Design Your Sovereign Homestead Using The SADIMEA Framework ~Epi-011
Release Date: 10/03/2022
The Sovereign Homestead
If you're seeing this in your podcast feed it means our first child has either arrived or is very nearly earthside! Sammy and I greatly appreciate your thoughts, prayers, and good vibes in this time. The podcast will be on an indefinite (though hopefully relatively short) break, while we welcome our first child into the world and find our feet as new parents. Thank you all for listening and keep shining your light. -Casey & Sammy (and Tater) ____________________________________________________________________________ WHAT I DO: Create Resilient Habitats Where People And Ecology Thrive...
info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
Floating wetlands are a "new" old technology that is well worth looking into if you are doing aquaculture at just about any scale - from small backyard tanks a few hundred gallons in size, on up to multi-acre ponds and lakes. Floating wetlands take the essential functions provided by wetlands and concentrated them into a smaller and more mobile footprint. Wetlands are the kidneys of the landscape, and floating wetlands amplify many of those beneficial functions, such as: Integrated wetland (edge) functionality into an open water body = excess nutrient removal and water clarification Increased...
info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
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info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
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info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
Join me today as we discuss designing functional kitchen spaces that people want to be in. Lots of people are inheriting kitchens designed more for magazine covers than for function - and where there is a lack of function there is a concommitant increase in friction, which means more stress and less joy. Kitchens are the Zone 1 of Zone 0 - Zone 0 referring to the space inside the home. Kitchens are the heart of human life - communion over shared food, shared work, a space for being together, conversing, and generally connecting over the daily activities that make up life. Poorly designed...
info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
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info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
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info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
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info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
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info_outlineThe Sovereign Homestead
As within so without. If we want to see changes in our external world (i.e. regenerating landscapes and ecosystems), we have to first address our internal state. The older I get and the more I learn, the less I can say I know for sure. This, though, is one of those things that I've arrived at as being one of those "indivisible kernels of truth" - something solid and constant upon which I can build a foundation for regeneration. The external state of our landscapes is a direct reflection of our own internal states. This has always been true in every consultancy I have ever done. This is...
info_outlineThis week we take a look at the actual process of designing your homestead. The framework we use to guide our design process is called SADIMEA, and it consists of the following 7 phases:
- Survey - This phase is all about gathering data - developing intimate knowledge of the environment and context within which your life is lived.
- Analysis - Sifting, sorting, list making, relationship mapping and number crunching to organize & MAKE MEANING from the data.
- Design - Many pieces begin to knit together into a cohesive, functional and beautiful whole - where you design a system of systems that is redundantly abundant.
- Implementation - Planning the work yields to working the plan - shovels in the dirt.
- Maintenance / Monitoring / Management / Measurement - Attentive and intensive management of newly established systems, and planned maintenance of well-established or mature systems. Collectively, the M-phase of SADIMEA is all about about making sure your system has everything it needs to perform its design function, and learning where it needs improvement and gathering enough feedback that you can make a viable plan for making that improvement.
- Evaluation - During the Evaluation phase we integrate feedback from the monitoring of systems (new, establishing and climax) and we hold them up against our stated goals & vision & dQoL and ask “How am I doing?” “Is this working?” etc.
- Adjustment - Iteration of your designed systems, conducting safe-to-fail experiments, and improving by doing.
SADIMEA is simple, straightforward, and flexible enough to be applicable in pretty much any design scenario that is dealing with complex systems (such as a homestead).
Show Resources
- Download Google Earth Pro - easy mapping for your homestead
- Download QGIS - free, open-source GIS mapping application if you need/want more mapping horsepower.
- Detailed SADIMEA blog post with all the nitty gritty details and lots of links.
- NRCS Web Soil Survey portal - easy, fast way to high-level information about your soils and their strengths, weaknesses and capabilities.
- VIDEO: Visual Soil Survey - get out and dig a hole!
- BOOK: When Weeds Talk - by Jay L. McCaman - excellent resource for inferring what is going on in your soils based on the weeds you observe growing there.
- SADIMEA Illustrated Poster [PDF]
Online Site/Project Consultation
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The Sovereign Homestead Podcast
Music by Alex Grohl