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82 - Pro Life! What now? with Camille Pauley

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Release Date: 05/18/2022

212 - Humility Part 1 - What is Humility really show art 212 - Humility Part 1 - What is Humility really

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Humility is one of the hardest and most essential of virtues to grow in. It's painful, embarrassing, and well...humiliating! The hard part is most people don't even really understand what humility is. Join me in this episode as I start a new series on humility. The goal of this episode is just to explore what humility is, how to find our pride, and some basics of what to do. In subsequent episodes, I'll walk through each line of the litany of humility. First, however, we need some basics. This episode is not going to be fun, comfortable, or easy to listen to. It may, however, be the most...

211 - A Modern Teresa of Ávila with Ed Jozsa show art 211 - A Modern Teresa of Ávila with Ed Jozsa

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Sometimes the day that everything goes horribly, even tragically wrong, can be the best thing ever to happen to us. We almost never see it that way at the time, but we worship a God of impossibilities. A God that does things that seem utterly impossible. Join me in this episode as Ed Jozsa shares his miraculous, unbelievable story. After an accident that the doctors all agreed he should never have survived, Ed was given a series of truly mystical visions. They were a wake-up call to a man who was sleeping through his life. They can be a wake-up call to us as well. If you want to watch and read...

210 - Fatherhood Is Critical show art 210 - Fatherhood Is Critical

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Whether you are a father, grandfather, or thinking you might become a father one day, odds are that you aren't giving enough gravity to what that role really means. A father is often even more critical in an older child's life than his mother - and research supports this scary (and politically incorrect) conclusion! Join me in this episode as I explore the data about why fatherhood is so critical, ways that we can imitate our Heavenly Father, and practical tips to being a better father right now. Wherever you are in your journey as a father, something in this episode will challenge and inspire...

209 - Day One or One Day show art 209 - Day One or One Day

Catholic Life Coach For Men

While Eve was speaking to the serpent, Adam...stood by idle. He did not act. How often do we also fail to act - either entirely or slowly? Join me in this episode as I explore why it is so important to make today "Day One" or obedience to God's will, rather than waiting to obey "One Day" in the future when it's more convenient. God invites us to obedience. I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at

208 - Dealing with Critical Race Theory with Dr George Maurer show art 208 - Dealing with Critical Race Theory with Dr George Maurer

Catholic Life Coach For Men

If you have children that are currently being educated, you need to know about the attacks coming under the label of "Critical Race Theory." CRT is devastating to children - it causes confusion, guilt, blame, and a lifetime of misunderstanding. It's also demonic in origin. Join me in this episode as CRT opposition expert Dr George Maurer walks through what is happening in schools and even home-schooling curriculum across the country in regards to CRT. He explains why it is so bad, and what you need to do as a parent to protect your children. You can follow him on or !

207 - Encounters With God with Joshua Marcengill show art 207 - Encounters With God with Joshua Marcengill

Catholic Life Coach For Men

We worship a God of miracles. Sometimes they're subtle or slight - but sometimes they're not! Sometimes the miracles are so big and powerful we're left to wonder how we ever doubted. Join me in this episode as Joshua Marcengill shares his story about God's powerful and miraculous intervention in his life. Multiple times in his story, God brings a powerful healing. Now he has the opportunity to share his encounter with God with others. You can read more about Abundant Encounters at

206 - Demons Are Real show art 206 - Demons Are Real

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Many today want to deny the existence or importance of the spiritual realm. It's scary, confusing, and often overwhelming. Yet, we would be foolish to not take it seriously. We know that it's real and has real power in our lives. Join me in this episode as I give some high level guidelines for some things you need to be aware of as a Catholic about the demonic world.  This episode is only an introduction that will inspire you to dig deeper with the actual authorities. This should help you know when you need to do more. You can find my free online manly strength assessment at:

205 - Leadership and Empathy with Lancy Cayko show art 205 - Leadership and Empathy with Lancy Cayko

Catholic Life Coach For Men

A lot of us take great confidence in our technical skills. We may be the very best at our jobs of all the competition, but if we cannot connect on a personal level then we are going to struggle. Join me in this episode as Lance Cayko walks through his journey of learning to connect with others, and eventually with God. So often we run from God - or at least from what we think God represents. Yet, God patiently draws us back to Himself. The truth always points to Him. You can find Lance's podcast at You can follow his fishing adventures at .

204 - Balance the Faith and Work show art 204 - Balance the Faith and Work

Catholic Life Coach For Men

This is a tough time to be in a corporate environment and be a Catholic. There's a tremendous number of powerful assaults on the truth and teachings of goodness going on everywhere. Many men are intimidated and unsure how to balance what seems like an impossible mix: providing for their family while also speaking the truth. Join me in this episode as I tackle this difficult question.  What are the principles and practical ways we as Catholic men can navigate these treacherous waters? We must hold to truth. We must hold to charity. We cannot compromise on virtue. We must be men of prayer,...

203 - The Ten Commandments with Ed Van Buskirk show art 203 - The Ten Commandments with Ed Van Buskirk

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Virtually everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments. Yet, surprisingly, most of us can't actually name all ten. If we can't even name them - do you really think we're actually keeping them? Some people might even wonder if they're still relevant in our lives today. Join me in this episode as Ed Van Buskirk and I talk about the value and necessity of the Ten Commandments in our lives, even today. We discuss why they are a critical part of our struggle towards holiness. God has given us a great gift in the commandments, and we ignore them to our own suffering. You can read more about the...

More Episodes

Dobbs vs Jackson is staged to overturn Roe vs Wade. For those of us who are solidly pro-life, this is an awesome development! As cool as it sounds, however, many of us don't know what to actually do now?

What part of your life will change if Roe vs Wade is overturned?

How can you balance your pro-life belief with your need to work at your job?

Join me in this episode as I'm joined by Camille Pauley, an expert speaker in the pro-life movement. She has tons of practical advice for us "average guys" who are trying to figure out our next steps.

You can read more about Camille Pauley and the Healing The Culture organization at her website: https://www.healingtheculture.com/