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111 - Marriage and Camino with Kathleen Donnelly Israel

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Release Date: 12/26/2022

202 - How To Surrender show art 202 - How To Surrender

Catholic Life Coach For Men

We hear all the time that we need to surrender something to the Lord. Sure, it sounds good, and is probably a good thing to do - but how do we actually do it? Sometimes surrendering that particular thing kind of feels almost like a little bit of death!  Sometimes it actually is. But we still have to do it anyways. Join me in this episode as I walk through How to finally Surrender something to the Lord. It's super simple, but also super hard. To help make the point, I also tell 3 stories in my life of where I've had to surrender something, and the pain and agony I've gone through to do it....

201 - Burn The Boats with Kevin Phillip show art 201 - Burn The Boats with Kevin Phillip

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Sometimes God asks us for little things. A little adjustment here or there.  Sometimes He asks us to do things that scare the...poop out of us. How we respond to His call tells us a lot about ourselves. All too often we crumble and falter. But we don't have to! Join me in this episode as Kevin Phillip shares his story of God's call to ministry through his life. Sometimes it was easy, and sometimes it was very hard. God often calls us into the place we least want to go - the place we are most afraid of. How we respond to that call sets the course of our lives! You can read more about...

200 - The Real I show art 200 - The Real I

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Every human has a great number of pieces, parts, and facets to themself. Finding balance is often difficult - commonly one piece (perhaps a lustful piece) takes over control and we seem "surprised" with where we end up. Things get really bad when we confuse a "piece" of ourself for the actual "self." Who is the real "I" that lives beneath all our desires, whims, and needs? Join me in this episode as I start with Exodus chapter 32 (the original "Pride Parade") and explore what commonly happens whenever we confuse a piece of ourselves with the actual self. The response is for the Levites to draw...

199 - God's Patience with Scott Maderer show art 199 - God's Patience with Scott Maderer

Catholic Life Coach For Men

So often in our lives, God is moving pieces that we don't see, or at least understand. We commonly are so focused on the moment we fail to see the bigger picture. Commonly we fear that things are so bad there is no way even God could bring good out. But there are also those blessed moments where God lets us really see back in time - see the beauty of His design, the power of His creativity. In those moments we are offered a renewed hope. Join me in this episode as Scott Maderer shares his story. It is a powerful story of a patient God who lets Scott try it his own way. When that fails, God...

198 - Deacons of Hope with Dr Kevin Cummings show art 198 - Deacons of Hope with Dr Kevin Cummings

Catholic Life Coach For Men

The Pro-Life cause is near and dear to many Catholics' hearts. Yet, a lot of us, with good intention, write a check, pray, and hope that's enough. Here's a great story about a group of Deacons who set out to do more. Join me in this episode as Deacon Dr. Kevin Cummings shares the story of Deacons of Hope. While based in Kansas, they are looking to expand. They created an amazing way to help women who were considering abortion; they support, treat, and train these women for success in life. Deacon Kevin also shares some great life advice for those of us who aren't in that "second career" phase...

196 - Time and Purpose with David Buck show art 196 - Time and Purpose with David Buck

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Most of us believe that God has a plan for us. Probably even a purpose...but do we know what it is? Have you done the work to really connect deeply with God's plan for you? If so, have you gone even further and aligned your time, your calendar, and your life with that purpose? Join me in this episode as David Buck shares both his story and his wisdom about this topic. Like many of us, God has regularly given David a radical turn in the "plan" of his life. As David learned to navigate these changes, he was better able to connect with his purpose and align his time to that purpose. I invite you...

197 - How To Find The Real Issue show art 197 - How To Find The Real Issue

Catholic Life Coach For Men

We all get triggered. Some of us, frequently. When we get triggered, we love to point the finger at the other person, at the situation, even at God. But what if the right person to point the finger at is ourselves? My claim to you is that you have the power to solve your own triggers, to create your own responses that you choose. You can do it by finally getting to the bottom of what in your life controls you. Join me in this episode as I walk through a process to help sort out and confront many common root causes that cause us as men to become triggered. You can do a lot of this work by...

195 - The Trap of Addiction with Logan Hufford show art 195 - The Trap of Addiction with Logan Hufford

Catholic Life Coach For Men

There are some addictions and traps that God lets us get out of pretty easy, but there are some that are really tough. Often we persuade ourselves that we can do it, or that it'll be enough to just get mostly clean - but we're wrong. We delay the healing through self deception. Join me in this episode as Logan Hufford shares his story of a severe sexual addiction and the years he spent struggling for freedom. So often he deceived even himself about what was going on. Even in his darkest moments, God had a plan. The struggle to fully accept God's love is hard for all of us, but certainly for...

194 - Community and Mentorship with Terry Allen show art 194 - Community and Mentorship with Terry Allen

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Most of us have been blessed repeatedly in life by another person offering wisdom and perspective. Sometimes it was a formal mentorship, sometimes simply a random passing. There's something fundamental to the human experience to learn from and be in community with other humans. Our modern world is quietly suffering in extreme isolation. We've never been so lonely. But we don't have to stay alone! Join me in this episode as Terry Allen describes a new program he is launching to provide mentors to people of all ages. This program is totally free, and has the potential to forever change your...

193 - Escape Addiction with Nico Morales show art 193 - Escape Addiction with Nico Morales

Catholic Life Coach For Men

Addiction can leave one feeling utterly trapped, helpless, and powerless. It's so hard to escape, and even harder yet to hold onto hope. Yet we are never too far gone for God's mercy. Join me in this episode as Nico Morales shares his amazing story of addiction, escape, falling again, and escape again. God's love and grace are what save us all, but not everyone's story shows that love and grace quite so powerfully! You can read more about Nico at his website:

More Episodes

It's hard to love your spouse. If you're married - you know this already. There comes a point in every marriage where love ceases to be a feeling, and must become a choice.

This episode is a little bit different. I'm joined by Kathleen Donnelly Israel, and our conversation moves from her lessons in marriage, to caring for her medically challenged husband, to her experience on the Camino de Santiago.

She shares wisdom and perspective from each phase of life. For husbands who want to better understand their wives, I recommend listening!

You can find Kathleen's book on Amazon at
