Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast
What do traffic lights have to do with relationships? Ever wonder what differentiation really means? Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast to discover how understanding this concept can create stronger bonds! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Are you chasing the Wow and missing the Now? It's easy to get caught up in life's big moments and overlook the beauty right in front of us. Take a listen for 5 simple, powerful ways to shift your focus from the wow to the now. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Are you in a situation where you feel stuck or like you have no choice in the matter? You're not alone. Safety is central to our survival. When we don't feel safe, it leads to trauma. Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast where I share Dr. Gabor Maté insights about trauma and safety. March focus is on anchoring yourself in safety, understanding your trauma, and implementing the three C's. Join us there today! Details Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: ...
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is a 72-year-old woman who has been married for 50 years next month! Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast as Patty shares how she's learned to love her daughter-in-law completely and discover true freedom. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Love brings things out into the open, but fear keeps things hidden. What are you hiding that love could reveal? Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast for ways to lessen your fear and increase your love. *Be sure to check out my sweet deal at the end! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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February is the shortest month packed with perks! Ever thought of the advantages of keeping things short and sweet? Be sure to catch the short & sweet thing that will no longer be available after February. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Ready to create more love and appreciation for Your Body than you ever imagined possible? My new Lovin My Body Course will teach you 7 simple ways to make this happen! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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The incredible (a professional chef, author and coach) shares her beautiful love and relationship insights on Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast. Tune in as Molly discusses how to listen to your body and much more! Molly will be teaching her expertise and answering all your questions in Connection Crew on February 4th. Join us I've been blessed to work with Molly over the past year and it has been life changing. She has helped me shift from an all-or-nothing mindset around eating, reduce binging, lose weight, and embrace a much healthier relationship with food. Resources~ Free...
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Persistence is a skill you can practice doing pleasantly if you'd like. Here are 3 ways why being pleasantly persistent matters. And an awesome acronym to help with this! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Do you or someone you love get offended easily and blow things way out of proportion? Do you often feel like a victim and that life is chaotic most of the time? Let me help you resolve a lot of those painful feelings, and create more connection and love with yourself and others. Take a listen to hear how... Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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This class is next Thursday, May 5th. And if you'd like to join me, sign up at leannaustin.com
No matter how the people in your home show up, or don't show up. If your mom has passed on, if you don't have children, or simply don't enjoy Mother's Day, these 5 secrets I'm going to teach you, will create more compassion and less dread. So join now and hope to see y'all on May 5th.
You're listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you'll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love. I'm your host, LeAnn Austin
Hey y'all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode number 13: Out Loud Mistakes
I was filling in on the piano for a children's choir. An amazing conductor was leading these cute kiddos. They were so attentive and intrigued by all the fun activities she was doing with them to teach them the words of the song. Towards the end, she had them stand and sing the song. After it was over, she complimented them on singing loudly, even on the parts where they weren't sure of the words. And then she said something that struck a chord with me.
"An out loud mistake is better than a silent nothing." I wanted to jump up and say amen to that. How often do we stay silent? Or don't even try because someone else may hear or see us messing up. We all make mistakes and it's okay. In fact, the more mistakes we make, the more knowledge we gain.
What if we intentionally took action and made mistakes every day towards the things we really want, instead of silently doing nothing?
Y'all have heard of famous mistakes that created success, and here's just a few:
J K Rowling: her short-lived marriage imploded. She was jobless, a single parent, and so poor, she was almost homeless. She felt like the biggest failure she ever knew, but she kept learning from her mistakes and created Harry Potter for us all to enjoy.
Albert Einstein: he couldn't speak fluently until the age of nine. He was kicked out of school. He said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." His research has influenced so many aspects of our life. He also said, "Success is failure in progress."
Abraham Lincoln: his business failed. He suffered a nervous breakdown. He was defeated in his run for president. He refused to stop trying his best, and became the 16th president of the United States.
Michael Jordan: he missed more than 9,000 shots in his career. Lost more than 300 games. 26 times he was trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. He said, "I failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed."
Think of the mistakes you've made and what you've learned from them. It's kind of like in the movie, miss-takes are planned. Those acting and filming the shows don't beat themselves or others up about the miss-takes, they're part of the process. Sometimes we're even lucky enough to see the blunders, and those miss-takes can be some of our favorite parts.
So Tiffany Wade, thank you for teaching one of my new favorite quotes: "An out loud mistake is better than a silent nothing." Hmmm, something to think about.
Have a good one y'all, and here's to love and making mistakes.
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If you would like to become an expert at loving yourself, check out my Lovin Me program at leannaustin.com