Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast
What do traffic lights have to do with relationships? Ever wonder what differentiation really means? Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast to discover how understanding this concept can create stronger bonds! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Are you chasing the Wow and missing the Now? It's easy to get caught up in life's big moments and overlook the beauty right in front of us. Take a listen for 5 simple, powerful ways to shift your focus from the wow to the now. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Are you in a situation where you feel stuck or like you have no choice in the matter? You're not alone. Safety is central to our survival. When we don't feel safe, it leads to trauma. Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast where I share Dr. Gabor Maté insights about trauma and safety. March focus is on anchoring yourself in safety, understanding your trauma, and implementing the three C's. Join us there today! Details Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: ...
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is a 72-year-old woman who has been married for 50 years next month! Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast as Patty shares how she's learned to love her daughter-in-law completely and discover true freedom. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Love brings things out into the open, but fear keeps things hidden. What are you hiding that love could reveal? Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast for ways to lessen your fear and increase your love. *Be sure to check out my sweet deal at the end! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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February is the shortest month packed with perks! Ever thought of the advantages of keeping things short and sweet? Be sure to catch the short & sweet thing that will no longer be available after February. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Ready to create more love and appreciation for Your Body than you ever imagined possible? My new Lovin My Body Course will teach you 7 simple ways to make this happen! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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The incredible (a professional chef, author and coach) shares her beautiful love and relationship insights on Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast. Tune in as Molly discusses how to listen to your body and much more! Molly will be teaching her expertise and answering all your questions in Connection Crew on February 4th. Join us I've been blessed to work with Molly over the past year and it has been life changing. She has helped me shift from an all-or-nothing mindset around eating, reduce binging, lose weight, and embrace a much healthier relationship with food. Resources~ Free...
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Persistence is a skill you can practice doing pleasantly if you'd like. Here are 3 ways why being pleasantly persistent matters. And an awesome acronym to help with this! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Do you or someone you love get offended easily and blow things way out of proportion? Do you often feel like a victim and that life is chaotic most of the time? Let me help you resolve a lot of those painful feelings, and create more connection and love with yourself and others. Take a listen to hear how... Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
info_outlineHey y'all, if you're listening to this podcast the day it comes out, and not lovin that Mother's Day is Sunday? There's still time to sign up for my free 20 minute class. It's tomorrow, May 5th, and I'm going to teach you the 5 Secrets to making this Mother's Day the best ever. So go to leannaustin.com and Join Now.
You're listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast. Where you'll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love. I'm your host, LeAnn Austin.
Hey y'all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode #14: Atlas of the Heart
Brené Brown has a new book called Atlas of the Heart. I love it. It's a beautiful book that I highly recommend.
It's an Atlas per say of 87 emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. Brené says, "The anchor we are searching for is connection, and it is internal. To form meaningful connections with others, we must first connect with ourselves. But to do either, we must first establish a common understanding of the language of emotion and the human experience."
So Brené breaks down emotions into 13 sections and she starts each section off with, "the places we go when..." And then ties in all these 87 emotions. It's fascinating how she does this. Well, if discussing emotions or feelings is something that you want to avoid with a ten foot pole, which is kind of how I used to be. I didn't even know what a feeling was, let alone discuss it. But what I've learned about feelings the past five-ish years, there's actually some merit to learning about our feelings.
So let's play a game. Every day, and anytime during the day, I want you to pause for two minutes and notice what you're feeling. Just pause, anytime, every day. As you're noticing what you're feeling, give it a name. And if you're not sure what name the feelings or emotions are, you can get Brené's book, or you can Google emotions and there's a kazillion of them. But name what you're feeling. Is it, for example, stress, worry, excitement, frustration, bored, curious, hopeless, sad, compassion, guilt, lonely, anger, confusion, joy, and a million more. Whatever it is, just name it, and then feel it in your body.
What I mean by this is pretend you're describing what you're feeling inside your body, to someone who has never felt an emotion inside your body, they have no idea. Like where is it located? Is it hard or soft? What's the texture? Maybe you think of a color when you're feeling it. Be really detailed and just describe it.
That's it. So that's the game. Every day, pause for two minutes, notice what you're feeling, give it a name, and feel it in your body. Alright, so this is what I do every single day. And it has completely changed my life. This is why I created my Lovin Me Program for y'all to learn about and understand that our thoughts and feelings, end up as our results. And when we become aware of our emotions and thoughts, we can achieve the results we really want.
Many of you go to a gym to build your physical muscles. Well, if you want to strengthen your mental and emotional muscles, try my Lovin Me Program, and we will make that happen. Just come try it for a month. It's only 29 bucks and I promise it will transform your lives.
So back to Brené's book, there are lots of quotes that I love, but a favorite one is: "When we stop numbing and start feeling and learning again, we have to reevaluate everything, especially how to choose loving ourselves over making other people comfortable." Hmmm, something to think about.
Have a good one y'all, and here's to connecting with ourselves and joining Lovin Me.
If you would like to become an expert at loving yourself, check out my Lovin Me Program at leannaustin.com.