EP 22: The Lifecycle of a Healing Arts Business
EP 22: The Lifecycle of a Healing Arts Business
Today I want to talk about the lifecycle of a healing arts business. I have been working on figuring this out for, oh… almost 24 years now… Both in navigating my own healing arts businesses (which have spanned many different business models, aka ways of delivering the service), and in helping many many other people to do the same thing. If that sounds like a snoozefest, the reason why it’s useful to connect all the dots in one place is that once you see the patterns, you can spot where you are within them (within your own business). And from there you can do a lot of things! Things like: Understanding what is “normal” ups and downs, and what is cause for recalibrating things Assessing current challenges and knowing what will actually help to alleviate them rather than throwing everything at the wall and hoping something sticks. Saving you from spending TONS OF TIME AND MONEY on things that will not help you because they are not oriented towards a tiny healing arts business, or because they are just not the right tool at the right time. Feeling much more comfortable in your own skin, and in your own business, based on living up to the values and desires that you have for your work, rather than all the “supposed-tos” that float around. Basically, feeling less like you are “doing it wrong” in your business, and knowing that some amount of consternation is just normal when you are self-employed. So… hopefully this mapping of the lifecycle of a healing arts business will help you to more quickly and easily alleviate unnecessary stress! Want some support in your business? Visit