Peak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
Part 4 in this series on making this your best year ever - systems and strategies. My goals, tasks, calendar and time blocking strategies: ✅ Part 1: ✅ Part 2: ✅ Part 3: Learn more about how I might assist you at Watch the videos on how to put together your selling strategy at
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
Part 3 in our series to make THIS year the best ever...finally. More than just word salad and broken dreams and promises. We cover the morning routine, key components of managing your energy and Peak Performance Zone of Genius Time of day, and how to time block your calendar. ✅ ✅ ✅ We overestimate what we can do any year and underestimate what we can do in five years. Here's my own case study of launching a business with a specific plan and strategy, what I accomplished and learned after 8 months. Learn more about how I might assist you at Watch the videos on how to put together...
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
There is winning and there is learning in the years we spend! Which do you want this next year to be? Learn more about how I might assist you at Watch the videos on how to put together your selling strategy at
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
We overestimate what we can do any year and underestimate what we can do in five years. Here's my own case study of launching a business with a specific plan and strategy, what I accomplished and learned after 8 months. Learn more about how I might assist you at Watch the videos on how to put together your selling strategy at
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
In this 1st of a 4 part series, we are going to be BOLD! 4 Key Principles To Achieve Reflect/Review Re-evaluate Re-ignite Your Passions and Desires Re-engage to Execute Learn more about the Program Follow
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
It's been a minute and I hope you're still here! Here's what's up! EXPECT Success! Jackie Ulmer
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
You want success in Business and you want it BAD. Most people think they must know more or have something outside of themselves to have success. Knowing how to speak the perfect script or have a better business candidate list. Thoughts are things. What you think about comes about. Does your mind, do your thoughts show you a clear path to success? Do you clearly see your way to the success you desire? What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - ROCK your marketing and messaging! 2) Grab my 3) Join me on a -...
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
Planning for success is what makes things run more smoothly. And, effortlessly. Easy to do, and so much easier not to do. Here is the thing - if you will buckle down and make it part of your routine, for just 90 days - that’s 13 weeks if you do it once a week - you will have an outline you can use over and over. What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - ROCK your marketing and messaging! 2) Grab my 3) Join me on a - but ONLY if you are serious about investing time, energy, focus and some money in your...
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
When we think of making sales, or getting the "Sign up" we most often think that our job is to change the mind or change the thoughts of our potential client. But this is not the case. Here is what you must know and do..... What's Next? When you're serious and ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 1) Join me for "The Challenge" - ROCK your marketing and messaging! 2) Grab my 3) Join me on a - but ONLY if you are serious about investing time, energy, focus and some money in your business and yourself.
info_outlinePeak Performance Habits - Jackie Ulmer
Last month I recorded an episode called . Go back and revisit it if you haven’t. We talk about the power i simply creating a chain pf consistency. Over my nearly 25 years online and 30 years owning my own business, that word - consistency - has consistently shown up in every aspect of my business. And, everyone else with a success story who I have spoken with and that number is in the hundreds. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, or what I like to call, comparanoia. That's when we look at everybody else and their success, and we begin to measure it against our own. What we...
info_outlineNarcissism is a term that is bantered around quite a bit. What is the true definition of a Narcissist ? How do you watch for the traits?
Joining me today is Del Adey-Jones, a relationship coach, who shares her riveting story of growing up with two narcissistic parents, and how that led her to replicated the same in her own adult life in relationships.
We cover:
The true definition of a Narcissist
Traits to watch for
Agreements vs Expectations
Healthy Boundaries
And so much more!
Learn more about Del here!
This topic started on the Pilot Wife Podcast after being highly requested. The question - are pilots all narcissists - came up a number of times. Pilots can easily be lumped into that category based on certain aspects of their job, compartmentalism and other traits required of a successful pilot. We cover this inside, too. While you may not be in a relationship with a pilot, aspects of the job relate to other professions, too.
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