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Episode 201: “Surviving Hurricane Ian while Contemplating Nuclear Armageddon” with Brandon Weichert

The Bill Walton Show

Release Date: 10/11/2022

Episode 274: Behind the Curtain: Unveiling the Arabella Network's Vast Influence on U.S. Politics show art Episode 274: Behind the Curtain: Unveiling the Arabella Network's Vast Influence on U.S. Politics

The Bill Walton Show

In this episode of The Bill Walton Show, Bill wades into the murky waters of the Left’s “dark money” manipulation of American politics with Scott Walter and Kristen Eastlick with the Capital Research Center.  We often use the phrase follow the money. Scott and Kristen are among the best at doing just that.  Centerpiece of the discussion is Scott’s new book Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America.   In it, he reveals the vast influence that the Arabella Network - by deploying billions of dollars - plays in American...

Episode 273: Investing in a Polarized America: Federalism and Entrepreneurship with Jim Pinkerton show art Episode 273: Investing in a Polarized America: Federalism and Entrepreneurship with Jim Pinkerton

The Bill Walton Show

In this lively episode of the Bill Walton Show, Bill talks with Jim Pinkerton in a thought-provoking discussion about investing in the turbulent waters of today's toxic political climate. With a focus on the stark Red-Blue divide in America, Jim offers a contrarian view that it’s fertile ground for what he terms "directional investing."    Drawing from his upcoming book, "The Secret of Directional Investing: Making Money Amidst the Red-Blue Divide," Pinkerton—a veteran of the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations and a long-time Fox News contributor—unpacks the intriguing...

Episode 272:The Art of the Flail: Expert Takes on US National Security Blunders with Stephen Bryen and Brandon Weichert show art Episode 272:The Art of the Flail: Expert Takes on US National Security Blunders with Stephen Bryen and Brandon Weichert

The Bill Walton Show

This episode of The Bill Walton Show is a riveting discussion with two astute geopolitical analysts, Dr. Steven Bryen and Brandon Weichert.  Together they dissect the exploding tensions in the Middle East, specifically the dramatic escalation by Iran’s air attack on Israel.  And the big questions: How are global players like the US, Russia, and even China moving their chess pieces in this high-stakes game?  The episode is a whirlwind tour through the strategies, fears, and potential flashpoints that will likely redraw the map of global power.  Dr. Bryen, with over 50...

Episode 271: Modern Dilemmas: Regulatory Capture, Global Governance, and the Surveillance State with Dr. Robert W. Malone show art Episode 271: Modern Dilemmas: Regulatory Capture, Global Governance, and the Surveillance State with Dr. Robert W. Malone

The Bill Walton Show

In this episode Bill Walton is joined by Dr. Robert Malone in a wide ranging and engaging discussion about modern societal and financial control mechanisms. Their great concern is the relentless and growing overreach of both governments and corporations into personal freedoms through the guise of security, safety and public health.  Robert W. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines:...

Episode 270: Voices in the Supreme Court: Protecting Our Free Speech with Aaron Kheriaty and Jenin Younes show art Episode 270: Voices in the Supreme Court: Protecting Our Free Speech with Aaron Kheriaty and Jenin Younes

The Bill Walton Show

On March 18, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case Murthy v. Missouri challenging whether the government can induce social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to censor constitutionally protected free speech.   A sinister web of federal agencies, the White House, social media platforms, NGOs and others are orchestrating a vast system of censorship to suppress viewpoints that contradict “preferred government narratives”about COVID-19 policies, climate change, election integrity and other issues that should be open to free & fair debate. The Supreme...

Episode 269: How the United States’ Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed Fueled China’s Rise with Jim Fanell and Brad Thayer show art Episode 269: How the United States’ Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed Fueled China’s Rise with Jim Fanell and Brad Thayer

The Bill Walton Show

After achieving victory in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, US political leadership, starting with the Clinton Administration, has made a continuing string of strategic blunders that have brought the United States to the point where - after building China up for decades - we face an enemy determined to become the new global hegemon and that now possesses equal economic, military and diplomatic resources. To learn how this came about, in this episode Bill talks with  James E. Fanell and Bradley A. Thayer, Ph.D, authors of  Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest...

Episode 268: Conspiracy: Why FDR's White House Ignored a Chance to Change History with Chris Farrell and Shea Bradley-Farrell show art Episode 268: Conspiracy: Why FDR's White House Ignored a Chance to Change History with Chris Farrell and Shea Bradley-Farrell

The Bill Walton Show

“What if in 1943 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his White House advisors had acted on an offer from high-ranking German officials that they were prepared to kidnap Adolf Hitler and all of his top cronies.  They would then turn Hitler over to the United States and sign an armistice ending the war with Germany. The German high officials wanted then to join with the United States to stop the Communist Soviet Union from advancing in Europe. They had a well-thought out plan as to which units they knew were loyal, what units they knew would actually move on the Wolf's Lair, Hitler's...

Episode 267:  CO2: The Miracle Molecules with Dr Will Happer and Greg Wrightstone show art Episode 267: CO2: The Miracle Molecules with Dr Will Happer and Greg Wrightstone

The Bill Walton Show

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is portrayed as the worst villain in climate alarmism’s pantheon of satanic gases. The claim is that increasing levels of greenhouse gases are purportedly driving atmospheric warming to dangerous and unprecedented levels which is said to be leading to ever increasing natural disasters, severe weather events and human health concerns. But what if these claims are wrong, catastrophically wrong. What if, rather than being at unprecedented high levels, CO2 is at one of its lowest concentrations in the long history of the Earth and that the modest warming anticipated from...

Episode 266: It’s Time to Leave the WHO with Reggie Littlejohn and Meryl Nass show art Episode 266: It’s Time to Leave the WHO with Reggie Littlejohn and Meryl Nass

The Bill Walton Show

At a meeting of the World Health Assembly at the end of May, less than three months from now, the World Health Organization (WHO) will be voting to amend its International Health Regulations agreement and to create a brand new Pandemic Agreement.  Until now the World Health Organization has been largely an advisory organization. If voted in, these changes would make its edicts compulsory. The proposed amendments replace the word “may” with “shall” over 100 times and the word “non-binding” has been deleted to make the recommendations of the WHO binding. The agreements authorize...

Episode 265: Ukraine: Has the US Lost Yet Another Proxy War? with Stephen Bryen show art Episode 265: Ukraine: Has the US Lost Yet Another Proxy War? with Stephen Bryen

The Bill Walton Show

While Americans have become preoccupied with other things - the election, the border, the economy - events in Ukraine are spinning out of control. People have been talking hopefully about a ceasefire and a truce. Instead, with a couple of more blunders we could be heading for a World War III.  To learn where this might be headed next, I’m back talking in this episode with my go to guru on all things national security Stephen Bryen - Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy Some takeaways from our conversation:  The head of NATO Jen Soltenberg’s reckless statements and...

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This episode took a couple of twisting turns to complete. A few weeks back, I emailed my friend Brandon Weichert, a very smart geopolitical strategist and publisher of the Weichert Report, to ask if he could come on my show to talk about Ukraine, Putin and the possibilities of a nuclear war. He emailed back that “well, perhaps we could do the recording later this week or next weekend because I've got a category three hurricane bearing down in my home, presently. It might end up in Tampa, but we might be right in the epicenter".  In the event, the hurricane did land, and it landed right on top of Brandon.  “Before the hurricane hits,” shares Brandon, “the night before, I'm watching local news and they're saying it's going to strengthen into a category four, but it looks like it's still going to miss Southwest Florida, it's going to hit Tampa. So we’ll be ok. Not great, but ok.”   “Then I wake up at 7:00 or 8:00 am the next morning and my house is shaking and it's like something from a disaster film. And this hurricane not only strengthened into a category four, but almost a category five! We lost power immediately. We had no internet, no nothing. So I could receive texts and phone calls, but I couldn't make any and I couldn't send anything out.” What happened next is quite a story, and a sobering look at what happens after a real disaster.  Listen in as Brandon shares this first-hand experience surviving Hurricane Ian, but also as we segue into what’s developing in Ukraine, Russia and Putin’s nuclear saber rattling.  There are troubling parallels explains Brandon:  “So this was really a snapshot, I think, of what may happen if, God forbid, this issue with Russia and Ukraine goes nuclear or EMP Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons or involves cyber-attack or space attack or some combination thereof.”  “Because the first thing that I learned, is that our infrastructure is going to collapse. No one will save us.” President Biden seems weirdly glib about the prospect of catastrophe, and some of his remarks sound almost as it he’s inviting it. It’s not just Biden. He’s joined in this by too many in official Washington, including Republicans like Lindsay Graham.  People who say Vladimir Putin would never use nuclear weapons have not studied Putin, or at best, are making a judgement call about an unknowable mind. Talk of regime change and further arming Ukraine to win a decisive victory are beyond reckless. Instead, we need to use American power to wrap this war up and return Europe to peace. “We’ve gone on to push this to the red line of a nuclear war,” warns Brandon Weichert. “It now it behooves a great power like the United States to say, ‘It's time for everyone to go to that big beautiful table, sit down and figure out how we're going to get out of this situation.’” We unpack a lot in this episode. Given the existential stakes we face, Brandon’s assessment is definitely worth a listen.