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Ear to the Ground / Clust i'r Ddaear

Ear to the Ground’ is a brand-new podcast, the first of its kind to be available in both Welsh and English, that will share technical information, advice, support and inspiration to the farming community in Wales. Mae “Clust i’r Ddaear” yn bodlediad newydd sbon, y cyntaf o’i math i fod ar gael yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, fydd yn rhannu gwybodaeth dechnegol, cyngor, cefnogaeth ac ysbrydoliaeth i’r gymuned amaeth yng Nghymru.

info_outline #103 - Cloffni MEWN GWARTHEG LLAETH: Sut mae gwahanol ddulliau o drosglwyddo gwybodaeth yn dylanwadu ar newid ymddygiad mewn cynhyrchwyr llaeth a chyffredinolrwydd cloffni yn eu buchesi. 06/23/2024
info_outline #103 - LAMENESS IN DAIRY CATTLE: How different methods of knowledge transfer influence behaviour change in dairy producers and lameness prevalence in their herds. 06/23/2024
info_outline #101 - Getting the most of silage at lambing - planning and monitoring starts now - Part 1 06/02/2024
info_outline #101 - Cael y gorau o silwair adeg wyna - mae'r cynllunio ar arolygu yn dechrau nawr - Rhan 1 06/02/2024
info_outline #102 - Getting the most of silage at lambing - planning and monitoring starts now - Part 2 06/02/2024
info_outline #102 - Cael y gorau o silwair adeg wyna - mae'r cynllunio ar arolygu yn dechrau nawr - Rhan 2 06/02/2024
info_outline #100 - Rheoli staff, Pennod 4: Mae pobl, pwrpas, prosesau a photensial’ yn gynhwysion allweddol i redeg tîm llwyddiannus 04/14/2024
info_outline #100- Staff management, Episode 4: People, purpose, processes and potential’ are key ingredients to running a successful team 04/14/2024
info_outline #98 - Ammonia- the issue and how to limit emissions from farming practices 03/31/2024
info_outline #99- Establishing and managing herbal leys 03/31/2024
info_outline #95 - Diweddariad Ein Ffermydd: Tyfu yng Nghymru - Rhan 1. Treialu technegau rhyng-gnydio codlysiau-grawnfwyd ar gyfer cynhyrchu bwyd 03/10/2024
info_outline #95 - Our Farms Update: Get growing in Wales- Part 1. Trial of legume-cereal intercropping techniques for production of food 03/10/2024
info_outline #96 - Diweddariad Ein Ffermydd: Dewch i dyfu yng Nghymru - Rhan 2. Dulliau gorau ar gyfer sefydlu menter garddwriaeth pwmpen dewis eich hun 03/10/2024
info_outline #96 - Our Farms Update: Get growing in Wales- Part 2. Best methods for the establishment of a Pick your Own pumpkin horticulture venture 03/10/2024
info_outline #97 - Diweddariad Ein Ffermydd: Tyfu yng Nghymru - Rhan 3. Ymestyn y tymor cynhyrchu tomatos ar gyfer cadwyn gyflenwi ddosbarthu gyfanwerthol 03/10/2024
info_outline #97 - Our Farms Update: Get growing in Wales- Part 3. Extending the season of tomato production for a wholesale distribution supply chain 03/10/2024
info_outline #94 - Staff Management series- Episode 3: What legislation affects you as a farming employer, employee or worker? 02/18/2024
info_outline #94 - Cyfres Rheoli Staff - Pennod 3: Pa ddeddfwriaeth sy'n effeithio arnoch chi fel cyflogwr, cyflogai neu weithiwr fferm? 02/18/2024
info_outline #93 - Cyfres Rheoli Staff - Pennod 2: Cytundebau gweithwyr 02/04/2024
info_outline #93 - Staff Management series- Episode 2: Staff contracts 02/04/2024
info_outline #92 - Mewnwelediad i'r sefyllfa bresennol o ran ôl-troed carbon ffermydd bîff a defaid yng Nghymru 01/28/2024
info_outline #92 - An insight into the current situation in terms of the carbon footprint of beef and sheep farms in Wales 01/28/2024
info_outline #91 - Datgelu cyfle posibl arall yng nghefn gwlad Cymru 12/24/2023
info_outline #91 - Unearthing another potential opportunity in rural Wales 12/24/2023
info_outline #90 - Cyfleoedd i arallgyfeirio o fewn y diwydiant garddwriaeth yng Nghymru 12/10/2023
info_outline #90 - Diversification opportunities within the horticulture industry in Wales 12/10/2023
info_outline #89 - Is joint venture the answer to an ageing industry? 11/26/2023
info_outline #89 - Ai menter ar y cyd yw’r ateb i ddiwydiant sy’n heneiddio? 11/26/2023
info_outline #88 - Rheoli coetir ac ychwanegu gwerth at goed yn From Haul, Abergele 11/12/2023
info_outline #88 - Woodland management and adding value to timber at From Haul, Abergele 11/12/2023