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EP 16: Building Block #5: Non-Gross Marketing and Sales

Simple Prospering

Release Date: 12/07/2023

EP 22: The Lifecycle of a Healing Arts Business show art EP 22: The Lifecycle of a Healing Arts Business

Simple Prospering

Today I want to talk about the lifecycle of a healing arts business. I have been working on figuring this out for, oh… almost 24 years now… Both in navigating my own healing arts businesses (which have spanned many different business models, aka ways of delivering the service), and in helping many many other people to do the same thing. If that sounds like a snoozefest, the reason why it’s useful to connect all the dots in one place is that once you see the patterns, you can spot where you are within them (within your own business). And from there you can do a lot of things! Things...

EP 21: Creative Cave show art EP 21: Creative Cave

Simple Prospering

I’m emerging from a creative cave, and so I thought I’d talk a bit about the creative cave itself. This is when you know you want to focus thoroughly on one thing, and so you deliberately stop doing other things that will drain time energy and attention away from the One Thing.  But if you wear all the hats in your business, how do you decide what can be paused? And once you do, how do you make sure to put your creative cave time to good use?

EP 20: Refinement show art EP 20: Refinement

Simple Prospering

When we work for ourselves, one of the things we are constantly engaged with is refinement.   In this week's episode I trace the journey of refinement for the , complete with embarrassing tales of my early days in practice. 

EP 19: Do You Want to Be Self-Employed? show art EP 19: Do You Want to Be Self-Employed?

Simple Prospering

Many of us come to self-employment through a side door. Meaning, few of us choose self-employment first, and then what it is we will do as a self-employed person second.  Instead, most people acquire some skill, and either right away or eventually, it makes the most sense to deliver that skill as a self-employed person. This means that many people wind up working for themselves without ever consciously asking themselves the question, “Do I want to be self employed?”  Oftentimes those of us who support self-employed or entrepreneurial types of businesses are caught up in...

EP 18: Building Block #6: Systematize Your Burnout-Proof Business show art EP 18: Building Block #6: Systematize Your Burnout-Proof Business

Simple Prospering

We made it to the final building block! This week I’m discussing building block number 6: how to systematize your burnout proof business.  (If you missed building blocks 1 through 5, you can go back through the most recent episodes, and/or you can download the free ebook .) Building blocks 1 through 5 are all about attaining liftoff, but most of what you will be doing in your business is running your actual business!  This is when the challenge becomes how to streamline and systematize the operations of your business so that you don’t wind up constantly in the weeds or constantly...

EP 17: Michelle Warner on Relationship Marketing show art EP 17: Michelle Warner on Relationship Marketing

Simple Prospering

This week I am delighted to be joined by Michelle Warner, a business designer and strategist and an expert on the topic of relationship marketing.  The vast majority of what we see these days is traffic-based marketing, which is well suited to mass market brands, but not at all well suited to tiny service-providing businesses. What serves us well is strategic, generous fostering of relationships.  In this interview, Michelle Warner talks us through some of the typical misconceptions, pitfalls, and, most importantly, winning approaches to cultivate our own relationship marketing...

EP 16: Building Block #5: Non-Gross Marketing and Sales show art EP 16: Building Block #5: Non-Gross Marketing and Sales

Simple Prospering

"Marketing" and "sales" are much loathed words and activities in the tiny service-providing business space. Most of us got into our work to help people out while practicing something we have a deep love for. Not to feel like we're shaking people down for money. That's totally fair!  Except... if a business is not bringing in revenue, it's not a business (call back to building block #1...). So marketing and sales become essential, but we don't have to do them in ways that are either overwhelming or which just feel gross. We truly don't! In this episode I discuss the simplest definitions of...

EP 15: Building Block #4: How Branding Puts Wind at Your Back show art EP 15: Building Block #4: How Branding Puts Wind at Your Back

Simple Prospering

In building block #4 from You Need a Holistic Business, I'm talking about how branding (done right) puts a lot of wind at your back.  I also talk about what branding is NOT, particularly when it comes to small service-providing businesses. You don't need an iconic logo the way mega corporations do- If you're listening to this podcast you probably aren't thinking about opening up "flagship" stores, or buying a Superbowl ad, or generally "dominating market share" like an 8-figure company.  In our cases, branding is about the cohesive voice, vibe, and flow of how your business is...

EP 14: Building Block #3: Craft Your Model show art EP 14: Building Block #3: Craft Your Model

Simple Prospering

We are going through the 6 essential building blocks for a thriving small business. This week is number 3, about how you can craft your business model in a way that is thoughtful about your strengths, your clients' true needs, and your revenue goals.  One the one hand, sometimes we assume that we need to tolerate a certain level of burnout, when we don't! And on the other hand, sometimes we seek self-employment nirvana to our own detriment, and jump from one business model to the next too quickly.  In this episode we discuss how you can think through crafting your model for yourself...

EP 13: Building Block #2: Strengths and Needs show art EP 13: Building Block #2: Strengths and Needs

Simple Prospering

In building block #2 I'm talking about how to build a business around BOTH your strengths and your clients' true needs. Oftentimes things are lopsided in that equation. A symptom that things have gotten out of balance is that everything starts to feel Sisyphean- you keep rolling that boulder up the hill and it keeps rolling right back down.  In micro businesses we wear all the hats! So we have a lot less running room for a business that isn't well structured. I troubleshoot how to spot an unbalanced business, and how to weave your strengths and your clients needs into an offering...

More Episodes

"Marketing" and "sales" are much loathed words and activities in the tiny service-providing business space. Most of us got into our work to help people out while practicing something we have a deep love for. Not to feel like we're shaking people down for money. That's totally fair! 

Except... if a business is not bringing in revenue, it's not a business (call back to building block #1...). So marketing and sales become essential, but we don't have to do them in ways that are either overwhelming or which just feel gross. We truly don't!

In this episode I discuss the simplest definitions of marketing and sales for our purposes, and the simplest and most effective (and non-gross) ways to engage with them.