize their gut microbiome and to heal leaky gut is a sure path to helping them clear HPV and prevent cervical cancer. The gut-vaginal connection isn't well known, and it's definitely not something you're likely to hear about from your doctor's office, even...

#238 BONE HEALTH EXPERT Reveals Osteoporosis Secrets All Women (And Men) Need to Know with Dr John Neustadt! show art #238 BONE HEALTH EXPERT Reveals Osteoporosis Secrets All Women (And Men) Need to Know with Dr John Neustadt!

How Humans Heal

Today I'm excited to introduce you to my friend and colleague Dr. John Neustadt, a naturopathic doctor and graduate of Bastyr University. He's an expert in bone health and prevention of osteoporosis, as well as a researcher, speaker, and author of the book "Fracture Proof Your Bones: A Comprehensive Guide to Osteoporosis." While we often think of osteoporosis as primarily affecting women during perimenopause and post-menopause, it's important to note that about 80% of osteoporosis cases are in women and 20% in men. Like many chronic diseases, the condition progresses for many years before...

#237 HPV Virus EXPLAINED: Understanding Cancer Risks and Prevention! show art #237 HPV Virus EXPLAINED: Understanding Cancer Risks and Prevention!

How Humans Heal

Hi, I'm Dr. Doni, and today I want to help you understand the HPV virus, or human papillomavirus, the different types, and how some types are associated with cancer risk, including cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women in the United States, with over 13,000 cases diagnosed every year and over 600,000 cases diagnosed worldwide annually. This is a very important type of cancer for us to understand and prevent. It's my mission to share this information with all of you so we can work toward preventing cervical cancer. Through understanding and proactive...

#236 CBD and CBG: Complete Medical Benefits Guide with Justin Finneman show art #236 CBD and CBG: Complete Medical Benefits Guide with Justin Finneman

How Humans Heal

Hi and welcome to How Humans Heal! I'm Dr. Doni Wilson, and I'm excited to introduce you to Justin Finneman. He is a CBD and CBG (cannabinoid) expert and president of sales for Küribl Clinical, joining us here today to help us understand cannabis, hemp, CBD, their health benefits, and everything related to these fascinating compounds. Justin is also a father and lover of health optimization in general. He's helped practitioners run their clinics, giving him extensive background in both clinical experience and expertise with hemp, cannabis, CBD, and CBG. He has especially found cannabinoids to...

#235 Abnormal Pap Smears: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You! show art #235 Abnormal Pap Smears: What Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You!

How Humans Heal

Today, I want to share important information about abnormal pap smears that your doctor might not be telling you.  When you hear "abnormal pap smear," that's not just one thing. It's a gradation from completely healthy cells to slightly inflamed cells, to more inflamed and maybe abnormal shaped cells where the nucleus is starting to get bigger, gradually looking more and more like a cancer cell. Your doctor is likely NOT telling you that your body can protect yourself from high risk HPV virus types that cause abnormal cells and cancer, even if you are re-exposed to the virus.  I am a...

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Neurotransmitters are messengers in the nervous system. They affect our mood, energy, focus and sleep. So if you are feeling tired, anxious, brain fog, distracted, and/or having trouble with sleep…it could your neurotransmitters! 


Examples of neurotransmitters are serotonin, dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine and epinephrine. They can be categorized as calming or stimulating to the nervous system. Optimally we would have a balance of calming and stimulating.  


When we are exposed to stress of various types, which we are as humans, then our nervous system and neurotransmitters respond to help us deal with the stress. And, depending on our genetics and stress exposure, our body metabolizes neurotransmitters uniquely. So one person may run out of serotonin faster than another person.  



Our neurotransmitters are made from amino acids, which come from protein in our diet. If we run low on a certain neurotransmitter, we can take more of the precursor amino acid for that neurotransmitter to support the body to make more. 


It is important, however, not to just guess what your neurotransmitter levels are. It is better to do a urine test, which is a specialty test I offer to my patients and in my programs, to measure your neurotransmitter levels. With that information, I can guide you on exactly which amino acids, and other nutrients, in what order and dose, to rebalance your neurotransmitter levels.  




I explain all about neurotransmitters, how they get thrown off balance, and how to reoptimize them in my new book – Master Your Stress, Reset Your Heath – which you can order here: https://doctordoni.com/msrh/   




And I offer supplements containing amino acids to rebalance your neurotransmitters in my supplements – Nature Empowered Nutritionals – available at DrDoni.com.  



If you have been taking medications to address your mood, energy, sleep or focus, it is important to work with a practitioner like me to help you address your neurotransmitters effectively and successfully. I’ve been helping patients with this for over 20 years.  



To meet with me so I can help you, you can set up an initial comprehensive appointment here: https://doctordoni.com/health-breakthrough-session/  




Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Pre-Order my new book: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Your-Stress-Reset-Health/dp/1953295576


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES


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