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Succotash Epi318: 4 Good Sports


Release Date: 08/23/2022

Succotash Epi353: Our 12th Anniversary Show! show art Succotash Epi353: Our 12th Anniversary Show!


We've been teasing it for months but it's finally here: Our 12th anniversary episode of doing Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast! I'm going to keep this blog piece tight and sweet - and urge you to avail yourself of the actual episode, which you can find at your favorite download location OR at our , . This episode — our last before embarking on a shortish hiatus — is double-hosted, featuring  and . We talk about the shows' origins, its evolution during the Age of Soundcasting, and a number of the personalities we've met along the way. One of those personalities joins us...

Succotash Epi352: Last Clips Before Hiatus show art Succotash Epi352: Last Clips Before Hiatus


Can you feel it, listener? I can. I can feel it. The warm, sultry breeze of our impending Succotash hiatus is gently wafting around the next bend in our feed. I’m your every-other-weekly-host and welcome to Episode 352, which I’m calling “Last Clips Before Hiatus” because, well, it’s our second-to-last episode before we take a break BUT the last one in which we’ll be featuring clips. I’ll tell you more about what our LAST show before jump the tracks is going to be like toward this end of this blog entry but, for now, let’s share this time together as just another in the long...

Succotash Epi351 - The Penultimate Pre-Hiatus Show show art Succotash Epi351 - The Penultimate Pre-Hiatus Show


Saluton, estas mi, , and I welcome you heartily to this 351st episode of Succotash, The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, which just so happens to be the second-to-last episode of Succotash before our 12-year anniverary special, which will then be swiftly followed by a well-deserved hiatus. If you are a 1st time listener, this show typically features clips from other soundcasts from around the world and has for almost 12 years. The entire archive of episodes past can be found over at for the time being, so if you end up enjoying this program and you'd like to share it with others, send them...

Succotash Epi350 — Special Guest: Shane Elliott show art Succotash Epi350 — Special Guest: Shane Elliott


Hello, friend! here for yet another edition – the 350th installment, in fact – of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Later this month we’ll be celebrating hitting our 12th Anniversary of bringing you clips from (mostly) comedy soundcasts and interviews with some of those soundcasters, some comedians, and some other showbiz folk, as our esteemed booth announcer, , is fond of saying. That anniversary show will be fun. It will be me and my switching-off-with-me-every-other-week co-host on the show together, along with a special guest surprise! That show is going to drop on...

Succotash Epi349: One For The Kids show art Succotash Epi349: One For The Kids


Saluton, estas mi . Welcome to Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast! Have you listened to us before? If so, then welcome back! We're clocking in at #349 this week and the duties of finding soundcast clips falls on me. Did you happen to hear last week's episode titled "A Spring Bouquet of Clips" ? It was Epi348 and it featured a trio of clips from the soundcasts FOGO, Tell Me About It, and The Best Show. In addition, that episode featured another drop-in from comedian with a selection from his "Slices" blog, and that one was called “The Thai That Unbinds”. It was a fun episode, and...

Succotash Epi348: A Spring Bouquet of Clips show art Succotash Epi348: A Spring Bouquet of Clips


Happy Vernal Equinox, Succotashians! I’m your every-other-weekly-host, , and thanks for plucking Episode 348 out of the soundcastosphere, an episode I’m calling “A Spring Bouquet of Clips” because, well, this show is dropping close to the first day of Spring! Speaking of Spring, something that’s springing up very soon is the 12th anniversary of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Your co-host and mine, , will be joining me for a celebratory episode where we’ll look back on the show’s dozen years. We’ll have some clips from shows, classic Henderson’s Pants ads, some...

Succotash Epi347: Hollywood Adjacent show art Succotash Epi347: Hollywood Adjacent


Saluton estas mi, , welcoming you to Succotash Episode #347. I will be your host for the duration of this episode as it is my turn to do so. Last week in Epi346, subtitled "Clips Like a Lion", show creator and executive producer of Succotash  brought you a clips episode plus a little something extra. The clips featured in that episode were from the Soundcasts known as Dear Chelsea, The JTrain Podcast, and Two Vegan Idiots. The aformentioned extra took the form of a contribution from comedian "Slices" blog, called "Rebel Without A Phone". It was an entertaining episode that, if you were...

Succotash Epi346: Clips Like a Lion show art Succotash Epi346: Clips Like a Lion


Can you believe it? We’re here again. You and I, I mean. I am, as our booth announcer just intoned, your every-other-weekly-host . And you’re, obviously, you. And this IS Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Episode 346, to be exact. And, if this is your first visit, well, then, you know pretty much what you need to know.  We’re just about a month away from celebrating this soundcast’s 12th anniversary. TWELVE years! Can you imagine? When Succotash started, the dodo birds were practically still alive, walking the still-cooling surface of the primordial Earth, stalking...

Succotash Epi345 — Special Guest: Josh Barnes show art Succotash Epi345 — Special Guest: Josh Barnes


Saluton, estas mi welcoming you to this "Chats" episode of Succotash, The Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, now in the last vestiges of its 11th year bringing you now 345 episodes including this one. Yes, this is Episode 345, which means that the last episode that dropped into our stream was episode 344 and THAT episode was also a Chats episode, hosted by show creator and executive producer , with whom I share hosting duties with on an every-other-weekly basis. In Epi344, Mr. Hershon's guest was of The Legal Geeks soundcast, which, on their main webpage over at is described as "The Legal...

Succotash Epi344 — Special Guest: Josh Gilliland show art Succotash Epi344 — Special Guest: Josh Gilliland


Howdy, soundcast aficionados! You must be a fan of soundcasts if you’re dropping in for yet another installment of Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast. Because that’s all we do around here is pay homage to soundcasts. We play clips from 'em, we talk about ‘em, and sometimes we talk to the people who are ON the soundcasts, like today. But good deary me, I am getting ahead of myself. Myself being one , your every-other-weekly host of Succotash, and this is Episode 344. We’re about 5 weeks away from hitting our 12 year anniversary of this show — can you feel the excitement, the...

More Episodes

If this is your first time dropping in to listen to Succotash, the Comedy Soundcast Soundcast, welcome. If you’ve been this way before, welcome back! This is Episode, or “Epi” number 318 and I’m Marc Hershon, your guide for this week’s tour of comedy soundcast clips.

Not to be confused with your host for last week’s installment, Epi317. That would be Mr. Tyson Saner, a grand fellow in his own right. He presented a trio of soundcast clippage under the title “Reach Out and Clip Someone”. Those shows included The Greatest Song Ever Sung (Poorly)Mom Can't Cook!, and The Co-Founder. If you somehow missed the show last week, it’s still hanging around wherever you get your soundcasts. Places like Apple and/or Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Soundcloud, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, Audible and, after a long break while we were boycotting them for their programming decisions, Succotash is back on Spotify, baby! Plus, as always, you can grab any of this show’s past 11 and a half years’-worth of episodes at our homesite, SuccotashShow.com.

But that was then, this is now, so let me tell you what I have in store for you. Of all the comedy sub-genres – crime, movie reviews, TV show rewatches, the paranormal, etc. – one that has gotten very little play on this show over the years has been sports/comedy or comedy/sports. Not for a lack of content – there are thousands of soundcasts with a sports bent to them. The truth is that I’m just not much of a sports fan. Any sports. And although some of my favorite funny people host or are featured guests on these shows, when I’ve tried to listen I pretty much don’t know the details that they get into around whatever the sport happens to be.

To be totally transparent, no one has ever written in or called the Succotash and Runaway Truck Ramp Hotline at 1-818-921-7212 to request clips from sports-based soundcasts. Nor have any of those shows sent in their own clips to our direct Hightail upload site, at hightail.com/u/Succotash. So have I been remiss? Sure. I’ll take the hit on that but Succotash is a two-way street – or soundcasts, rather – and if you let us know what you like to hear, don’t hesitate to reach out!

No matter! Today’s the day we make it all up with a quartet of sport-oriented soundcast clips! You’ll be hearing from the likes of Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson, Sportsfeld, The Grade Cricketer, and The View from the Cheap Seats. I will confess right now that I won’t pretend to know the intricacies of what’s being bandied about in these clips but for you sports fans out there, you won’t need my help. And, if like me, YOU’RE not a big sports fan, just sit back and relax. This won’t take long. PLUS we have a commercial from our favorite and only long-running sponsor, Henderson’ Pants new Drifter Chinos. If you love the romance of the open road, look out: Henderson’t rag pickers are out there, looking to get into your pants!


Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson
Who would have figured soundcasting would be the next best stop for heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson? Who in their right mind would tell the champ “no”? Not me! No, sir, no way! I understand from some friends of Succotash who have been guests on both our shows that the title isn’t so much about boxing as it is about being enclosed in a studio with a former pro boxer and a lot of herb being partaken of with very little ventilation. Back in July Mike had Bill Maher as his guest and they tore it up about religion, Black Lives Matter, police brutality, and Marilyn Monroe. (Who’s coming at poor Marilyn Monroe after all these years? That would be Bill, of course…)

Here’s a clip where I am totally out of my depth. This is from Sportsfeld – “a sports podcast about nothing”, according to the show’s description on Apple Podcasts – and I think the hosts, Andrew Zuber and Jake Goldsbie are talking about soccer. Pretty sure. But the series in Canada they’re talking about was happening concurrently with a baseball series AND a hockey series. For this clip I purposefully left off whatever set-up there was, just to see if you’re as lost as I am…

The Grade Cricketer
This next clip may be a bit out of reach for listeners who are even die hard sports fans in North America. The show The Grade Cricketer and it’s about – you guessed it – cricket. To start with, I’d never heard of the term “grade cricket” and had to look it up. Here’s the definition on Wikipedia: “Grade cricket, also known as Premier Cricket is the name of the senior inter-club or district cricket competitions in each of the Australian states and territories.” There were originally three hosts of the show, all cricket writers in Australia: Sam Perry, Dave Edwards, and Ian Higgins. These lads have even written books about the topic, although I was sad to hear that Dave went his own way in 2020 to focus on other things.

Anyway, I could barely understand what they’re saying, let alone what their cricket references are about. So I reached out to an one of our oldest friends of the soundcasts: Jabs (Jason McNamara) of the old DHead Factor soundcast down in Canberra, Australia to give me his thoughts on The Grade Cricketer. Thanks, Jabs!

View from The Cheap Seats
Our final clip is from a show by a couple of guys I’ve met peripherally, years ago, at the Los Angeles Podcast Festival. We’ve featured them before from the great soundcast they do along with Daniel Van Kirk called Dumb People Town. I’m talking about the Sklar Brothers, Randy and Jason. These guys are totally into sports and they get to let it shine nowadays in their other soundcast called View from the Cheap Seats. In this clip they’re talking about MVPs and champinoships and other things I don’t get, along with their guest – another friend of Succotash – the great Wayne Federman.

That’s going to do it for our sports clip-related show. If you’re a sports fan I hope I didn’t ruin it for you, but I just don’t get it. Or them. I’m a nerd, and a dweeb, and I prefer a good game of Dungeons & Dragons to watching the Super Bowl. But I recognize the importance of sports in our international zeitgeist so please enjoy.

Listener, you are always welcome to send email into either me, at [email protected] OR Tyson Saner at [email protected]

Jump into this feed next week for Epi319 when Tyson  returns with more soundcastic wonderfulness. If you’re looking for more entertainments, I do an editorial cartoon for the Half Moon Bay Review weekly newspaper which you can find online at http://hmbreview.com and just click on the Opinion section in the pulldown menu.

Other than that, if you find yourself pushing a cart down the aisle in your neighborhood grocery store and a kindly senior citizen is heading your way from the other end of the aisle and stops you to ask, “Have you heard anything good lately?”, won’t you please pass the Succotash?

— Marc Hershon