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#66 - Busnes ac Arloesedd yn Rhanbarth y Basg o Sbaen

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Release Date: 07/17/2022

#103 - Cloffni MEWN GWARTHEG LLAETH: Sut mae gwahanol ddulliau o drosglwyddo gwybodaeth yn dylanwadu ar newid ymddygiad mewn cynhyrchwyr llaeth a chyffredinolrwydd cloffni yn eu buchesi. show art #103 - Cloffni MEWN GWARTHEG LLAETH: Sut mae gwahanol ddulliau o drosglwyddo gwybodaeth yn dylanwadu ar newid ymddygiad mewn cynhyrchwyr llaeth a chyffredinolrwydd cloffni yn eu buchesi.

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Yn ymuno â Cennydd Jones mae Sara Pedersen arbenigwraig RCVS mewn Iechyd a chynhyrchiant gwartheg. Yn y bennod gyntaf hon mewn cyfres o benodau fydd yn archwilio sut mae gwahanol ddulliau o gyfnewid gwybodaeth yn dylanwadu ar ganfyddiad, gwybodaeth, ymddygiad, a sut roedd hyn yn gysylltiedig â newidiadau mewn achosion o gloffni mewn gwartheg.

#103 - LAMENESS IN DAIRY CATTLE: How different methods of knowledge transfer influence behaviour change in dairy producers and lameness prevalence in their herds. show art #103 - LAMENESS IN DAIRY CATTLE: How different methods of knowledge transfer influence behaviour change in dairy producers and lameness prevalence in their herds.

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Cennydd Jones is joined by Sara Pedersen RCVS Specialist in Cattle Health and Production in this first in a series of episodes exploring how different methods of knowledge exchange influenced perception, knowledge, behaviour and how this was related to changes in lameness prevalence. 

#101 - Getting the most of silage at lambing - planning and monitoring starts now - Part 1 show art #101 - Getting the most of silage at lambing - planning and monitoring starts now - Part 1

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

In this two part episode we visit one of our focus farms involved on Our Farm Network. Beca Glyn and the family farm at Dylasau Uchaf, Padog, Dyffryn Conwy and has this year been working in collaboration with Farming Connect to make better use of the silage produced on-farm so that they are less reliant on bought in concentrate feed. We took the opportunity to capture the information relayed to the farmers that recently attended our open event at Dylasau. We will initially hear from James Holloway, a FACTS qualified independent Farm Business Consultant, providing...

#101 - Cael y gorau o silwair adeg wyna - mae'r cynllunio ar arolygu yn dechrau nawr - Rhan 1 show art #101 - Cael y gorau o silwair adeg wyna - mae'r cynllunio ar arolygu yn dechrau nawr - Rhan 1

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Yn y bennod dwy ran hon rydym yn ymweld ag un o'n ffermydd ffocws sy'n ymwneud â Rhwydwaith Ein Ffermydd. Mae Beca Glyn ar teulu yn ffermio yn Dylasau Uchaf, Padog, Dyffryn Conwy ac eleni wedi bod yn gweithio ar y cyd â Cyswllt Ffermio i wneud gwell defnydd o’r silwair a gynhyrchir ar y fferm fel eu bod yn llai dibynnol ar ddwysfwyd a brynir i mewn.  Manteisiwyd ar y cyfle i gasglu’r wybodaeth a roddwyd i’r ffermwyr a fynychodd ein digwyddiad agored yn Nylasau yn ddiweddar. I ddechrau, byddwn ni’n clywed gan James Holloway, Ymgynghorydd Busnes Fferm annibynnol, sy’n darparu...

#102 - Getting the most of silage at lambing - planning and monitoring starts now - Part 2 show art #102 - Getting the most of silage at lambing - planning and monitoring starts now - Part 2

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Welcome to Ear to the Ground. This is a two part episode focusing on the information disseminated to farmers at a recent Farming Connect Event at Dylysau Uchaf, Padog, Dyffryn Conwy. If you haven’t yet listened to the previous episode, please remember to do so as it includes the background details to the farming enterprise at Dylasau along with focusing on a key aspect of the project there which was to focus on improving silage quality so the farm is less reliant on bought in concentrate feed. During this on farm event, Joe Angell, Wern Vets discussed and provided tips in how to monitor the...

#102 - Cael y gorau o silwair adeg wyna - mae'r cynllunio ar arolygu yn dechrau nawr - Rhan 2 show art #102 - Cael y gorau o silwair adeg wyna - mae'r cynllunio ar arolygu yn dechrau nawr - Rhan 2

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Croeso i Glust i'r Ddaear. Mae hon yn bennod dwy ran sy’n canolbwyntio ar y wybodaeth a ddosbarthwyd i ffermwyr mewn Digwyddiad Cyswllt Ffermio diweddar yn Dylysau Uchaf, Padog, Dyffryn Conwy. Os nad ydych wedi gwrando ar y bennod flaenorol eto, cofiwch wneud hynny gan ei fod yn cynnwys manylion cefndir y fenter ffermio yn Dylasau ynghyd â chanolbwyntio ar agwedd allweddol o’r prosiect yno sy'n canolbwyntio ar wella ansawdd silwair er mwyn sicrhau fod y fferm yn llai dibynnol ar ddwysfwyd a brynir i mewn. Yn ystod y digwyddiad fferm hwn, bu Joe Angell, o filfeddygon y Wern yn trafod ac...

#100 - Rheoli staff, Pennod 4: Mae pobl, pwrpas, prosesau a photensial’ yn gynhwysion allweddol i redeg tîm llwyddiannus show art #100 - Rheoli staff, Pennod 4: Mae pobl, pwrpas, prosesau a photensial’ yn gynhwysion allweddol i redeg tîm llwyddiannus

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Yn y bennod olaf hon o’n cyfres rheoli staff, mae Hannah Batty o Filfeddygon Fferm LLM yn Swydd Gaer yn ymuno â Rhian Price. Mae Hannah ar ganol cwblhau Ysgoloriaeth Nuffield sy'n edrych ar sut y gall ffermwyr llaeth reoli pobl yn well i sicrhau gwell iechyd, lles a phroffidioldeb. Mae hi wedi ymweld â saith gwlad a llawer o fusnesau cyffredinol a busnesau ffermio fel rhan o daith astudio orlawn ar draws tri chyfandir.

#100- Staff management, Episode 4: People, purpose, processes and potential’ are key ingredients to running a successful team show art #100- Staff management, Episode 4: People, purpose, processes and potential’ are key ingredients to running a successful team

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

In this last episode of our staff management series, Rhian Price is joined by Hannah Batty from LLM Farm Vets in Cheshire. Hannah is in the middle of completing a Nuffield Scholarship looking at how dairy farmers can better manage people to deliver improved health, welfare, and profitability. She has visited seven countries and many farming and non-farming business as part of a jam- packed study tour stretching three continents.

#98 - Ammonia- the issue and how to limit emissions from farming practices show art #98 - Ammonia- the issue and how to limit emissions from farming practices

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

This podcast takes advantage of a recently recorded Farming Connect webinar. Take the advantage of listening back at a suitable and convenient time to you! Sue Buckingham, Sustainable Atmospheric Nitrogen Advisor at NRW is joined by David Ball from AHDB's Environment team. Agricultural activities account for 93% of ammonia emissions in Wales, originating mainly from livestock systems and fertiliser management. Join us to learn more about the scale and impact of the issue and how applying specific management approaches can limit the emission of ammonia from every stage where losses occur.

#99- Establishing and managing herbal leys show art #99- Establishing and managing herbal leys

Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Another opportunity to listen back to a recent webinar at your leisure. Herbal leys are an increasingly popular option for livestock farmers. This episode discusses establishing and managing herbal leys for livestock production with Monty White, Agricultural Project Manager for DLF Seeds. We will explore different establishment options including min-till methods and then correct management to help the swards establish. Seed mix choices will also be covered with the emphasis on selecting the right varieties for different situations. Herbal leys also offer potential benefits to biodiversity both...

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Rhywbeth ychydig yn wahanol yn y bennod hon wrth i ni gael ein harwain gan arweinydd yr Academi Amaeth, Llyr Derwydd ac aelodau o’r rhaglen Busnes ac Arloesedd wrth iddynt ymweld â Bilboa a rhanbarth y Basg. Mae'n daith wib o amgylch arferion ffermio amrywiol y rhanbarth, o fferm laeth confensiynol yn Laukiz i winllan a chynhyrchydd tomatos yn Arrankudiaga. Bu'r grŵp hefyd yn ymweld â Mutriku, pentref glan môr lle mae'r gwaith trydan tonnau cyntaf yn Ewrop. Mae’r daith hon yn sicr wedi ysbrydoli’r genhedlaeth nesaf o arloeswyr ac entrepreneuriaid ffermio a choedwigaeth yng Nghymru.