The Catholic Current
In Let's Talk About This, Fr. McTeigue again discusses Acedia and the subtle idolatries of delusional optimism. How can we break from the desires for others to "do the work" for us? Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to help you prepare for the upcoming Sunday Mass. Show Notes
info_outline Hey! We Found Your Culture! (Matthew Plese) 1/23/25The Catholic Current
We welcome back author Matthew Plese to discuss his latest book about the comprehensive culture of Christendom. What was lost, and how can we rise above indifferent membership in the Church? Show Notes
info_outline Let’s Take A Closer Look: After All the Listening—Then What?The Catholic Current
We don't have the luxury of endless opining. Sometimes we have to stop talking and we have to start doing what needs to be done. Let's take a closer look.
info_outline When Doctors & Patients Conspire (Sarah Cain) 1/21/25The Catholic Current
We welcome back Sarah Cain, known as The Crusader Gal to discuss her recent article on transgenderism, mutilation, and the state of modern medicine. Do any doctors have the courage to refuse immoral medical requests? Father finishes with Timely Thoughts. Show Notes
info_outline Let's Take A Closer Look: Should Christians Just "Shut Up?"The Catholic Current
We're pleased to introduce Father McTeigue's new video series, Let's Take A Closer Look. Here is the first episode, asking the question: Should Christians Shut Up?
info_outline 2025 Two-Day Appeal Day 2 - Ask Father McTeigueThe Catholic Current
Did you miss day two of Ask Father during the Two-Day Fund Drive? Check out his answers to your questions sent in, and please consider donating to The Station of the Cross. Father also makes a special announcement, and reveals the long-teased changes regarding the show. Show Notes
info_outline 2025 Two-Day Appeal Day 1 - Ask Father McTeigueThe Catholic Current
Did you miss day one of Ask Father during the Two-Day Fund Drive? Check out his answers to your questions sent in, and please consider donating to The Station of the Cross. Show Notes
info_outline A New & Improved Year for Higher Education? (Micaiah Bilger) 1/14/25The Catholic Current
We welcome Micaiah Bilger of The College Fix to discuss the Department of Education, the use of AI in education, and the growing pushback against DEI initiatives. What might we see in 2025 in terms of higher education? Father finishes with Timely Thoughts. Show Notes
info_outline Preventing Spiritual Defeat in 2025 (Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J.) 1/10/25The Catholic Current
In Let's Talk About This, Fr. McTeigue discusses do-something-ism, McTeigue's Axiom, and planning to fail. How could anyone think it possible to bring about renewal without true repentance? Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to help you prepare for the upcoming Sunday Mass. Show Notes
info_outline A Pastor Talks About Reverence (Fr. Casey Jones) 1/9/25The Catholic Current
We welcome back Fr. Casey Jones to discuss efficiency, love, and the blasphemy of indifference using his latest article in Crisis Magazine. Is there more behind the decision of some to discourage the traditional postures of reverence within the liturgy? Show Notes
info_outlineWe welcome back Fr. Casey Jones of the Diocese of Venice to discuss his article in Crisis Magazine. What does God demand of us in our worship of Him, and why is sacramental confession a necessary component for any honest attempt at a Eucharistic revival?
A Eucharistic Revolt | Crisis Magazine
Eucharistic Coherence & Vocations To The Priesthood
Is Your Parish Like a Convenience Store?
Mark Brumley - "The Eucharist is neither a prize for the perfect nor unction for the unrepentant..."
If Any One Say (The Anathemas of Trent Song)