Episode 038: Interview with Katelynn Spencer about Image Based Sexual Abuse
Release Date: 02/09/2023
Justice Hope Freedom Podcast
Rod Davis with TEARS Ministries which stands for True Evangelism Always Requires Sacrifice, was founded by Rod and Twila Davis and is a faith-based not for profit based in La Vega, Dominican Republic. They see first had how girls and boys in their community in the Dominican Republic are groomed and recruited into sex slavery. What they provide as an organization, helps to prevent it. TEARS provides free elementary and high school education to children who would not otherwise have the educational opportunity, operates a water treatment plant, a Health and Wellness Center, Aquaponics Fish...
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Kristen A. Jenson is the founder of Defend Young Minds and is the author of the Good Pictures Bad Pictures series of read-aloud books. She is also the executive producer of the Brain DefenseTM: Digital Safety curriculum—a powerful and engaging video-based course for families and educators. Kristen shares about major ways pornogarphy sets kids up for sex trafficking and provides resources to help parents, guardians, family members and educators to protect their kids. Connect with Defend Young Minds Website/Books: Facebook: Instagram: @defendyoungminds Twitter: @defendYM ...
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Dignity Coconuts was born in 2010 and is a social enterprise with a mission to stop modern-day slavery for coconut farming communities. Years of nonprofit work fighting trafficking revealed many of the women were trafficked from poor rural farming areas. The coconut industry uses predatory loans and corrupt buying practices to enslave farmers, leaving them vulnerable to trafficking. Erik Olson, USA President of Dignity Coconuts, highlights what they are doing to help fight modern day slavery. Connect with Diginity Coconuts! You Tube: @Dignitycoconuts FB: @DignityCoconuts IG:...
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Jay Benke is an abduction and child sex trafficking survivor located in Oregon. As a person whose disabilities and LGBTQ2IA+ identity intersect with her survivorship, she brings a unique perspective as she serves the community. She specializes in advocacy for the disabled, trafficked children and youth, victims of intimate partner violence, people experiencing houselessness, and victims who have been incarcerated. The focus of her work ranges from criminal justice reform to demand reduction to survivor equity and inclusion to harm reduction and trauma-informed care. When I asked her to come on...
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Vanessa Russell, Founder of Love Never Fails in California. Love Never Fails formed in December 2011 after the Founder's teenage dance student experienced human trafficking in the SF Bay Area. They are committed to the well-being of all youth and driven to restore, educate and protect them from sex trafficking. Their approach addresses a survivor's needs on their journey to safety and wholeness. On a call Vanessa and I were both on with World Without Exploitation, I learned through hearing her share that there is a push to legalize sex work in San Francisco, California and to have red...
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This episode we are going to talk about the work I do to prevent sex trafficking and domestic violence. I, Adrienne Livingston, am a co-developer of the Girl Empowerment Curriculum along with Michele Lathrop. We created this curriculum to serve as a resource for churches, Christian schools and nonprofits to use to educate and address the underlying issues that impact girls today and make them vulnerable to the lures of traffickers and pimps. The curriculum includes discussing our image in God, our identity, personal boundaries, intuition, red flags, using our voice, healthy and unhealthy...
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I have the pleasure of welcoming to the show Traci Rossi, Executive Director of Friends of the Children, Portland Chapter. Traci has over 20 years of nonprofit leadership experience with an emphasis in education, community outreach, and service to girls, women, children, and families. Traci was recently named a 2020 Woman of Influence by the Portland Business Journal. Friends of the Children’s mission is to “Impact generational change by empowering youth who are facing the greatest obstacles through relationships with professional mentors for 12+ years. No matter what.” This...
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Claire Barrera an artist, activist and educator based in Portland, Oregon. They have worked in the anti-violence movement for over 20 years. Currently they work as the Sex Trafficking Senior Strategist with Multnomah County and organize with Brown Girl Rise. In 2009, Multnomah County established the Multnomah County Sex Trafficking Collaborative which is a network of government, not-for-profit agencies, and community members that collaborate to create a coordinated system to prevent and respond to sex trafficking. The goal of the Sex Trafficking Collaborative is to create a...
info_outlineJustice Hope Freedom Podcast
Katelynn Spencer is a survivor-leader in the fight against image-based sexual abuse. Her personal fight for justice began upon finding out that a friend, who groomed her into making a sex video with him, uploaded it and another one she was unaware that he had recorded, onto Pornhub, a global pornography platform, without her consent. The videos had been downloaded, favorited, and commented on – all without her knowledge. One charge was eventually filed against her friend – “Distribution of Obscene Material” – but the case was dismissed, in part because Massachusetts has no law...
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Yasmin Vafa, Executive Director with Rights4Girls shares about their work to advocate for the dignity and rights of young women and girls so that every girl can be safe and live a life free of violence and exploitation. Yasmin has testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the need for legislative reform for girls in the legal system. Learn more about Rights4Girls and sign-up for their newsletter at . Follow them on Instagram and Facebook. Read about the To sponsor a podcast, email me at or to donate . Go to to learn more about fighting and preventing sex...
info_outlineKatelynn Spencer is a survivor-leader in the fight against image-based sexual abuse.
Her personal fight for justice began upon finding out that a friend, who groomed her into making a sex video with him, uploaded it and another one she was unaware that he had recorded, onto Pornhub, a global pornography platform, without her consent. The videos had been downloaded, favorited, and commented on – all without her knowledge.
One charge was eventually filed against her friend – “Distribution of Obscene Material” – but the case was dismissed, in part because Massachusetts has no law against uploading non-consensual, pornographic material. (Massachusetts is one of only two states that have yet to enact laws against image-based sexual abuse.)
We discuss the PROTECT Act, which would require age and consent verification of those depicted in sexually explicit or intimate materials online, as an imperative step forward in human rights.
Learn more about The Protect Act here https://endsexualexploitation.org/articles/protect-act-will-aid-victims-of-image-based-sexual-abuse-against-big-porn/
To sponsor a podcast, email me at [email protected] or to donate click here.
Go to https://justicehopefreedom.com/ to learn more about fighting and preventing sex trafficking.