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The Living One - Week 4: Who Would Invent This?

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Release Date: 03/31/2024

The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 9 show art The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 9

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Revelation Chapter 4 -- The throne of God in Heaven; 24 elders, the seven spirits of God, 4 living creatures - Old Testament references and schools of interpretation. Q & A session. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together.    

The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 8 show art The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 8

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Revelation 3:14-22 -- Laodicea, the lukewarm church; Parallels in modern times; "I stand at the door and knock" often misunderstood; Views on meaning and application of the letters to 7 churches. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together.  

The Living One - Week 14: Crown of Life show art The Living One - Week 14: Crown of Life

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A study of the story of Stephen, a man who understood the truth of Jesus and experienced the consequences of speaking the wisdom the Holy Spirit gave him. God is calling us today to have the faith of Stephen, to follow the Lord Jesus, to be faithful, to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us, and to speak God’s truth in love.

Rescued by Truth: Week 25 show art Rescued by Truth: Week 25

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"Design demands a designer." Evidence of intelligent design is all around and within us, but for what were we designed? The answer begins with "...to have a relationship with God..." and is meant to end with "..to know God's unconditional love."

The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 7 show art The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 7

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Revelation 2:18 - 3:13 -- Letters to the churches of Thyatira, Sardis, and Philadelphia; Thyatira - Lydia vs. "Jezebel"; Exhortation to "Wake Up!" What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together.  

Two Year Gospel Study Week 25 show art Two Year Gospel Study Week 25

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Mark 14:1-26. Jesus’ anointing during the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the significance of this anointing and how it ties into a kingly anointing; observations that point to God being in control of every detail of the plan for Jesus, nothing was by chance and Pastor shows the consistent truth of the Bible; the betrayal of Jesus by Judas is set into place; Passover and its picture of Jesus as the Sacrificial Lamb; the Last Supper and the New Covenant; The Bread in the Middle - Jesus the Messiah; The 4 cups of Passover but Jesus stops with the 3rd and will not take the 4th cup until He...

The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 6 show art The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 6

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Revelation 2:8-17 -- Format of letters to 7 churches, Letters to Smyrna and Pergamum; Word "Repent" used more in Revelation than in any other New Testament book. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together.  

The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 5 show art The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 5

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Revelation 1:12 - 2:7 -- Identity of Jesus in John's vision confirmed by Old Testament references; Overview of letters to the 7 "churches" or assemblies; meaning of "ekklesia," often translated church; Letter to Ephesus. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together.  

The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 4 show art The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 4

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Revelation 1:7-13 -- Jesus, the promised great Passover Lamb; Old Testament references and fulfillment; Why "Seven" churches?;  What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together.  

The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 3 show art The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah - Week 3

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Week 3 is on our need for humility in interpretation; Overview of Millennial interpretations (Historic Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, Dispensational Premillennialism); References to Old Testament permeate Revelation. What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 1:1-7  

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Everything stands and falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the heart of the New Testament, and also the greatest message the world has ever heard. Christ is risen! Today’s message explores cowardice, crucifixion, corroboration, confusion and finally courage that opens our eyes to be convinced! Christ is risen, and in Him is our hope for today and forever, for He IS The Living One!